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Faculty Senate Meeting 

Harrison 123

September 25, 2024






I.            Call to Order


II.            Approval of FS Minutes from September 11, 2024


III.            FYI Items

a.      Call for Founder’s Day Faculty Awards 2025 – due Nov 15, 2024

b.      Annual Principal Investigator training on November 6th, 2024, from 9:30-2pm in SUB Ballroom C.

i.      SmartBuy, ChromeRiver, OSP procedures, etc.

c.       SmartBuy training/help options

i.      Teams channel for real-time help: Teams Channel

ii.      Weekly office hours Wed 11 on Teams: Office Hours

iii.      Training and tutorials on MSU SmartBuy webpage: 

d.      Canvas is now available to faculty access: 

i.      Cannot use for classes until Summer 2025

ii.      Migrating courses automatically using external vendor: academic courses after summer 2022. For more information: or email 

iii.      Can request older courses be migrated or migrate yourself

e.      The College of Arts and Architecture 50th anniversary events:   

i.      First event: Friday Oct 4, 2024 open house, 12-5

f.        Update on annual bike removal


IV.            Information Updates

a.      Committee updates

i.      Graduate Council

ii.      Academic Council

b.      Dr. Betsy Asserson, Director of CPS

i.      Healthy Minds survey

ii.      Mental health training/handout for faculty

iii.      Q&A

c.       Dr. Deb Blanchard, Assistant Provost – Curriculum and Assessment

i.      What faculty need to know about accreditation


V.            Undergraduate Courses and Programs 

a.      Course – First Reading

i.       ECNS 315: Urban Economics and Community Development

b.      Courses—Second Reading 

i.       ANTY 359: Public Archaeology

ii.      EDSP 462: Special Education Law, Policies & Practices

c.       Course Inactivations – First Reading

i.      ARTH 421: Late Gothic Painting

1.      No longer offered

ii.      BGEN 215: Career Readiness

1.      We have redesigned our first year curriculum and this course is no longer required.

iii.      BIOM 497 is being used as an SA training course for all courses in the department.

1.      BIOH 429: Student Assistant Training for Integrated Physiology (BIOH 185)

2.      BIOH 432: Student Assistant Training for Advanced Human Anatomy (BIOH 411)

3.      BIOH 461: Tutoring Human Anatomy and Physiology I

4.      BIOH 463: Tutoring Human Anatomy and Physiology II

5.      BIOH 483: Peer Leaders for Anatomical Science Laboratories

d.      Programs — Second Reading 

i.      -CAS: Law Enforcement

e.      Program Changes – First Reading

i.      MBVA-BS: Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences - Environmental Health Option

1.      Change from Bachelor of Science in Microbiology - Environmental Health Option

2.      The Environmental Health Option is currently in the Department of Microbiology & Cell Biology. However, it fits better as an Option in the Department of Land Resources & Environmental Sciences. LRES is proposing to oversee the Option and make the necessary small changes to the curriculum such that it is an Option within the Environmental Sciences major and it meets accreditation requirements and standards.


VI.            Graduate Courses and Programs 

a.      Course – First Reading

i.      GEO 501: Phylogenetics

b.      Course Inactivations – First Reading

i.      MUSI 504: Studies in Hist and Analysis


VII.            Senators’ Open Conversation 


VIII.            Public Comment


IX.            Adjourn