The Key Performance Indicators are an annual report for use in planning and budgeting, developed in consultation with university leaders, department heads, deans, and other decision makers. They contain ten years of department-level expenditures, instructional faculty, student credit hour and student FTE production, majors, and degrees awarded. 

Please contact Rebecca Belou for questions.

KPI Dashboards

The KPIs have been organized into four dashboards that contain multiple measures. Click on a graph below to take you to the full dashboard. 

A KPI Dashboard User Guide is available as well as information on KPI Definitions.  

Instructional Resources- Expenditures, Faculty, GTAs

KPI Expenditures

Student Credit Hours- Student Credit Hours, Student FTEs


Enrollment- Majors Headcount

KPI Enrollment

Degrees- Degrees Awarded

KPI Degrees


Archive of older versions of KPIs

For static versions of FY 2016 and prior, the data are organized in PDFs by college, with department-level reports following a college summary page.