
Historically in existence at MSU is an informal research network comprised of outstanding programs on campus that have fully demonstrated their commitment to the state of Montana and its highly beneficial research enterprise. These programs share the mission of supporting faculty research by providing proposal development assistance, facilitation of research teams, computational services, or research mentorship and training. Under the direction of the Vice President for Research, The Office of Sponsored Programs and partners are leading an effort to deliver these services in an organized, systematic way through the MSU Research Network.  

MSU Research Network Description

The network is characterized as a dynamic and responsive collection of actors working towards the common goal of increasing research capacity and competitiveness at Montana State University. This network is alive, intelligent and agile in a constantly changing funding environment. The entities identified in this network provide support through proposal development assistance, data and computational services, outreach and specialized communication services, and provision of expertise in particular areas. OSP, in partnership with Center for Faculty Excellence, acts as the core or primary intake whereby researchers receive referrals to programs in the network that will benefit their research efforts. The network will leverage efforts and resources, with each participant contributing their own unique specialization area that emerges from the objectives of their program.

Network Benefits and Participation

This effort will increase visibility and therefore recognition of programs that provide these services, clarify routes investigators may take on their path towards grant success, and make visible a highly cooperative network of programs committed to faculty success. Shared goals and objectives that are successful will be of benefit to the institution and to the participating program. The network will be evolved over time with the input of the participants. Participants are hereby invited to freely contribute ideas as to how this network will evolve. Participants may opt-out at any time through non-involvement or direct notification. The fluid nature of this structure allows for new participants and exit of non-participating units. 

Participating Programs

Full Research Network Description (downloadable PDF) 

Want to Engage with the Network?

Visit our Proposal Services page. 

Want to Join the Network?

Great! We can't wait to hear from you. Please send a brief paragraph describing the research support you offer to the MSU community to