The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program offers the National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of early-career faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models in research and education and to lead advances in the mission of their department or organization.


In collaboration with the Office of Research Development, we provide the following support for faculty who are preparing an NSF CAREER proposal:

Panel Session

In the spring, we hold a panel session with MSU awardees to talk about the unique aspects of the NSF CAREER proposal.

See the recent awardees here


Writing Groups

We organize writing groups for faculty who are applying to provide feedback and support for the writing process. Want to join a writing group?

Email Nika Stoop at


Access to Successful Proposals

We have gathered information and documents from previous MSU award winners on a shared drive.

Request access now

Proposal Enhancement Grants

This program is designed to increase the competitiveness and rates of success for research proposals submitted by MSU PIs and co-PIs to external sponsors.

Learn more

Broader Impacts Plan Support

We can also help with creating your broader impacts plan, here are some resources to get you started:

  • ARIS Broader Impact Toolkit - The resources and tools on this site are designed to help Researchers and BI Professionals develop projects and partnerships that will satisfy the Broader Impact requirement of National Science Foundation (NSF) proposals, and help you fulfill your interest in communicating your science.
  • Outreach efforts at MSU - This page has a list of organizations you might think about partnering with for the educational and broader impacts aspects of your proposal.
  • Meet with us to get one-on-one support, email

Integrating Education and Research

One unique aspect of the NSF CAREER is including how you are going to integrate your educational goals and research goals. Here are some articles that talk about this subject:

  • Real-life research projects improve student engagement and provide reliable data for academics. Sarah A. Marley, Alessandro Siani, and Stuart Sims Link to full article
  • Co-teaching in Undergraduate STEM Education: A Lever for Pedagogical Change toward Evidence-Based Teaching? Haag, K., Pickett, S. B., Trujillo, G., & Andrews, T. C.
  • Enhancing academic work through the synergy between teaching and research. Anna Reid & Peter Petocz Link to full article
  • Integrating Research and Teaching in the IS Classroom: Benefits for Teachers and Students. Nikolaus Obwegeser & Pantelis M. Papadopoulos Link to full article
  • Integrating Teaching and Research in Undergraduate Biology Laboratory Education. Mathew J. Kloser, Sara E. Brownell, Nona R. Chiariello, and Tadashi Fukami Link to full article
  • Implementing Cognitive Science and Discipline-Based Education Research in the Undergraduate Classroom. Ido Davidesco and Catherine Milne Link to full article

Proposal Submission Support

We also provide assistance with the submission process: proposal review, document preparation, Fastlane/ support, and/or help with budgets.

Want assistance with your grant submission? Email