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Fall Semester 2019                                  Spring Semester 2020

 Event Title, Time and Location

New Faculty Orientation (NFO)
8:30 am - 1:30 pm
Learn more about NFO

Host: David Singel, Senior Vice Provost

Active Learning Basics: Rethink Your Teaching to Promote Deeper Learning

 Facilitated by Ken Silvestri, CFE Instructional Designer

Researcher Visibility

Watch the video now  video

Facilitated by Doralyn Rossmann, Head of Digital Library Initiatives and Leila Sterman, Scholarly Communication Librarian, Library
9/11/19 Title IX/Mandatory Reporter Training Presented by Emily Stark,  Director/Title IX Coordinator, Office of Institutional Equity
 9/13/19 Mentoring Undergraduate Research in the Arts & Humanities Dr. Jenny Olin Shanahan, Vice Provost for High Impact Practices at Bridgewater State University(Boston) will present a workshop on undergraduate research mentoring in the Arts & Humanities.
9/16/19 Intro to Grants and Finding Funding Facilitated by Nika Stoop, Research Resources Coordinator, CFE
9/17/19 Recognizing/Referring Students with Mental Health Needs Hosted by Brian Kassar, Counseling and Psychological Services

Collaborative and Actionable Research for Student Success

Presented by Rebecca A. London, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Sociology at The  University of California – Santa Cruz

Lost in Translation: From Engineering Norms to Identities

 Presenter: Dr. Idalis Villanueva has a Ph.D. in Chemical and Biological Engineering from the University of Colorado-Boulder
 9/24/19 Academic Advising Presenter: Diane Donnelly, M.Ed., Director of Advising Commons
 9/27/19 Writing Group Information Session Presenter: Nika Stoop, Center for Faculty Excellence 

NIH Loan Repayment Program Information Session


 Presented by: Cara Palmer, Assistant Professor, Psychology
 10/04/19 Introduction to the Indigenous Mentoring Program Presented by: Sweeney Windchief – Assistant Professor, Higher Education and Barbara Komlos –  PNW-COSMOS Program Administrator
 10/17/19 Writing Center Info Session: Support for Graduate Students


Presenter: Erin Strickland, Graduate Program Coordinator & Multilingual Writer Specialist, Writing Center

Tips for Writing Research Proposals to the NIH – Health Equity Webinar

Presented by Alexandra Adams, Suzanne Held, Elizabeth Rink
 10/24/19 Indian Education for All Professional Development Workshop


 Facilitated by Dr. Florence McGeschick Garcia(Assiniboine-Sioux), Associate Dean, City College of MSU Billings.
 10/31/19 Faculty Engagement with the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR)



Brittany Fasy, Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Math;

Marvin Lansverk, Professor, English;

Abbie Richards, Associate Professor, Chemical & Biological Engineering;

Colin Shaw, Assistant Research Professor, Earth Sciences and Undergraduate Scholars Program Director;

Ken Silvestri, CFE Instructional Designer; and

Greg Young, Professor, Music and CFE NCUR Faculty Fellow.


Academic Misconduct & Classroom Management




Erin Macdonald Peck, Assistant Dean of Students 

Matt Caires, Dean of Students

Alli Gidley, Safety and Welfare Manager


Journalists and academics: working together to reach the public 

Host: Shannon D. Willoughby, Physics

Presenter: Todd Miller, Investigative Journalist


Indigenize Your Syllabus



Dr. Matt Herman, Associate Professor, Native American Studies

Danielle Morrison, Office of Public Instruction, State of Montana

Dr. Sara Rushing, Associate Professor, Political Science

Dr. Christine Stanton-Rogers, Associate Professor, Education

James Thull, Associate Professor, Library


Community-Engaged Scholarship Forum


Guest speakers: Jane Rogan, Director of Indiana University's ‘Sustaining Hoosier Communities’ (SCP) program and Branden Born co-directs the University of Washington’s Livable City Year (LCY) Program.

CampusLabs Course Evaluation Info Session

Facilitator: Ken Silvestri, CFE Instructional Designer

Cultivating Your Network of Mentors, Sponsors & Collaborators

Watch the webinar on the NCFDD website video

Facilitator: Jennifer Brown, Chemical & Biological Engineering, Lead of the CFE Research Capacity Team
 12/11/19  Financial Management for NIH-Funded Researchers  Facilitators:  Maya Bronston, Grants Management Specialist, CAIRHE,  Jennifer Hodges, Fiscal Manager, AI/AN CTRP,  Cori Huttinga, Fiscal Manager/Program Specialist, Montana INBRE

Summer Semester 2020

 Event Title, Time and Location

3 Day Immersion Trainings - July

Tuesday, July 14 to Thursday, July 16, 2020  

Day Three- Online and Blended Teaching Immersion Trainings

Recorded on July 16, 2020

Recording Lectures with TechSmith

Watch the video now video(~1 hr)

Microsoft Teams

Watch the video now  video(~48 mins)

