Subject: Student Success


Revised: September 2012, May 2018, SPRING 2023

Effective date: Fall 2023

Review date: Spring 2026


I. Introduction and Purpose 

The purpose of this policy is to establish procedures and guidelines necessary to ensure students conform to standards of performance and behavior in the clinical setting. Such standards of performance and behavior are critical in helping to ensure patient welfare and safety, and that students within the College of Nursing are adequately prepared for practice in a clinical setting. The performance and behavior standards discussed in this policy are defined in the university course bulletin and the MSU Conduct Guidelines & Grievance Procedures for Students.

II. Definitions

Days means business days unless stated otherwise. The University may extend or waive any deadline herein upon a determination of good cause. Good cause will include circumstances such as the impact of academic calendar breaks or holidays, other causes beyond the party’s control (e.g., illness, death in the family), or other circumstances that support a determination of good cause.

MRJCON Scholastic Committee means the college’s faculty governance committee tasked with considering students’ appeals for waivers and substitutions of courses, variances in progression or application policies, and reinstatement into the College of Nursing.

Student means a student as defined in the Code of Student Conduct.

III. Policy

Students are expected to be prepared for clinical assignments and to engage in responsible behaviors that help ensure patient welfare and safety. Students are expected to conform to standards of performance and behavior and to contribute positively to their courses and the College of Nursing program. Examples of performance and behavior that fail to meet these expectations include, but are not limited to:

• lack of preparation to safely care for assigned clients,

• symptoms of illness that place the client at risk,

• evidence of use of and/or impairment from drugs/alcohol,

• unethical conduct, etc.

Failure to conform to performance and behavioral standards may have serious implications for patient safety and may constitute violations of this and other university policies, including the Code of Student Conduct. The procedures for dismissing students from a clinical course/setting, either temporarily or permanently, are described below. A student temporarily or permanently dismissed from a course (or the clinical setting) may be referred to the Dean of Students for further review and sanctioning if the reason for the dismissal is a violation of the Code of Student Conduct.

IV. Procedures

a. Temporary Dismissal of a Student From a Clinical Course

The decision to temporarily dismiss a student from a course (e.g., for a single assignment period), may be made by the course instructor when the instructor determines that the student cannot safely proceed in the clinical setting. In such instances, the instructor must notify the student of the reason for the temporary dismissal (e.g., not prepared to provide safe care, symptoms of an illness that place the patient at risk, evidence of use of and/or impairment from drugs/alcohol, unethical conduct, etc.). A student instructed to leave a class (or clinical setting) must immediately comply.

Instructors should document any decisions to remove a student from a course or clinical setting as they arise, even though the issue may appear to be minor at the time.

No later than one day after the dismissal, the instructor must report the temporary dismissal, verbally and in writing, to the lead instructor of record and the Campus Director.

After any temporary dismissal from a class (or clinical setting), the instructor should attempt to meet with the dismissed student in an informal meeting to discuss the reason for the dismissal, future expectations, and to refer the student to any appropriate resources.

b. Permanent Dismissal of a Student From a Clinical Course

The decision to permanently remove a student from a clinical course (e.g., for the remainder of the specific course) may be made by the Campus Director upon referral by an instructor. The procedure for an instructor to permanently dismiss a student from a course is as follows:

1. The instructor must prepare a Statement of Facts (SOF). The SOF must include:

a. The name of the student;

b. The factual details that justify the proposed dismissal

c. Any relevant directions provided by the instructor or informal meetings to discuss the behavior or incident(s), including the guidance/teaching strategies employed and their outcomes;

d. The names of any individuals with relevant information; and

e. Any applicable dates, times, and locations of the behavior or incident(s).


2. The SOF must be submitted to the Campus Director and the student prior to any permanent dismissal. The student will have two days to respond to the SOF in writing to the Campus Director to address the issues raised and explain the student’s position on dismissal from the course.

3. The Campus Director will review all information provided by the student and instructor, and at the Campus Director’s discretion may interview either or both parties, as well as any other individuals the Campus Director believes are likely to have relevant information. The Campus Director will then consult with the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in deciding whether to approve or deny the permanent dismissal. The approval or denial must be in writing and include the following:

a. The reason for the determination;

b. Any conditions for reinstatement (if applicable);

c. The procedure for reinstatement by the MRJCON Scholastic Committee (if applicable);

d. Any appeal rights; and

e. A copy of the SOF and the student’s written response as attachments.

4. The Campus Director’s decision must be provided to the student, instructor, and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs within two days of receiving the student’s written response to the SOF. 

5. The Campus Director shall meet with the student to review the decision, any conditions for reinstatement (if applicable), and to discuss any options and applicable resources the student may have.

6. A student dismissed from a course by an instructor may not continue to attend the course while awaiting a final determination from the Campus Director or a final determination of any appeals. However, where practicable, the student shall be permitted to submit assignments, tests, and other work as appropriate. The instructor will facilitate access to necessary materials for homework and tests. Coursework is unaffected in other courses in which the student is enrolled.

