Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Montana State University

EE480:  Acoustics and Audio

Fall Semester 2004
Section 1 (CRN 74596), MWF 4:10PM-5:00PM, CobH 632

NOTE:  This course will be offered again during the Fall 2006 Semester!  It has been assigned the permanent course number EE417.

Prof. Robert C. Maher
529 Cobleigh Hall, 994-7759,
Course Syllabus
(policies, grading, dates, etc.)
Course Notes (updated 12/13/2004)
(topics, assignments, lecture comments, etc.)

The final exam scores and course grades are now ready.  Instructions on how to view the grades have been emailed to each student.

Thank you for participating in this course!  Best wishes for a wonderful holiday and a great 2005.