Spring 2024

cover of mountains and minds spring 2024 issue: drum major

Energizing the crowd: Spirit of the West marching band celebrates 40th anniversary

View the Spring 2024 issue


Fall 2023

Cover of mountains and minds Fall 2023 issue: hayfield

A community lifeline: MSU nursing alumni provide healthcare for rural Montanans

View the Fall 2023 issue


Spring 2023

cover of Spring 2023 Mountains and Minds magazine showing a tipi on campus

Becoming a world leader: MSU efforts help transform Bozeman into a photonics industry center

View the Spring 2023 issue

Fall 2022

Cover of Mountains and Minds fall 2022 magazine picturing student athlete Paige Rasmussen and her horse.

A bond built on rodeo: Sisters help women’s rodeo to national title

View the Fall 2022 issue

Spring 2022

student researcher works with agricultural precision technology hardware in the field

The future of farming: MSU dives deep into precision agriculture

View the Spring 2022 issue

Fall 2021

american indian student dancing on campus

A promise kept, a dream fulfilled:
MSU opens American Indian Hall

View the Fall 2021 issue

Spring 2021

Mountains and Minds cover fall 2021

Testing the water in Montana's heartland:
Judith River Watershed Nitrogen Project

View the Spring 2021 issue

Fall 2020

Mountains and Minds - the COVID issue cover

The COVID issue: Charting a course through COVID

View the Fall 2020 issue

Spring 2020

Spring 2020 issue cancelled by the COVID pandemic

Spring 2020 issue canceled by the COVID pandemic

Fall 2019

Mountans and Minds Fall 2019 cover

Digging Through Time: Triceratops expert John Scannella

View the Fall 2019 issue

Spring 2019

Mountains and Minds Spring 2019 cover

Down to Earth: Paleoecologist Cathy Whitlock

View the Spring 2019 issue

Fall 2018

Mountains and minds cover photo, fall 2018

Committed to the Hi-Line: MSU’s Peggy Lamb delivers support to Hi-Line agriculture

View the Fall 2018 issue


Spring 2018

Mountains and minds cover photo, Spring 2018

Safe passage: Engineers and ecologists join forces to help the imperiled grayling in the Big Hole River

View the Spring 2018 issue

Fall 2017

Mountains and Minds Fall 2017

The Spirit of the West is on the march, bringing rhythm and the music to MSU traditions

View the Fall 2017 issue

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Spring 2017

Mountains and Minds Spring 2017 cover

Montana seed potatoes are at the root of crop's excellence

View the Spring 2017 issue

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Fall 2016

Fall 2016 Mountains & Minds

Students from Montana reservations share challenges, aspirations

View the Fall 2016 issue


Spring 2016

Spring 2016 Mountains & Minds

MSU cattle drive near Havre promotes better beef

View the Spring 2016 issue


Fall 2015

Fall 2015 Mountains & Minds

MSU campaign launches to support the university’s people, programs and places that are building, shaping and creating a better world

View the Fall 2015 issue

Spring 2015

Spring 2015 Mountains & Minds

MSU scientists study bees to assure a future for the essential pollinators

View the Spring 2015 issue

Fall 2014

Fall 2014 Mountains & Minds

Blaine Halvorson has hundreds of new ideas each day. Some of those ideas will set design trends worldwide.

View the Fall 2014 issue

Spring 2014

Spring 2014 Mountains & Minds

An international team led by MSU scientists is putting the past, present and future of wildfire into global perspective

Fall 2013

Fall 2013 Mountains & Minds
Saul Martinez lost his legs in Iraq. Now he stands up for MSU veterans and those he left behind.


Spring 2013

Spring 2013 Mountains & Minds
Montana State University faculty and staff members saluted Albert Einstein's wide-ranging legacy with a series of events, "Celebrating Einstein." The celebration was a cavalcade of offerings that not only focused on science, but also on art and creativity.


