Description of Request

Submitted By: Joe Shaw, Director of Optical Technology Center, Electrical & Computer Engineering

360 NAH is a lab shell only at the present time. NACOE and Joe Shaw request that a portion of NAH 360, approximately 1/3 (780sf) of the space, be built out as an optics lab for use by Joe Shaw. The research lab will have several areas dedicated to laser research separated by operable blackout curtains. Research demanding higher levels of security will be located in Joe Shaw’s current lab space in Cobleigh 410 & 411. This lab is intended to be used for a multi-disciplinary program involving optical sensor system development. This work includes optics, electronics, and software aspects, all of which have different lab requirements. The optics spaces are the most demanding, as they require the creation of areas that can be made dark for optical measurements. This might most practically be achieved by a combination of drop-down ceilings and light-tight curtains to isolate one area from the rest of the lab.



Date: November 6, 2020

Space Management Committee approved the allocation of NAH 360 for use by Joe Shaw for research purposes. Given current growth in optics research and an outstanding NSF funding proposal submitted by Joe Shaw for an Engineering Resource Center, supported by NACOE and VPREDGE, a separate allocation of the reminder of the NAH 360 space may be pertinent in the future. This would be brought forward to the appropriate committees for approval consistent with Space Policy.