Members Present: Kathryn Pearson – Co-Chair, Sreekala Bajwa, Bill Clinton, Chris Fastnow, Brett Gunnink, EJ Hook, Shawn Long, Mike McNeil, Tom Rogers, Leslie Schmidt (for Jason Carter and Duane Morris), Durward Sobek (for Robert Mokwa)

Proxy’s: Joe Schumacher

Members Absent: Norris Blossom, John How (for Terry Leist), Kris Johnson, Andrew Nosler, Royce Smith, Mike Stanley

Staff & Guests: Bruce Barnhart, Alisha Downs, Florence Dunkel, Richard Rudnicki, Michael Everts


Mike Everts suggested removing John Brittingham from the December meeting minutes as he is no longer with the university.
The committee motioned to approve the draft minutes from December 21, 2021.
The meeting minutes from December 21, 2021 were approved unanimously.






ITEM No. 4 – RECOMMENDATION – Plant Bioscience Building Display

Presenter: Richard Rudnicki, Planning Manager

Richard Rudnicki presented the proposal for a wall display on the first floor outside the Thayer Conference room in the Plant Bioscience Building.
The proposed display is meant to show how plant sciences and indigenous knowledge are intertwined by highlighting the Montana Agriculture Experimental Stations (MAES) and their relationship with the federally recognized tribes and reservations in Montana. The display will replace an existing map of MAES with a more detailed map and display to better reflect these relationships across the state and show the role of plant sciences. This location is highly visible with the Thayer conference room being used extensively by a diverse group of stakeholders and the atrium and courtyard being used for events.
This item has been reviewed and approved by the College and by the VP of Agriculture and Dean Sreekala Bajwa.
Committee members expressed concerns about accessibility, as well as the medallion pieces being stolen. There is also concern for the free hanging design and the possibility of bumping the piece unintentionally with a backpack, etc. It was suggested that students, especially those that identify with an American Indian tribe, are involved with this installation. Committee members asked that a drawing of the proposed display will come back as an information item.

EJ Hook moved to approve the motion, the motion was seconded, and the recommendation was approved unanimously.


ITEM No. 5 – RECOMMENDATION – Email Voting Policy

Presenter: Richard Rudnicki, Planning Manager

Richard Rudnicki proposed the creation of an email voting policy for the University Facilities Planning Board. following a set of guidelines adopted from the Space Management Committee.
The University Facilities Planning Board (UFPB) currently does not have guidelines for acting on recommendations without having an in-person meeting. However, UFPB has recognized that some items may not warrant a full in-person meeting and that the expedient advancement of minor items by email vote would be beneficial to addressing such requests. Guidelines have been developed using the email voting guidelines adopted by the Space Management Committee as a framework. Under this proposal, the UFPB Chair and Vice Chair have the authority to hold a deciding vote by email under warranted circumstances.

A committee member moved to approve the University Facilities Planning Board Email Voting Policy, the motion was seconded, and the recommendation was approved with one abstention from the City of Bozeman.


ITEM No. 6 – INFORMATIONAL – Event Radio System Antenna
Presenter: Richard Rudnicki, Planning Manager
Richard Rudnicki presented information on the Event Radio System Antenna. Due to the construction of the Wellness Center, the event radio system antenna and repeater needs to be relocated. Once the construction of the Wellness Center is complete, the antenna and repeater can be returned to an appropriate location on the building by the University Services trades staff. Pictures showed an appropriate repeater location and a temporary repeater location. Consistent with past projects, temporary items related to construction, and within the construction limits, do not require UFPB approval.


