Updated July, 2024


University Seminar (US)

College Writing (W)

Quantitative Reasoning (Q)

Diversity (D)

Contemporary Issues in Science (CS)

Arts Inquiry (IA) or Arts Research (RA)

Humanities Inquiry (IH) or Humanities Research (RH)

Natural Science Inquiry (IN) or Natural Science Research (RN)

Social Science Inquiry (IS) or Social Science Research (RS)

Additional Research & Creative Experience Courses (R)


University Seminar (US)


AGED 140US       

Leadership Dev for Agriculture

BGEN 104US       

First Year Business Seminar

CLS 101US           

Knowledge and Community

CLS 201US           

Knowledge and Community

COLS 101US        

First Year Seminar

COMX 111US      

Introduction to Public Speaking

EDU 101US          

Teaching and Learning

HLD 121US         

Leadership Foundations

HONR 201US      

Texts and Critics: Knowledge

HONR 301US      

Texts and Critics II

LS 101US             

Ways of Knowing

US 101US            

First Year Seminar


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College Writing (W)


WRIT 101W         

College Writing I


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Quantitative Reasoning (Q)


M 105Q               

Contemporary Mathematics

M 121Q                

College Algebra

M 133Q                

Geom & Measure K-8 Teachers

M 151Q               


M 161Q                

Survey of Calculus

M 165Q                

Calculus for Technology I

M 171Q                

Calculus I

M 181Q                

Honors Calculus I

PHL 236Q            


STAT 216Q          

Introduction to Statistics


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Diversity (D)


AMST 101D         

Intro to American Studies

ANTY 101D          

Anthro and Human Experience

ANTY 242D          

Contemporary Japan

ARAB 102D          

Elementary Modern Arabic II

AS 403D               

Monsoon Asian Civilization

BGEN 242D          

Intro to Int'l Business

CHIN 102D          

Elementary Chinese II

CHIN 130D           

Journey into Modern China

CHIN 201D           

Intermediate Chinese I

CHIN 202D          

Intermediate Chinese II

CHIN 211D           

Chinese Culture & Civilization

EDU 211D            

Multicultural Education

FILM 201D          

Film History I

FILM 202D          

Film History II

FRCH 102D          

Elementary French II

FRCH 201D          

Intermediate French I

FRCH 202D          

Intermediate French II

FRCH 320D          

La France Aujourd'hui

GPHY 121D          

Human Geography

GPHY 141D          

Geography of World Regions

GRMN 102D         

Elementary German II

GRMN 201D        

Intermediate German I

GRMN 202D        

Intermediate German II

HONR 204D         

Great Expeditions

HONR 494D         

Honors Seminar in Diversity

HSTA 160D          

Introduction to the Am West

HSTR 130D           

Latin American History

HSTR 135D           

The Modern Middle East

HSTR 140D           

Modern Asia

HSTR 145D           

Reinventing Japan


Religion, Conflict & Politics


Modern World History

JPNS 102D          

Elementary Japanese II

JPNS 150D           

Japanese Culture & Civ 

JPNS 201D           

Intermediate Japanese I 

JPNS 202D           

Intermediate Japanese II 

LIT 214D               

Regional Lit 

LIT 285D               


LIT 343D

African American Literature

NASX 105D          

Intro Native Amer Studies 

NASX 205D          

Native Americans Contemp Soc 

NASX 232D          

MT Indian Cult, Hist, Cur Issu 

PHL 103D             

Philosophy and Pop Culture 

PHL 255D             

Philosophy and Culture 

PHL 270D             

Philosophies of Asia 

PSCI 230D            

Intro to International Rel 


Multicultural Politics in the United States

PSYX 235D           

Contemporary Issues in Human Sexuality

RLST 100D            

Intro to the Study of Religion

RLST 202D            

Hindu Traditions 

RLST 203D            

Buddhist Traditions 


Intermediate Sign Languages

SOCI 150D            

Social Difference 

SOCI 201D            

Social Problems 

SPNS 102D           

Elementary Spanish II 

SPNS 201D           

Intermediate Spanish I 

SPNS 202D           

Intermediate Spanish II 
US 201D

Education, World of Work, and You


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Contemporary Issues in Science (CS)