Synchronous Class Sessions with WebEx

Watch the video now video(~1 hr)

Alternative Assessments for Deeper Online Learning

Watch the video now video (~2 hrs)

Alternative Assessments for Deeper Online Learning  - Example for Math

Watch the video now video(~18 mins)

Day Two - Online and Blended Teaching Immersion Trainings

Recorded on July 15, 2020


Watch the video now video (~1 hr 1 mins)

Establishing and Maintaining Instructor Presence

Watch the video now  video(~1 hr)

Additional Brightspace Tools for Online and Blended Teaching and Learning

Watch the video now  video (~1 hr 48 mins)

Maximizing Online Discussions

Watch the video now video (~1 hr 43 mins)

Day One - Online and Blended Teaching Immersion Trainings

Recorded on July 14, 2020

Introduction and Brightspace/D2L Basics

Watch the video now video( ~1 hr 7 mins)

Online Course Orientation

Watch the video now video(~39 mins)

Online Course Organization

Watch the video now video(~1 hr 6 mins)

Blended Course Organization

Watch the video now video(~1 hr 22 mins)

Facilitated by Ken Silvestri, CFE Instructional Designer

3 Day Immersion Trainings - June

Tuesday, June16 to Thursday, June 18, 2020  

Day Three - Online and Blended Teaching Immersion Trainings

Recorded on June 18, 2020

Recording Lectures with TechSmith

Watch the video now video (~1 hr)

Microsoft Teams

Watch the video now video (~45 mins)

(Note that part of the beginning of the recording was cut off)

Utilizing WebEx to Engage Online: Live Synchronous Class Meetings

Watch the video now video (~1 hr)

Alternative Assessments for Deeper Online Learning

Watch the video now video (~1 hr)

Day Two - Online and Blended Teaching Immersion Trainings 

Recorded on June17, 2020

Accessibility and Universal Design

Watch the video now video (~1 hr 25 mins)

Additional Brightspace Tools for Online and Blended Teaching and Learning

Watch the video now video (~1 hr 45 mins)

Maximizing Online Discussions for Asynchronous Online Learning

Watch the video now video (~1 hr 45 mins)

Day One - Online and Blended Teaching Immersion Trainings

Recorded on June16, 2020

Introduction to Training and Day 1

Watch the video now video (~12 mins)

Brightspace/D2L Basics

Watch the video now video (~50 mins)

Orientating Students to Online Courses

Watch the video now video (~45 mins)

Organizing Courses for Online Learning

Watch the video now  video(~1 hr10 mins)

Blended Course Organization

Watch the video now video (~45 mins)

(Note: the start of the recording is cut off)


Spring Semester 2020

 Event Title, Time and Location

Maximizing Online Discussions

Tuesday, May 19, 2020  

Play recording video  Duration: 1 hr 33 min

Facilitated by Ken Silvestri, CFE Instructional Designer

Alternative Assessments

Wednesday, May 6, 2020  

Play recording video  Duration: 2 hr 06 min

 Facilitated by Ken Silvestri, CFE Instructional Designer, Alan Yost, MSU Writing Center

Accessibility and Universal Design

Tuesday, May 5, 2020  |  12:00 pm 

Play recording video  Duration: 1 hr 26 min

 Facilitator: Jacqueline Frank, Instruction & Accessibility Librarian and 
Dean Adams, Director CFE

Best Practices in Assembling a RT&P Dossier

Monday, April 20, 2020  |  12:02 pm 

Play recording video  Duration: 1 hr 30 min


Presented by David Singel, Senior Vice Provost


Utilizing WebEx to Engage Online

Session 2 - Watch the video now (~1 hr 30 min)  video

Presented by Tess Meacham, ATO

Contact Paul Lindsay or UIT with questions (helpdesk@montana.edu).


Three Pillars of Remote Distance Teaching and Learning

Note: These sessions have the same content presented but may vary in the  Q & As at the end of the session. 

Session 1 - Watch the video now (~2 hours)   video

Session 2 - Watch the video now (~2 hours)   video

 Facilitated by Ken Silvestri, Instructional Designer, CFE

Contact Ken Silvestri (kenneth.silvestri@montana.edu), John Usher (jusher@montana.edu) or Julie Tatarka (pester@montana.edu) with questions.


Embedding Library Resources in Brightspace/D2L

Watch the video now (45 min)   video

Facilitated by Meghan Salsbury, Instructional Technology Librarian, MSU Library

Contact Meghan Salsbury for questions at meghan.salsbury@montana.edu or 406-994-4989 


Recording Lectures using TechSmith Relay to Help Make the Transition Online

Session 1 - Watch the Recording (1 hour)  video

Session 2 - Watch the Recording (1 hour) video

 Facilitated by Ken Silvestri, Instructional Designer, CFE

Teacher, Know Thyself Workshop Series with Jerome Feldman - Sess 2

Watch the video now  video

Watch the videos from this 3 session series

Facilitated by Jerome Feldman

Session 2:  Where Shall the Twain Meet? – Examining How Well Your Personal Teaching Approach Aligns with Your Students’ Approaches to Learning. 


