Bitterroot bull trout, M. Jakober photo
Research Interest
Fish ecology and management. My graduate students and I conduct applied research to assist in answering current questions in fisheries management as well as testing of ecological principles on which fishery management is based.
Interest Areas
- Salmonid Ecology and Management
- Conservation of Native Fishes
- Life history/otolith microchemistry
- Fish passage and movement behavior
- Winter ecology
Current/Recent Projects
- Improving Conservation Status of Arctic Grayling, USGS--Assessment of the effectiveness of Denil fish ladders for grayling passage in the Big Hole watershed, Montana. CoPI with Kevin Kappenman, USFWS
- Managing a New Threat: Rainbow Trout Invasion of the Lamar River Drainage in Yellowstone National Park, Identification of Hybrids and Hybrid Sources, Jackson Hole One Fly Foundation. CoPI with PhD student Kurt Heim
- Life History and Population Genetic Structure of Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout in the Lamar River Watershed, Yellowstone National Park.
- Winter Habitat and Survival as Potential Limiting Factors for Arctic Grayling in Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge – Implications for Management of a Rare and Declining Species USFWS
- Assessment of Nonlethal Microelemental Methods to Determine Life History and Movement of Native Salmonids, Montana Fish Wildlife & Parks.
- Use of Otolith Microchemistry to Assess Spawning Tributary Contributions of Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout in Yellowstone Lake. Yellowstone National Park.