7. The Campus Director shall provide a copy of any decision permanently dismissing a student from a course to the Dean of Students. A student permanently dismissed from a course may be subject to further review or discipline by the Office of the Dean of Students if the reason for the dismissal constitutes a violation of the Code of Student Conduct.

c. Permanent Dismissal of a Student From All Clinical Settings

The decision to permanently dismiss a student from all clinical courses/settings (e.g., all current and future clinical courses), may be made by the Campus Director in consultation with the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs when the Campus Director determines that the student cannot safely proceed in the clinical setting because of egregious unethical or unsafe conduct, or repeated instances of conduct that fails to conform standards of performance or behavior. The procedure for an Campus Director to permanently dismiss a student from all clinical courses is as follows:

1. The Campus Director shall consult with the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, and any relevant instructors, prior to instituting permanent dismissal of a student from all clinical settings.

2. The Campus Director must prepare a Statement of Facts (SOF). The SOF must include:

a. The name of the student;

b. The factual details and rationale that justify the proposed dismissal of the student from all clinical settings; c. Any relevant directions provided to the student or meetings to discuss the behavior or incident(s), including the guidance/teaching strategies employed and their outcomes;

d. Any prior temporary or permanent dismissals;

e. The names of any individuals with relevant information; and f. Any applicable dates, times, and locations of the behavior or incident(s).

3. The SOF must be submitted to the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and the student prior to any permanent dismissal from all clinical settings. The student will have two days to respond to the SOF in writing to the Campus Director to address the issues raised and explain the student’s position on the dismissal. 

4. The Campus Director will review all information provided by the student, and at the Campus Director’s discretion may interview either or both parties, as well as any other individuals the Campus Director believes are likely to have relevant information. The Campus Director will then consult with the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in deciding whether to approve or deny the permanent dismissal. The approval or denial must be in writing and include the following: 

a. The reason for the determination;

b. Any conditions for reinstatement (if applicable);

c. The procedure for reinstatement by the MRJCON Scholastic Committee (if applicable);

d. Any appeal rights; and

e. A copy of the SOF and the student’s written response as attachments.

5. The Campus Director’s decision must be provided to the student, instructor, and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs within two days of receiving the student’s written response to the SOF. 

6. The Campus Director shall meet with the student to review the decision, any conditions for reinstatement (if applicable), and to discuss any options and applicable resources the student may have.

7. A student dismissed from a course(s) may not continue to attend the course(s) while awaiting a final determination from the Campus Director or a final determination of any appeals. However, where practicable, the student shall be permitted to submit assignments, tests, and other work as appropriate. The instructor(s) will facilitate access to necessary materials for homework and tests. The student may complete any remaining non-clinical coursework in the semester of removal if she/he wishes.

8. The Campus Director shall provide a copy of any decision permanently dismissing a student from all clinical settings to the Dean of Students. A student permanently dismissed from all clinical settings may be subject to further review or discipline by the Office of the Dean of Students if the reason for the dismissal constitutes a violation of the Code of Student Conduct.

V. Appeal Procedures

These procedures are available only to review allegedly unfair decisions and not mere differences of opinion regarding the professional judgment of the instructor or Campus Director in evaluating a student's work or making an academic decision regarding the permanent dismissal of a student from a course or all clinical settings. Temporary dismissals from a course may not be appealed. The permanent dismissal from a course or all clinical settings will be considered unfair if the decision is made:

A. On some basis other than performance in the course and/or compliance with course assignments and requirements;

B. By more exacting or demanding standards than were applied to other students in the same section;

C. By a substantial departure from the instructor's, department's, college's, or University's announced standards as articulated in the course syllabus, catalog descriptions, college policies, and/or other written materials.

The following procedures are used for appeals of permanent dismissal from a course or all clinical settings:

A. The student may present a formal appeal in writing to the Dean of the College of Nursing no later than five days after receiving the Campus Director’s determination. The student must provide evidence and information in support of their position that the student should not be permanently dismissed from the course or all clinical settings, and the precise remedies requested. The student may attach copies of any relevant documents or evidence. Upon acceptance of the appeal, the Dean shall send a copy of the appeal to the Campus Director.

B. The Campus Director shall have five days to respond in writing to the Dean after receipt of the appeal. The Campus Director shall present the rationale for the dismissal and any relevant evidence. The Dean shall send a copy of the response to the student.

C. The Dean will receive and review all evidence provided by the student and Campus Director, and at the Dean’s discretion may interview either or both parties and any other individuals with relevant information. The Dean shall render a written decision within five days of receipt of the Campus Director’s response. The response should include a determination with a rationale for the decision. The Dean’s decision may uphold, amend, or overturn the sanction or academic decision. The Dean shall send a copy of the decision to the student and the Campus Director.

D. The decision of the Dean is the final decision of the University.

Internal control considerations, if applicable:

Relevant MRJCON policies include:

  • Student Clinical Compliance,
  • Application, Admission and Placement into the College of Nursing Undergraduate Programs,
  • Faculty or Student Reporting of Unusual Incidents,
  • Acceptable Performance in UG Courses,
  • College of Nursing Scholastic Committee,
  • Professional Student Behavior,
  • Student Exposure to or Diagnosis of a Communicable Disease,
  • Student Refusal of a Clinical Assignment