Why become a tutor?

  • Earn $15 an hour.
  • Set flexible work hours.
  • Assist other students in becoming successful.
  • Share your enthusiam and passion.
  • Expand your knowledge.
  • Build your resume.
  • Tutor in person and online.



  • Have earned a B+ or higher in the subjects you wish to tutor.
  • Have an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher and have attended at least one semester at MSU.
  • Have obtained a recommendation from an MSU faculty member who teaches the course.


The Process

  • If you want to be a Smarty Cats Tutor, complete this online application form.
  • If you want to be a Lab Student Assistant, complete this online application form.
  • If you want to be a Summer Success Academy Math Tutor, complete this online application form.
  • Upon review of your application you will be contacted for an interview. 
  • Upon successful hiring, we will ask you to contact your professor or head of department for a recommendation.


If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Student Success at (406)-994-ROAR(7627) or smartycats@montana.edu.