Description of Request

Submitted By: John Neumeier, Department Head, Physics

In December 2021, the Space Management Committee allocated Barnard Hall’s basement rooms 008 for the initial phases of the Quantum Foundry lab. This plan required relocating several MIE labs and researchers to Barnard 234 and 234A, which were cleared by the Physics department to accommodate M&IE faculty research. However, recent developments, including the departure of the lab’s director, have led to a new proposal to modify the space allocation for the MQF. The revised plan abandons the use of Barnard 008 and instead proposes relocating to Barnard 205 and its associated lab support spaces, previously occupied by Nick Borys, and reclaiming Barnard 234 and 234A. Barnard 205 has been the interim home of the MQF while design of 008 was undertaken. The MQF also plans to acquire new equipment, which will necessitate an assessment of the electrical infrastructure in Barnard 205 and 234 to determine the optimal placement. Otherwise, the space is suitable for continued research activities


Date: September 6, 2024

Space Management Committee has approved the allocation of Barnard Hall 205 and 234/234A for use by the MonArk Quantum Foundry as described above.