Fall 2012

Fall 2012 Mountains & Minds
Just as the Gallatin Valley was waking from its winter hibernation, a Montana State University geology professor and graduate student plunged back into the ice and snow, setting off on a quest that would take them halfway around the world and more than 20,000 feet above it. 


Spring 2012

Spring 2012 Mountains & Minds
Montana State University photography major Sean Foulkes served with the Montana National Guard in Iraq where he carried a camera with him to document life in Iraq.


Fall 2011

Fall 2011 Mountains & Minds
From the time that Montana State first began more than a century ago, students from small towns have been at the heart of its student body. Rooted in the remote corners of Montana or the tiny towns between them, the road that brought these students to Bozeman carried them far from home and a long way from the familiar. Learn more about 11 MSU students who explain what's great about their Montana small town.

Spring 2011

Spring 2011 Mountains & Minds
There are people who climb, and then, there are climbers. The Gallatin Valley has plenty of both, but it's the climbers--those with the dirt under their fingernails, the bloody rock bites and vagabond hippie-bus stories to prove it--who have put the local climbing scene on the map. Photo cover by Kelly Gorham.

Fall 2010

Fall 2010 Mountains & Minds
The Solar Physics Group is prominent because its members don't just study one part of the sun. They delve deep into the interior to learn about its dynamics. They examine the surface to learn how the magnetic fields get pushed around by dense plasma. They look at the area just above the surface--the chromosphere. They study the area above that to understand solar flares and magnetic fields, and then go even farther up to understand how solar wind and space weather interact with the Earth's magnetic field.

Read more »

Spring 2010

Spring 2010 Mountains & Minds
MSU scientists brave grizzlies, scalding water and leeches in search of new microorganisms in Yellowstone National Park. A dozen MSU scientists hike to a remote area of Yellowstone National Park to study the microbes they collect from one of the hot pools. Cover photo by Kelly Gorham.


Fall 2009

Fall 2009 Mountains & Minds
Geoff Gamble brought a new era and a new optimism to Montana State University when he became the university's 11th president in 2000. As Gamble retired at the end of 2009, Mountains and Minds took a look at his nine-year tenure and how the university was transformed by his vision and leadership. Cover photo by Kelly Gorham.


Spring 2009

Spring 2009 Mountains & Minds
Trout fry create a rainbow of light in a lab near the Aquatic Sciences Lab in Pony. The lab is one tool helping Montana State University scientists understand the mysteries of whirling disease, which once threatened fish in Montana's wild streams and rivers. The project is just one of the reasons MSU has often been called Trout U. Cover photo by Kelly Gorham.


Fall 2008

Fall 2008 Mountains & Minds
An ice-dammed stream of melt water runs along the margin of the Taylor Glacier in Taylor Valley, Antarctica, a Montana State University research site. From the North Pole to the Antarctic, MSU scientists are at the forefront of cold regions research. The university recently opened a $2 million, 2,700-square-foot suite of laboratories, making cold research hot science at MSU. Photo by Scott Montross.


Spring 2008

Spring 2008 Mountains & Minds
For more than 37 years, MSU's Horseshoeing School has attracted students from around the world, ranging from California cowgirls to a U.S. senator. Affiliated with the MSU College of Agriculture and considered one of the best in the country, the farrier school trains students in a lot more than old-fashioned horse sense. Cover photo by Kelly Gorham.


Fall 2007

Fall 2007 Mountains & Minds
Montana's Crow Reservation is the backdrop for Messengers for Health. The joint project of MSU and a group of Crow women has been so successful using traditional methods to shift local health patterns that it is regarded as one of the country's best community-based research programs. Cover photo by Kelly Gorham.


Spring 2007

Spring 2007 Mountains & Minds
It is often said that Montana State University is the "University of the Yellowstone." That's because more MSU faculty use the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem as their living laboratory than faculty at nearly any other university. One project, a bear tracking study utilizing cutting-edge Global Positioning System technology, is based in Grand Teton National Park. It was there that MSU photographer Jay Thane captured the cover shot for the inaugural issue of Mountains & Minds.