Project Process
GOAL: Identify project parameters and requirements, and initiate feasibility study
- Define project parameters and scope along with delivery options
- Outline preliminary project schedule
- Ascertain preliminary order of magnitude cost
- Identify project study funding source
- Overview of state, BOR, LRBP, Legislative and University authorities and requirements
GOAL: Establish agreement on scope, schedule, budget, and funding source
- Define and confirm the project scope and program
- Outline proposed project schedule
- Develop estimate of probable cost
- Confirm overview of state, BOR and University authorities and requirements
- Identify delegation responsibility with State A&E division regarding administration of project
- Determine desired project delivery method: Design Bid Build is most common, GCCM option for large complex projects
GOAL: Secure spending authority, approvals and funding
- Initiate formal internal project approvals (i.e. Deans, VP's, Provost, etc.)
- Transfer project funding and set up project accounting (i.e. Plant Funds, MOU's etc.)
- Secure appropriate spending authority based on project budget and type of project:
- $0-75K = President
- $75K-$350K = OCHE
- >$350K = BOR
- LRBP = Legislative 2 year cycle
GOAL: Select professionals to design the project.
- Project Cost dictates Design Option
- < 75K Client has an option for in-house or outsource design services
- > 75K MCA requires outsource design services
- Project Costs and Consultant Fees Dictates Selection Process
- < 20K PDC and Client selects directly (up to 2 weeks)
- >20K consultant fees and <500K project cost
- PDC recommends 3 firms to State A&E
- State A&E makes final selection
- > 500K project cost requires formal selection process
- State advertisement and interviews
GOAL: Schematic design aligns with intended budget.
- Develop Schematic Design options
- Translate the project program into preliminary drawings
- Verify physical requirements
- Refine and update cost estimate or probable cost and project schedule
GOAL: Verify that Design Development aligns with approved scope and budget.
- Continue development of the Schematic Design
- Refine programmatic requirements
- Develop project details
- Integrate infrastructure and MEP (mechanical, electric, plumbing) systems
- Continue to refine project budget and schedule
- Finalize design decisions
GOAL: Finalize bidding and permit documents
- Translate design intent into documents from which to construct the project
- Final reconciliation of project scope and budget
- Confirm construction/contingency funds in plant fund
GOAL: Execute contract for construction
- Project Cost dictates Construction Option
- < 75K Client has an option for in-house or outsource construction services
- > 75K MCA requires outsource construction services
- Project Costs Dictates Contractor Selection Process
- < 25K PDC and Client direct select contractor
- > 25k and <75k 3 informal Bids are obtained
- >75K MCA requires formal bid process
- Evaluate Contractor bid proposal
- Contract with lowest responsible bidder
GOAL: Realize project vision.
- Contractor constructs the project
- CPDC coordinates construction with client, project team and campus entities
- Project design team ensures project is built per specs and expectations
- Project testing and training
- Sign off by State and local authorities
GOAL: Close out project and client occupies space.
- Project is accepted
- The project is turned over to the occupants for their intended use
- Occupants move in (activities coordinated by PDC)
- Final accounting and reconciliation of funding
- Project is in warranty period for 12 months (Inspect near end of period)