Join us for Rooted in Montana: A Virtual Coffee Hour for Gardeners. Eleven Webinars featuring horticultural topics for northern gardeners. The last webinar in series 1 will be held March 10.  It's free, but you must register to get the link. Use the QR code below, or this link (let me know if it doesn't work please) Webinar series name:

Rooted In Montana: A Virtual Coffee Hour for Gardeners Series 1

Rooted in Montana webinar list of topics

SERIES TWO will begin March 24

We've had such great feedback from our Rooted In Montana webinar series, we're doing it again! With new topics and new speakers! We're still offering it every other Monday at 10:00 a.m. but as before, the webinars are recorded and available to view later. It's still FREE!!
Join us for more great topics in Rooted In Montana: A Virtual Coffee Hour for Gardeners Series 2
Webinar series registration link:
Continuation of the virtual coffee hour with Extension Specialists and experts in gardening.
May be a graphic of text


Planting Conservation Tree Seedlings

Peter Kolb, MSU Extension Forestry Specialist has shared a guide pertaining to planting conservation tree seedlings.  The "hand planting tree seedlings guide" is available at:


Hand-Planting Guidelines for Bareroot Trees and Shrubs

Tree Planting Guidelines


Yard and Garden

Yard and Garden Publications from MSU
These are available for download or contact our office for a copy.


Additional information from NDSU Extension on lawns,gardens and trees