Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Montana State University

EE477:  Digital Signal Processing

Spring Semester 2005
Section 1 (CRN 31980), Mon., Wed., and Fri., 10:00-10:50AM, CobH 632
LAB:  Section 2 (CRN 31981), Thursday 11:00-12:50PM, CobH 601 (LAB)

Instructions for viewing the final exam scores and course grades were emailed to each student on Thursday, May 5, 2005.  You may pick up your exam on the table in the ECE Main Office, 610 Cobleigh Hall.

Thanks for all of your effort in class, in the lab, and in your study sessions.  Best wishes to those of you who are graduating (hooray!!), and I look forward to seeing the rest of you in the fall. -- R.C. Maher

    Prof. Robert C. Maher
529 Cobleigh Hall, 994-7759,

Course Syllabus
(policies, grading, dates, etc.)

Course Notes (updated 4/24/2005)
(topics, assignments, lecture comments, etc.)

Lab reports are to be prepared according to the memo report format.