Catching Up With a Current Student
Sarah Mailhiot
Ph.D. Candidate, Mechanical Engineering
Sarah will be participating in the 2016 East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes for U.S. Graduate Students, a National Science Foundation award program offering American graduate students the change to complete research abroad. She will conduct research under the direction of Petrik Galvosas at the Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. Sara explains a bit about how her trip will help with her research:
"Osteoarthritis (OA) is a disease of the joints that affects 50% of people over age 65. Treatments for OA are limited to pain management and joint replacement; there is no cure. One limit to finding a cure is the inability to visualize changes to the joint before tissue failure. The aim of my research is to use new methods in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to visualize changes to the joint in human joint samples. This work will establish how new methods in MRI can be used to diagnose OA before tissue failure. This will give doctors more opportunities to treat and prevent damage from OA.
In Wellington, I will study how one protein in cartilage, collagen, affects the fluid-solid interactions in human cartilage using collagen hydrogels as a model system. This project will show how damage to collagen is related to arthritis in human cartilage."
Getting to Know Sarah
Hometown: Oak Forest, Il
Education History: B.S. & M.S., Biomedical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Dissertation Title: Characterization of Osteoarthritis in situ and in vivo via bioluminescence and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Why did you want to attend graduate school? What drew you to Montana State University?
After my B.S degree, I got a job in industry and knew that working as a manufacturing
engineer was not for me. After earning my master’s degree, I came to Montana State
University to get a Ph.D. in Engineering because I wanted a better work-like balance
and the ability to be outdoors. I wanted to do medical research…because I like feeling
connected to the big picture, which is making life better. I was awarded the Molecular
Biosciences Fellowship at MSU, which showed me that MSU was committed to doing this
type of quality research and that is was where I wanted to be.
If I knew then what I know now…advice to future graduate students
Get to know your advisor and have a great working relationship with them. It is integral
to success here at MSU and in winning fellowships.