Meet Your Tutors

Get to know our undergraduate and graduate peer tutors.

Tutor Bios
Tutor Spotlights
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Meet Our Staff

Meet our staff.

Staff Bios


Learn more about what we're working on in the Writing Center and upcoming events.


Hours & Locations

Writing Center tutors are available face-to-face and online six days a week in three locations across campus. 

Space Bios

Hours & Locations

FAQ & How To

Get answers to frequently asked questions and learn more about how to use the Writing Center.

FAQ & How To

What to Expect from Your In-Person Writing Center Session


The MSU Writing Center supports students across MSU as they develop the written communication skills necessary in their academic, professional, and civic lives. Our undergraduate and graduate peer tutors provide one-on-one tutoring, resources for writing, writing group facilitation, and workshop facilitation that complement and support students’ classroom instruction. We are a dynamic, collaborative environment. Our staff are available to talk with faculty about how to integrate meaningful writing experiences into their course designs.


As members of the MSU Writing Center, we acknowledge that language can be used both to empower and to oppress. 

We commit to enacting our land-grant mission as we welcome all students, staff, and faculty. 

We commit to supporting those who have been historically underserved.  

We commit to learning with and for our community about the power of language, using what we learn to provide resources and support for our community, and raising awareness about the power of language in shaping our lives and our world.