ANTY 212CS        

Bones, Apes, and Ancestors 

ARCH 231CS        

Issues in Sustainability 

BIOB 105CS         

Introduction to Biotechnology 

BIOB 110CS         

Plant Science

BIOE 103CS         

Environmental Sci & Society 

BIOM 107CS        

Molecules of Life 

BIOO 162CS         

Insects and Human Society 

CHMY 102CS       

Applying Chemistry to Society 

CSCI 215CS         

Social & Ethical Issues in CS 

EBIO 125CS         

Microbes in the Environment 

ECHM 205CS       

Energy and Sustainability 

EGEN 125CS        

Tech, Innovation, and Society 

ENSC 272CS         

Water Resources 

GEO 103CS         

Intro to Envrmntl Geology 

HSTR 205CS         

The World Environment 

HSTR 207CS         

Sci & Tech in World History 

HSTR 282CS         

Darwinian Revolution 

LIT 202CS             

The Environmental Imagination 

NUTR 221CS        

Basic Human Nutrition 

PHL 205CS           

Other Animals 

PHL 242CS           

Scnc/Psuedo Scnc & Subjectivity 

PHL 278CS           

Origins of Life 


The World of Quantum Physics

PSYX 263CS         

The Psychology of Film 

TE 250CS              

Technology and Society 


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Arts Inquiry (IA)

Arts Research (RA)


ARCH 121IA        

Introduction to Design 

ARCH 152IA        

Design Fundamentals II 

ARCH 322IA        

World Architecture I 

ARCH 323IA        

World Architecture II 

ARTH 200IA         

Art of World Civilization I 

ARTH 201IA        

 Art of World Civilization II 

ARTZ 105IA    

Visual Language - Drawing 

ARTZ 109IA   

Visual Language: Comprehensive Fndtns 

EDU 204IA           

Arts & Lifelong Learning 

FILM 122IA (Formerly THTR 122IA)

Acting for Non-Majors


Understanding Shakespeare from Folio to Performance

MUSI 101IA         

Enjoyment of Music 


Choir: University Chorus


Bankd I: MSU University Band

MUSI 130IA        

History of Jazz 


Jazz Ensemble I: MSU

MUSI 133IA         

Country Music: Cowboys, Opry & Nashville 

MUSI 203IA         

American Popular Music 

MUSI 211IA         

Masterworks in Music 


Choir II

MUSI 307IA        

World Music 


Orchestras II: MSU Symph Orch


Choir III: MSU Chorale


Band III: MSU Wind Symphony


Jazz Ensemble II: One O'Clock Jazz



PHOT 154IA        

Exploring Digital Photography 

THTR 122IA         

Acting for Non-Majors 

AMST 202RA       

The Arts in America 

ARCH 151RA       

Design Fundamentals I 

ARTZ 110RA        

Visual Language: Ideation & Creativity 

ARTZ 211RA        

Drawing I 

ARTZ 231RA        

Ceramics I

CRWR 240RA     

Intro to Creative Writing 

CS 145RA             

Web Design 

HONR 494RA      

Honors Seminar in Arts 

MART 145RA      

Web Design 

MUSI 103RA       

Fundamentals of Musical Creatn 

PHOT 113RA       

The Magic of the Darkroom I


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Humanities Inquiry (IH) 

Humanities Research (RH)


AMST 201IH        

American Identity, American Dreams 

CHIN 320IH          

History of Chinese Cinema 

FILM 101IH          

Understanding Film and Media 


American Popular Television

FRCH 306IH         

French: From Reflection to Rev 

GH 100IH            

Intro to World Cultures

GRMN 355IH      

Streets, Screens, and Canvas: German Visual Culture 

GRMN 360IH      

German Myths 

GRMN 422IH      

German Text & Cinema 

GRMN 440IH      

German Cultural Studies 

HONR 202IH       

Texts and Critics: Imagination 

HSTA 101IH         

American History I 

HSTA 102IH         

American History II 


Asian American History

HSTA 220IH         

Shaping of America: History of American Religion 

HSTA 412IH        

American Thought and Culture

HSTR 101IH         

Western Civilization I 

HSTR 102IH         

Western Civilization II 

HSTR 105IH         

Making Our World in Ten Events 


The Silk Road: Religion and Globalization

HSTR 210IH         

History of the Bible 

JPNS 325IH          

Outcast Literature 

JPNS 361IH          

Japanese Text and Cinema 

LING 210IH          

Intro to Language/Linguistics 

LIT 110IH              

Intro to Lit 

LIT 169IH              

Literature as a Pop Culture 


Music History of the 20th and 21st Centuries


World Indigenous Humanities

NASX 340IH         

Native American Literature 


Native American cinema

PHL 101IH            

Intro Phil: Reason and Reality 

PHL 110IH           

Intro Ethics: Good and Evil 


Philosophy of Sport


Introduction to Political Theory

RLST 204IH          

Intro to Hebrew Bible 

RLST 205IH          

Intro to New Testament 

RLST 207IH          

Myth and Belief 

RLST 217IH          

Religion, Science & Environment 

RLST 223IH         

Sacrifice, Rite & Ritual 

SPNS 335IH         

Travel in Latin Am Lit & Film 

SPNS 352IH         

US Latino Text and Cinema 

SPNS 363IH         

Spanish Cinema 

WGSS 201IH        

Intro to Feminist Theories 

HONR 494RH      

Honors Seminar in Humanities 

HSTR 208RH        

Sci, Envir, Tech, Soc: Common Exp.

