
The AACUC is charged with facilitating centralized, uniform and high quality oversight of the institution's agricultural animal care program.

  • To make recommendations regarding the development and implementation of institutional policies and procedures to facilitate support and monitor the humane and appropriate use of animals in agricultural research and teaching as well as any other aspect of the agricultural animal care program.
  • To review and approve or disapprove protocols and other proposed activities, or proposed significant changes in activities, related to agricultural animal care.
  • To appoint representatives as deemed appropriate to conduct, at least twice per year, an inspection of agricultural animal facilities and study areas, to review the overall agricultural animal care and use program, and to provide a written report to the Dean of Agriculture and Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station, the director of the individual program that provides agricultural animal care, the Provost and the President.
  • To investigate concerns, complaints or reports of non-compliance involving agricultural animals at the facilities.
  • To suspend an activity involving agricultural animals when it is not in compliance with approved protocols or written operating procedures.
  • To make recommendations regarding the development and implementation of institutional policies and procedures to facilitate, support, and monitor the humane and appropriate use of animals in agricultural research and teaching as well as nay other aspect of the agricultural animal care program.
  • To perform other functions as may be required by institutional need and by applicable laws, regulations and policies.


AACUC membership must include the following: scientist; animal, dairy or poultry specialist; veterinarian; non-scientist (on-campus); community member; and any other members as requirec by institutional laws, regulations and/or policies.

Current AACUC Membership
Don Kress
Scientist - Professor Emeritus
Jane Ann Boles
Faculty - Animal and Range Sciences
Darrin Boss



Faculty - Research Centers
Sarah McCoski
Faculty - Animal and Range Sciences
Garrett Ryerson
Program Veterinarian
DVM, Faculty - WIMU
Sam Wyffels
Faculty - Animal and Range Sciences
Michelle Flenniken
Faculty - Plant Sciences & Plant Pathology
Jovanka Voyich
Faculty - Microbiology & Cell Biology
Amanda Bradbery
Faculty - Animal & Range Sciences
Katelyn Kohlbeck

Appointed By 

University President

Download PDF org chart 

Advisory To 

University President

Reports Due

As requested.