Description of Request

Submitted By: Colin Shaw; Director of Undergraduate Scholars Program

The Undergraduate Scholars Program (USP) needs temporary storage space for left-over give away items from NCUR 2020 (1.5 palettes/~70 boxes of aluminum mugs); any space approximately 8'x4'x8' will be sufficient. USP has plans to rebrand and give away the mugs as promotional items, but it will probably take a year or more to dispose of the entire load. The palettes are currently stored in the former Sweet Shop space in the SUB, options are being considered for reuse of the Sweet Shop space, therefore a new storage solution is needed. Staff proposes to use AJM 052, which is a vacant storage space of approximately 55 sf and is in close proximity to the USP office and Colin Shaw’s office located on the 1st floor.


Date:  August 6, 2021

Space Management Committee has approved the temporary use of AJM 052 for the purpose of storing surplus NCUR materials.