Honors College Staff and Faculty Fellows

Dr. Durward Sobek, Interim Dean
Ph: 406-994-4110
email: dsobek@montana.edu

Steven Davis, Assistant Dean, DIS Director
Ph: 406-994-2822
email: steven.davis2@montana.edu

Dawn Major, Assistant to the Dean
Ph: 406-994-3214
email: dmajor@montana.edu

Jamie Lenehan, Program Coordinator
Ph: 406-994-4110
email: jamie.lenehan@montana.edu

Professor Richard Broome, Honors Seminar Professor and Texts and Critics Faculty Fellow, Member of Texts and Critics Syllabus Committee
email: richard.broome@montana.edu

Professor Kent Davis, Texts and Critics Course Coordinator and Faculty Fellow
Ph: 406-994-4110
email: kent.davis@montana.edu

Professor Don Demetriades,Honors Seminar Professor and Texts and Critics Faculty Fellow, Member of Texts and Critics Syllabus Committee
Ph: 406-994-5210
email: siouxshe8@gmail.com

Dr. Thomas Donovan, Honors Seminar Professor and Texts and Critics Faculty Fellow
Ph: 406-994-4110
email: thomas.donovan1@montana.edu

Dr. Lucas Graf, Honors Seminar Professor and Texts and Critics Faculty Fellow
Ph: 406-994-2822
email: lucas.graf@montana.edu
email: lucas.graf@montana.edu

Dr. Mariya Lomakina, Texts and Critics Faculty Fellow

Kim Pribanic, Honors Seminar Professor and Texts and Critics Faculty Fellow
Ph: 406-994-4110