LIT 431RH             

Studies in Major Author/s 

LIT 473RH             

Studies in Shakespeare 

LIT 494RH             

Seminar: Research Issues 

PHL 212RH           

Morality and Society 

PHL 350RH           

State, Community & Individual 

PHL 361RH           

Hist of Philo: Ancient/Medieval 

RLST 499RH         

Senior Capstone 

WGSS 301RH      

Int Seminar in Women's Studies 

WRIT 494RH        

Seminar: Writing Rsch & Publ 


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Natural Science Inquiry (IN) 

Natural Science Research (RN)


ASTR 110IN        

Intro to Astr: Myst of the Sky 

BIOB 100IN         

Organism Function 

BIOB 170IN         

Princpls Biological Diversity 


Basic Human Biology w/lab

BIOM 103IN        

Unseen Universe: Microbes 

BIOO 262IN         

Introduction to Entomology 

CHMY 121IN       

Intro to General Chemistry 

ENSC 245IN         


ERTH 101IN         

Earth System Sciences 

ERTH 201IN         

Honors Earth System Science 

GEO 105IN           


GEO 111IN           


GEO 140IN           

Planetary Geoscience 


Wolves in Yellowstone: A Social, Scientific and Visual Journey

HONR 494IN       

Honors Seminar in Nat Sciences 

PHSX 103IN         

The Physics of How Things Work

PHSX 201IN         

Physics by Inquiry 

BCH 104RN          

Biochem of Health for Non-Science Majors 

BIOE 427RN       

Research in Freshwater Ecology 

BIOM 210RN       

Environmental Health Science 

ERTH 212RN       

Yellowstone: Scientific Lab 

PHSX 305RN        

Art & Science of Holography 

WILD 401RN       

Fish and Wildlife Capstone 


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Social Science Inquiry (IS)

Social Science Research (RS)


AGBE 210IS         

Economics of Ag Business 

ANTY 215IS         

Human Prehistory 

ANTY 223IS         

Anth, Pop Cult, Everyday Life 

ANTY 225IS         

Culture, Language, and Society 

ANTY 252IS         

Mysteries of the Past 

BMGT 240IS        

Business Analytics

ECNS 101IS         

Economic Way of Thinking 

ECNS 204IS          


ECNS 251IS          

Honors Economics 

EDU 222IS           

Educ Psych & Child Development 

EDU 223IS            

Educ Psych and Adolescent Dev 

HDFS 101IS         

Indiv and Fam Dev: Lifespan 

NASX 280IS         

Native Amer Studies Research 

PSCI 210IS            

Intro to American Government 

PSYX 100IS           

Intro to Psychology 

PSYX 110IS           

Honors Intro to Psychology 

SOCI 101IS           

Introduction to Sociology 

SOCI 110IS           

Honors Sociological Inquiry 

SOCI 221IS           

Criminal Justice System 

AGBE 451RS        

Economics of Ag Policy 

ANTY 428RS        

Anthropological Theory 

COLS 260RS         

Studying Human Behavior 


The Art and Science of Medicine in Social Sciences

HONR 494RS       

Honors Seminar in Soc Sciences 


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Additional Research &

Creative Experience Courses (R)


