Indian Education for All in Montana for One MUS

Sunset on the plains

This course is just one part of an overall effort to ensure that every member of our Montana University System (MUS) team is engaged in conversations around the Montana Constitutional mandate that "every Montanan, whether Indian or non-Indian, be encouraged to learn about the distinct and unique heritage of American Indians in a culturally responsive manner." 

Complete the Indian Education for All course today! 

Diversity & Inclusion

Diverse students

This program offers a series of trainings to students, staff, and faculty to expand their awareness, knowledge, and skills related to diversity and inclusion to promote personal and professional growth.

Early Career Faculty Success Program

New faculty at orientation

This program builds a welcoming and inclusive culture and equips faculty with the knowledge of how to promote student success as well as their own success. 

Faculty Mentoring Faculty

faculty mentoring event

Matching new faculty starting out in their careers with a network of mentors who have successfully received tenure and demonstrated excellence in teaching, research, and service.

Mentorship Support

Researchers in a lab

Mentorship encompasses all aspects of what we do from freshman undergraduate students to guiding graduate students through their academic journey to enabling the success of faculty at all levels. 

Mentoring Programs and Training


This directory provides information about mentoring programs and trainings at Montana State University. It offers valuable resources for you to get involved or see ideas to build your own program or training. 

Human Resources

Classroom training image


HR offers a range of programs and services designed “to grow our people,” by building the skills and capacity of MSU employees.