All of the forms are in Adobe Acrobat Reader format. Click here to install Adobe Acrobat Reader. Once a form is downloaded, it can be filled in and saved.  If sending forms electronically use the last 4 digits of your student ID (GID).

Directions for DocuSign can be found can be found on UIT's website. DocuSign is an electronic signature (e-signature) platform for sending, signing, and managing documents securely in the cloud. Please do not add Graduate School staff to the signature queue. Instead, complete the form, make it a pdf, and upload it to SharePoint (link below). 

If you have additional questions or need assistance viewing or filling out these forms, please contact The Graduate School at 406-994-4145.

Please upload forms to SharePoint here. It is the most secure way to deliver your forms to us electronically.     

Jump To Forms For:

Application Program of Study & Committee Graduation
Current Students Electronic Thesis/Dissertations

Department and Faculty/PI

Application Forms

Form Name

Purpose of Form

Last Revision Date

Office Contact

Application for Graduate Admissions


Link to applying for admission to the Graduate School.



Financial Certificate

This form is for international students applying to MSU.



Forms for Current Students

Form Name

Purpose of Form

Last Revision Date

Office Contact

Independent Study Course (592) Request

This form is for graduate students who wish to create a 592 course.


This form is not returned to The Graduate School

Petition to Reserve/Register for Credits

This form is for undergraduate students who wish to register for a graduate level course. Use DocuSign, with G.S. as the final signature. 


Once form is submitted, if approved, the form will be delivered to the Office of the Registrar for registration purposes - you do not register for this course. 


Report on Master's Comprehensive Exam/Thesis Defense

Report on Doctoral Comprehensive Exam/Dissertation Defense

This form is turned into our office when a student takes the Comp Exam or Thesis Defense.


Change in Graduate Status

This form is used when a student changes their degree program within the same department.


Plan of Action Form


This is used when a student would like to appeal their suspension


Plan of Action Instructions for Students

Graduate Student Withdrawal Form

Withdraw from all credits for a current or previous term




Program of Study & Committee Forms

Form Name

Purpose of Form

Last Revision Date

Office Contact

Committees to be submitted in MyInfo (Graduate Committee Request link under the Student Services tab).

This form is used for master's and doctoral students to submit their committee or make changes to their approved committee. 


Committee Instructions for Faculty-Depts

Committee Instructions for Students

Program of Study to be submitted in MyInfo (Graduate Program of Study Request link under the Student Services tab). 

This form is used to set in place the student's program of study or make changes to their approved program of study. A graduate committee must already be approved and on file before you can access this form. 


Program of Study Instructions for Faculty

Program of Study Instructions for Students

Program of Study Instructions for Certificates

Program of Study Instructions for Staff

Graduate Representative Report

For faculty use only.



Forms for Submitting Electronic Thesis/Dissertation

Form Name

Purpose of Form

Last Revision Date

Office Contact

Certificate of Approval Form

This form has been replaced by the Submission Portal Final Upload starting Dec 2020.


Survey of Earned Doctorates
Complete Online

All doctoral students must complete this survey.




Forms for Graduation

Form Name

Purpose of Form

Last Revision Date

Office Contact

This form has been replaced by the MyInfo Graduation Application 

Graduation Application

This pdf form is now only used to apply for graduation from MSU if you have already applied for the same degree in a prior term, are applying for a one-credit extension, or are applying for an enroute master's. Otherwise, please apply online through MyInfo.


Grad App Directions for Faculty-Depts

Grad App Directions for Grad Students

FAQs for Grad Apps


Withdraw Graduation Application
Complete Online

Students who have applied to graduate and are unable to meet the requirements must withdraw their Graduation Application by completing the online form.



Departmental and Faculty/PI Forms

Form Name

Purpose of Form

Last Revision Date

Office Contact

Graduate REsearch Annual Timeline (GREAT)

This form is recommended to be used by research graduate students to plan their next year of research and propose a completion date to their committee.


The Graduate School

Professional Graduate Annual Planning (PGAP)

This form is recommended to be used by professional graduate students to plan their next year.


Graduate School

Term Assistantship Review:
GTA Evaluation
GSA/GRA Evaluation  (for appointments separate from a student’s thesis/dissertation)

Student initiated form routed by DocuSign.  Due 4 weeks before the end of semester. Required.


Graduate School
Employment Authorization Form This form is for students who are a TA or RA and wish to work at MSU. 11-Sep-2018 Graduate School

Electronic Graduate  Assistantship Appointment Form

Initiate GTA/GRA graduate appointments or view your reports.


Grant Budgeting Tool for GRA costs (.xlsx)


Used by faculty who are writing a grant proposal to develop the budget for GRA stipends and/or tuition and fees.




Please bookmark the Provost's Forms page for New Course Request, 591 Request, Delete or Change Forms. 

Schedule Section Changes Form