Citation generators are useful tools when creating works cited pages. Generated citations can be incorrect, but this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use them, only that you should use citation tools that are reliable and double-check the citations. Citation generators follow set patterns, so they can’t tell if information is input or formatted incorrectly. You can use the resources on our MLA and APA pages to double-check your citations. 

Online academic databases like Google Scholar, JSTOR, the MSU Library, and Web of Science have built-in citation generators that you can copy into your works cited page. The citations from these are more accurate than from non-integrated citation tools. 

Citation generators our tutors find to be the most useful and reliable 

  • MyBib 
    • Downloadable as a Chrome extension, this tool allows you to build bibliographies for each paper in multiple citation styles. It creates links to each webpage so they’re saved in one place.  
  • Academic Writer (for APA) by the American Psychological Association 
    • Paid for by MSU, requires a NetID login and a free account. Once logged in, go to References → Add References to start building a references page. 


Using Citation Generators Responsibly