Risk Management for Volunteers
As a 4-H volunteer leader, you bring expertise, excitement and support to the 4-H program, all to help "Make the Best Better." When you plan activities and events it can be easy to focus on specifics such as goals, location, people involved, food, etc. It can be harder to think about the possible risks involved and how to manage those risks.
We want clubs to engage in a variety of activities and events. That is what makes 4-H fun, educational, and keeps youth excited about 4-H. We simply need to plan and conduct those activities in a safe manner. We need to ensure that risks to the 4-H program, the county, and Montana State University Extension are minimized and managed properly. Most importantly, we need to ensure that our most critical assets - 4-H members - are protected.
Risk Management: A Walk in the Park available from MSU Extension publications for $3 purchase here
Use this resource to plan 4-H events, assess possible risks (to people, property, financial, and goodwill/reputation) and modify events to reduce risk. The one pocket folder contains a Pre-Event Planning Guide, Pre-Event Risk Management Worksheet (table version also included) and an Incident Report Form. The inside of the folder includes instructions for using the Pre-Event Risk Management Worksheet and the back side includes emergency procedures.
In addition to being a great place to keep you 4-H risk management documents, this folder provides instructions on how to use the Pre-Event Planning Worksheet and emergency procedures. This folder will be available to purchase for $3.