All fees subject to change with Board of Regents approval.

Please note, tuition and fees are per semester.

WRG Tuition & Fees Fall 2024/ Spring 2025
Credits Tuition


Building Fee


(see below)

WRG Total*

(Tuition & Fees)

1 472.44 14.25 155.73 642.42
2 944.88 28.50 183.99 1,157.37
3 1,417.32 42.75 212.25 1,672.32
4 1,889.76 57.00 240.51 2,187.27
5 2,362.20 71.25 268.77 2,702.22
6 2,834.64 85.50 297.03 3,217.17
7 3,307.08 99.75 939.25 4,346.08
8 3,779.52 114.00 967.51 4,861.03
9 4,251.96 128.25 995.77 5,375.98
10 4,724.40 142.50 1,024.03 5,890.93
11 5,196.84 156.75 1,052.29 6,405.88
12 & up 5,669.28 171.00 1,080.55 6,920.83
*Schedule of Fees
Credits Registration Fee Building Fee SFEP Fee Computer Fee ASMSU Fee** Health/Dental Fee SU Fee Equipment Fee Information Technology Fee

Athletic Fee

1 30.00 23.96 8.27 3.95 0.00 0.00 5.50 4.10 79.95 0.00 155.73
2 30.00 30.40 16.54 7.90 0.00 0.00 11.00 8.20 79.95 0.00 183.99
3 30.00 36.84 24.81 11.85 0.00 0.00 16.50 12.30 79.95 0.00 212.25
4 30.00 43.28 33.08 15.80 0.00 0.00 22.00 16.40 79.95 0.00 240.51
5 30.00 49.72 41.35 19.75 0.00 0.00 27.50 20.50 79.95 0.00 268.77
6 30.00 56.16 49.62 23.70 0.00 0.00 33.00 24.60 79.95 0.00 297.03
7 30.00 62.60 117.75 27.65 146.10 320.00 38.50 28.70 79.95 88.00 939.25
8 30.00 69.04 126.02 31.60 146.10 320.00 44.00 32.80 79.95 88.00 967.51
9 30.00 75.48 134.29 35.55 146.10 320.00 49.50 36.90 79.95 88.00 995.77
10 30.00 81.92 142.56 39.50 146.10 320.00 55.00 41.00 79.95 88.00 1,024.03
11 30.00 88.36 150.83 43.45 146.10 320.00 60.50 45.10 79.95 88.00 1,052.29
12 & up 30.00 94.80 159.10 47.40 146.10 320.00 66.00 49.20 79.95 88.00 1,080.55


*Total does not include any applicable course fees, program fees, distributed learning fees, or health insurance. Distributed Learning Fee of $10 per credit charged on all online courses.

**ASMSU Fee includes: activity fee, bus fee, intramural fee, student organization fee, sustainability fee, student press fee, outdoor rec fee, student recreational facility fee, and student leadership fee