ACTG 290R          

Undergraduate Research


Auditing I

ACTG 490R          

Undergraduate Research

AGED 312R          

Communicating Agriculture 

AGED 490R          

Undergraduate Research 

AGBE 290R          

Undergraduate Research 

AGBE 490R          

Undergraduate Research 

AGSC 290R          

Undergraduate Research 

AGSC 465R          

Health, Agriculture, Poverty 

AGSC 490R          

Undergraduate Research 

AMST 401R          

Seminar in American Studies 

ANSC 290R          

Undergraduate Research 

ANSC 416R          

Meat Processing 

ANSC 432R          

Sheep Management 

ANSC 434R          

Beef Cattle Management 

ANSC 490R          

Undergraduate Research 

ANTY 290R          

Undergraduate Research

ANTY 425R          

Social Organization 

ANTY 450R          

Archaeological Theory 

ANTY 490R          

Undergraduate Research and Instruction 

ARCH 289R          

Undergrad Research & Instruction 

ARCH 290R          

Undergraduate Research 

ARCH 490R          

Undergraduate Research 

ARTH 290R          

Undergraduate Research 

ARTH 499R          

Senior Thesis: Art History 

ARTZ 290R           

Undergraduate Research 

ARTZ 490R           

Undergraduate Research 

ARTZ 499R          

Senior Thesis: Studio

BCH 290R             

Undergraduate Research 

BCH 444R             

Biochem & Mlclr Biolgy Mthds 

BCH 490R             

Undergraduate Research 

BFIN 290R            

Undergraduate Research 

BFIN 420R            

Investments I

BFIN 490R            

Undergraduate Research

BIOB 140R           

Honors Molecular Biology

BIOB 290R          

Undergraduate Research 

BIOB 476R           

Gene Construction 

BIOB 490R           

Undergraduate Research 

BIOE 290R            

Undergraduate Research 

BIOE 440R            

Conservation Biology 

BIOE 490R            

Undergraduate Research 

BIOH 465R           

Gene Expression Lab

BIOH 490R           

Undergraduate Research

BIOM 290R         

Undergraduate Research 

BIOM 455R          

Research Methods in Microbiology 

BIOM 457R          

Research Methods in Immunology 

BIOM 475R          

Preveterinary Internship 

BIOM 490R          

Undergraduate Research 

BIOM 498R          

Biotech Internship 

BMGT 475R         

Management Experience 

BMGT 490R        

Undergraduate Research 

BMKT 342R         

Marketing Research 

BMKT 490R         

Undergraduate Research 

CAA 290R             

Collaborative Rsch/Creative 

CAA 490R            

Collaborative Rsch/Creative 

CHIN 490R           

Undergraduate Research 

CHMY 290R         

Undergraduate Research 

CHMY 490R         

Undergraduate Research 

CHTH 290R          

Undergraduate Research 

CHTH 490R          

Undergraduate Research 

CLS 289R              

Undergrad Rsch/Instruction 

CLS 290R              

Undergraduate Research 

CLS 489R              

Undergrad Rsch/Instruction 

CLS 490R              

Undergraduate Research 

CSCI 290R             

Undergraduate Research 

CSCI 482R            

Int Project Instruction 

CSCI 483R            

Interdisciplinary Project 

CSCI 490R             

Undergraduate Research

EBIO 290R            

Undergraduate Research 

EBIO 411R            

Biological Engineer Design I 

EBIO 412R            

Biological Engineer Design II 

EBIO 490R            

Undergraduate Research 


Biomedical Engineering Design

ECHM 290R         

Undergraduate Research 

ECHM 411R         

Chemical Engineering Design I 

ECHM 412R         

Chemical Engineering Design II 

ECHM 490R         

Undergraduate Research 

ECIV 290R            

Undergraduate Research 

ECIV 489R            

Civil Engineering Design I 

ECIV 490R            

Undergraduate Research 

ECNS 290R           

Undergraduate Research 

ECNS 490R           

Undergraduate Research 

ECIV 499R            

Capstone: Civil Eng Design 

ECNS 290R           

Undergraduate Research 

ECNS 403R           

Intro to Econometrics 

ECNS 432R           

Economic Policy Evaluation

ECNS 490R           

Undergraduate Research 

EDEC 490R           

Undergraduate Research 

EDM 414R

Methods: K-8 Social Studies

EDU 290R             

Undergraduate Research 

EDU 490R             

Undergraduate Research 

EDU 495R             

Student Teaching 

EELE 290R            

Undergraduate Research 

EELE 488R            

Electrical Engineering Design I 

EELE 489R            

Electrical Engr Design II 

EELE 490R           

Undergraduate Research 


Environmental Engineering Design

EFIN 499R            

Financial Egnr Dsgn Capstone 

EGEN 290R          

Undergraduate Research 

EGEN 310R          

Multidisc Engineering Design 

EGEN 490R          

Undergraduate Research 

EIND 290R           