Teaching Accelerated Summer Courses Panel Discussion

Watch the video now  video

Facilitated by Ken Silvestri, Instructional Designer, CFE
 Candance Goodman, Chemistry & Biochemistry; Sean Harris, College of Business; Anders Larsson, Civil Engineering; Megan Wickstrom, Mathematical Sciences

Teacher, Know Thyself Workshop Series with Jerome Feldman - Sess 1 

Watch the videos from this 3 session series

Jerome Feldman M.A. has been over 30 years of experience as a classroom educator, professional developer and author in the field of post-secondary education. He is currently a member of the MSU community as a writing instructor.
 2/26/20  SERVICE-LEARNING: Engineering in Your Community Facilitator: Dr. Marybeth Lima has a Ph.D. in Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering from The Ohio State University. She is currently the Cliff & Nancy Spanier Alumni Professor in the Department Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department at Louisiana State University. 
 2/25/20  What Your Students Want You to Know…about Identities

Facilitated by Dean Adams, Center for Faculty Excellence

Panelists: Betsy Asserson, Maria Velazquez, Julian Collins, Micah McFeely, Joey Morrison, Dani Morrison, Ariel Donohue


NSF CAREER Grant Panel


Watch the Video Now  video

Facilitated by Nika Stoop, Research Resources Coordinator, CFE
Panel: Michelle Flenniken, Plant Sciences & Plant Pathology; Anje Kunze, Computer and Electrical Engineering; Stephanie McCalla, Chemical & Biological Engineering; and Sharon Neufeldt, Chemistry & Biochemistry.

Social Media Visibility and Research Practice


Watch the Video Now  video

 Facilitated by Doralyn Rossmann, Head of Digital Library Initiatives, Library

February Common Threads seminar featuring Dionne Zoanni


Teaching Large, High-Enrollment Classes Panel Discussion


Watch the Video Now  video

 Facilitated by Ken Silvestri, CFE Instructional Designer

Panel Participants:  Dr. Tony Hartshorn, Land Resources and Environmental Sciences, Dr. Mitch Vaterlaus, Family and Consumer Sciences, EHHD, Dr. Katey Plymesser, Civil Engineering, Katy Brandis, J.D., College of Business


Inclusive Teaching, Mentoring and Research:

Workshop 1: Foundations for Practice: Applying Indigenous essential understandings

Workshop 2: Effective Mentoring for Indigenous Student Wellbeing

MSU’s Office of Diversity & Inclusion, in conjunction with the Department of Native American Studies and other key partners, invites all faculty, staff, and students to a series of sessions focused on embedding inclusive practices, Indigenous knowledge, cultural understandings into their work with students to foster inclusive learning environments.

Faculty Excellence Grants – Information Session

Facilitated by Dean Adams and Nika Stoop, CFE

Creating a Family Friendly Campus

Facilitated by Sara Rushing (University Family Advocate, Political Science), Andres Thorsen (JJCBE) and Myleen Leary (JJCBE)

Reflections and Other Approaches in Service Learning

Facilitated by Rebekah Van Wieren, Chair, Service Learning Committee, Plant Sciences & Plant Pathology
Panel: Marvin Lansverk (2019-2020 MUS Teaching Scholar, English), Ada Giusti (Modern Languages & Literatures), Wendy Morrison (Health & Human Development)

Instructional Innovation Grants – Information Session

Facilitated by Dean Adams and Ken Silverstri, CFE

Intro to Grants and Finding Funding

Watch the webex recording  video

Facilitated by Nika Stoop, Research Resources Coordinator, CFE

Active Learning Basics: Rethinking Your Teaching to Promote Deeper Learning

Facilitated by Ken Silvestri, CFE Instructional Designer

What Your Students Want You to Know…About Disabilities and Accessibility

Facilitated by Mike McNeil, Director of Disability Services and Dean Adams

Common Threads Seminar #1: "Piikani (Blackfeet) Pathways to Data, Research & Food Sovereignty"

Presenters: Kristen Ruppel, Loren BirdRattler

Activity Insight and Your Annual Review - General Session

Watch the webex recording video


Presenters: Dean Adams (Center for Faculty Excellence), Patrick Hatfield (Animal & Range Sciences), Diane Debinski (Ecology), John Paxton (Computer Science), Doralyn Rossmann (Library)  and Ian Godwin (Office of Planning & Analysis)

Activity Insight and Your Annual Review - Arts & Architecture

Watch the webex recording  video

Presenters: Dean Adams (Center for Faculty Excellence), Keith Kothman (Music), Ralph Johnson (Architecture), and Ian Godwin (Office of Planning & Analysis) 
 01/16/20  Capture Your Teaching: Session 1 and Session 2 Facilitated by Ken Silvestri, Center for Faculty Excellence