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McWethy, D.B., J.M. Wilmshurst, C. Whitlock, J. Wood, M.S. McGlone. 2014. High-resolution chronology of forest transitions following early human-set fires South Island New Zealand. In press PLoSONE

Whitlock, C., D.B. McWethy, A.J. Tepley, T.T. Veblen, A. Holz, M. McGlone, G.L.W. Perry, J.M. Wilmshurst. Accepted. Past and present vulnerability of closed-canopy temperate forests to altered fire regimes: a comparison of the Pacific Northwest, New Zealand and Patagonia. Accepted Bioscience.

Kirchgeorg, T., S. Schupbach, N. Kehrwald, D.B. McWethy, C. Barbante. 2014. Method for the determination of specific molecular markers of biomass burning in lake sediments. Organic Geochemistry. 71:1-6. [pdf]

McWethy, D.B., P.E. Higuera, C. Whitlock, T.T. Veblen, D.M.J.S. Bowman, G.J. Cary, S.G. Haberle, R.E. Keane, B.D. Maxwell, M.S. McGlone, G.L.W. Perry, J.M. Wilmshurst, A. Holz and A.J. Tepley. 2013. A conceptual framework for predicting temperate ecosystem sensitivity to human impacts on fire regimes. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 22:900-912. [pdf]

Perry, G.L.W., J.M. Wilmshurst, M.S. McGlone, McWethy, D.B., C. Whitlock. 2012. Explaining fire-driven landscape transformation during the ‘initial burning period’ of New Zealand’s prehistory. Global Change Biology. 18:1609–1621. [pdf]

McWethy D.B., W. F. Cross, C. V. Baxter, C. Whitlock and R.E. Gresswell. 2013. Natural Disturbance Dynamics – Shaping the Yellowstone Landscape. In White, P.J., R.A. Garrott and G.E. Plumb. editors. “Yellowstone’s Wildlife in Transition”. Harvard University Press. 347 p.

McWethy, D.B.,
C. Whitlock, J.M. Wilmshurst, M.S. McGlone, X. Li, M. Fromont, A. Dieffenbacher-Krall, W.O. Hobbs, S. Fritz and E.R. Cook.2010. Rapid landscape transformation in South Island, New Zealand following initial Polynesian settlement. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 107:21343-21348 [text][commentary][SI]

McWethy, D.B., S.T. Gray, P.E. Higuera, J.S. Littell, G.T. Pederson, A.J. Ray, and C. Whitlock. 2010. Climate and terrestrial ecosystem change in the U.S. Rocky Mountains and Upper Columbia Basin: Historic and future perspectives for resource management. Natural Resource Report NPS/GRYN/NRR-2010/260. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado. 79 p. [pdf]

Marlon, J.R., Q. Cui, M.-J. Gaillard, D. McWethy, and M. Walsh. 2010. Humans and fire: Consequences of anthropogenic burning during the past 2 ka. Past Global Changes (PAGES). 18:80-82. [pdf]

Whitlock, C., P.E. Higuera, D.B. McWethy, and C.E. Briles. 2010. Paleoecological perspectives on fire ecology: revisiting the fire-regime concept. The Open Ecology Journal. 3:6-23. [pdf]

McWethy, D.B., A.J. Hansen and J.P. Verschuyl. 2010. Bird response to disturbance varies with forest productivity in the Pacific Northwest. Landscape Ecology. 25:533-549. [pdf]

McWethy, D.B., C. Whitlock, J.M. Wilmshurst, M.S. McGlone, and X. Li. 2009. Rapid deforestation of South Island, New Zealand by early Polynesian fires. The Holocene. 19:883-897. [pdf]

Verschuyl, J.P., A.J. Hansen, and D.B. McWethy. 2009. Assessing species-energy relationships at multiple scales. Letter to the Editor. Ecological Applications. 19:1963-1965. [pdf]

McWethy, D.B., A.J. Hansen and J.P. Verschuyl. 2009. Edge effects for songbirds vary with forest productivity. Forest Ecology and Management. 257:665-678. [pdf]

McWethy, D.B. and J.E. Austin. 2009. Nesting Ecology of Greater Sandhill Cranes in Riparian and Palustrine Wetlands of the Henry’s Fork Watershed in Eastern Idaho. Waterbirds. 32:106-115. [pdf]

Verschuyl, J.P., A.J. Hansen, D.B. McWethy, R. Sallabanks, and R.L. Hutto. 2008. Is the effect of forest structure on bird diversity modified by forest productivity? Ecological Applications. 18:1155-1170. [pdf]

Waring, R.H., K.S. Milner, W.M. Jolly, L. Phillips and D. McWethy. 2006. Assessment of site index and forest growth capacity across the Pacific and Inland Northwest U.S.A. with a MODIS satellite-derived vegetation index. Forest Ecology and Management 228:285-291. [pdf]

Other Publications

McWethy, D.B. 2007. Bird response to landscape pattern and disturbance across productivity gradients in forests of the Pacific Northwest. Doctoral dissertation, Montana State University, 2007. 196 p.

Padley, E. and D. McWethy. 1999. Analysis of forest type composition and landscape pattern in northern Wisconsin using classified Landsat Thematic Mapper satellite data collected in 1992 and 1993. Data courtesy of USGS-Biological Research Division, Upper Midwest GAP Project, WISCLAND Consortium. Milwaukee, WI: USDA, Forest Service, Eastern Region.

McWethy, D.B. 1998. A conservation strategy for multiple-use forest lands: Landscape Analysis and Design. Master’s Thesis. University of Wisconsin/Madison.