Undergraduate Research 

EIND 490R           

Undergraduate Research 

EIND 499R           

Indust Engin Design Capstone 

EMEC 290R          

Undergraduate Research 

EMEC 489R          

Mech Eng Design Capstone I 

EMEC 490R          

Undergraduate Research 

EMEC 499R          

Mech Eng Design Capstone II 

ENSC 290R           

Undergraduate Research

ENSC 410R           

Biodiversity Methods 

ENSC 490R           

Undergraduate Research 

ENSC 499R           

LRES Capstone 

ENT 290R

Undergraduate Research

ENT 461R

Issues in English Education 

ERTH 432R          

Surface Water Resources 

ERTH 450R          

Snow Dynamics and Accumulation 

ERTH 490R           

Undergraduate Research 

ETCC 290R           

Undergraduate Research 

ETTC 490R           

Undergraduate Research 

ETCC 499R           

Capstone: Const Engin Tech 

ETME 290R          

Undergraduate Research 


Capstone: Mechanical Engineering Technology Design I

ETME 490R          

Undergraduate Research 

ETME 499R          

Mech Engr Tech Dsn Capstone II 

FILM 290R            

Undergraduate Research 

FILM 490R           

Undergraduate Research 

FRCH 490R           

Undergraduate Research 

FRCH 497R           

Education Methods 

FRCH 499R           

Senior Thesis/Capstone 

GEO 290R             

Undergraduate Research 

GEO 429R             

Field Geology 

GEO 490R             

Undergraduate Research 

GH 290R               

Undergraduate Research

GH 490R               

Undergraduate Research

GPHY 290R          

Undergraduate Research 

GPHY 429R          

Applied Remote Sensing 

GPHY 441R         

Mountain Geography 

GPHY 484R          

Applied GIS & Spatial Analysis 

GPHY 490R          

Undergraduate Research 

GRMN 450R        

Sem: German Lit and Culture 

GRMN 490R        

Undergraduate Research 

HDFS 290R           

Undergraduate Research 

HDFS 455R           

Program Plan & Admin in FCS 

HDFS 465R           

Family Law & Public Policy 

HONR 490R         

Undergraduate Research 

HORT 490R          

Undergraduate Research 

HORT 499R   

Horticulture Capstone

HSTA 490R           

Undergraduate Research 

HSTR 490R           

Undergraduate Research 

HSTR 499R          

Sen Capstone: Hist Methodology 

JPNS 490R            

Undergraduate Research 

KIN 325R              


KIN 440R              

Sport Psychology 

KIN 490R              

Undergraduate Research 

LIT 490R                

Undergraduate Research 

LS 290R                 

Undergraduate Research 

LS 499R                 

Senior Capstone

M 290R                 

Undergraduate Research 

M 386R                 

Software Appl in Mathematics 

M 490R                

Undergraduate Research 

MBEH 490R         

Undergraduate Research 

MUSI 499R          

Senior Recital/Capstone Pjt 

MUST 499R         

Senior Capstone Project

NASX 290R          

Undergraduate Research 

NASX 294R          


NASX 490R          

Undergraduate Research 

NEUR 428R 

Molecular Basis of Neurological Diseases-Previously BIOH 429R

NRSG 290R          

Undergraduate Research 


Professional Development II: Evidence Based Practice

NRSG 387R          

Research in Health Care 

NRSG 490R          

Undergraduate Research 

NUTR 490R          

Undergraduate Research 

PHL 490R              

Undergraduate Research 

PHOT 490R          

Undergraduate Research 

PHSX 290R           

Undergraduate Research 

PHSX 490R          

Undergraduate Research 

PHSX 499R           

Senior Capstone Seminar 

PSCI 390R             

Undergraduate Research 

PSCI 490R            

Undergraduate Research 

PSYX 290R            

Undergraduate Research 

PSYX 490R           

Undergraduate Research 

PSYX 499R           

Senior Thesis/Capstone 

RLST 490R            

Undergraduate Research 

SFBS 445R            

Culinary Marketing: Farm/Table 

SFBS 451R           

Sustainable Food Systems 

SFBS 490R            

Undergraduate Research 

SOCI 290R            

Undergraduate Research 

SOCI 318R            

Sociological Research Methods 

SOCI 490R            

Undergraduate Research 

SPNS 470R           

Sem: Modern Hispanic Literature 

SPNS 490R           

Undergraduate Research 

STAT 290R          

Undergraduate Research 


Bayesian Statistical Inference

STAT 490R          

Undergraduate Research

TE 490R                

Undergraduate Research 

USP 290R             

Undergraduate Research 

USP 490R             

Undergraduate Research 

USP 490R             

Undergraduate Research 

WILD 290R           

Undergraduate Research 

WILD 490R           

Undergraduate Research 

WRIT 490R          

Undergraduate Research 


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