NRSG 610 Health Care Informatics
Master Resource Outline
Course Title: NRSG 610 Health Care Informatics
Credits: 3 (lecture)
Semesters Offered: Fall, Spring
Prerequisites: none
Degree: DNP
DNP Essentials: II, IV, VI, VIII
Graduate Program Objectives: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Course Description:
This graduate nursing course explores health care information systems and computer technology to optimize health information management and communication systems while maintaining privacy and security of data.
Course Objectives:
1. Design, select, use and evaluate programs that evaluate and monitor outcomes of care, care systems, and quality improvement including consumer use of health care information
2. Analyze and communicate critical elements necessary to the selection, use and evaluation of health care information systems and patient care
3. Demonstrate the conceptual ability and technical skills to develop an evaluation plan involving data extraction from practice information systems and databases to improve patient outcomes.
4. Provide leadership in the evaluation of ethical, legal, social, and regulatory issues related to health care
5. Evaluate consumer health information sources for accuracy, timeliness, and appropriateness.
Course Learning Outcomes: Upon completing this course the student will be able to:
1. Evaluate informatics systems and programs that improve patient outcomes
- Course assignments/activities that show student met this learning outcome. Quizzes
2. Analyze benefits and risks of electronic health information.
- Course assignments/activities that show student met this learning outcome: Course discussions.
3. Analyze system data input, storage, measurement and utilization to address quality and patient needs.
- Course assignments/activities that show student met this learning outcome: Quality Measure Dataflow How to Capture Data Tools
Approved by GAAC: 10/20/11; 10/5/2015; 4/26/2021
Approved by Faculty: 4/9/12; 5/3/2021