Master Resource Outline


Course Title: NRSG 357 Nursing Concepts in Pediatric Care

Credits: 2 (lecture)
Semesters Offered: Fall and Spring
Prerequisites: NRSG 327, NRSG 328, NRSG 329, NRSG 316, PSYX 230 or HDFS 101


Course Description:

The focus of this course is health promotion, disease prevention, illness management, and nursing care of children within the family context. A variety of settings among diverse populations utilizing foundational knowledge of developmental stages will be examined. This course builds upon and integrates knowledge gained from nursing, sciences, and the humanities.

Catalog Course Description:

This course examines health promotion, disease prevention, illness management, and nursing care of children within the family context using knowledge gained from nursing, sciences, humanities, and developmental theory


Course Objectives:

1. Utilize evidence-based nursing practice to assist children and their families with the promotion, maintenance, and restoration of health; disease prevention and management; and death with dignity.
2. Apply appropriate knowledge of physical, cognitive, emotional, social, and moral development throughout the pediatric developmental stages to examine safe, quality nursing care for children and their families.
3. Describe culturally competent nursing care to children and their families.
4. Recognize community-based nursing concepts in caring for children and their families.

Course Learning Outcomes:

1. Apply developmental concepts, theories, and stages to their understanding of pediatric nursing care.
2. Differentiate physiological differences in health assessments between adults and pediatric populations.
3. Evaluate evidence-based interventions for common pediatric illnesses.
4. Describe an understanding of the relationships between pediatric patients and vulnerable populations and health disparities.


AACN Competencies

This course develops:

1.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the discipline of nursing’s distinctive perspective and where shared perspectives exist with other disciplines.
1.2 Apply theory and research-based knowledge from the arts, humanities, and sciences.
3.3 Consider the economic impact of the delivery of health care.
1.2 Integrate best evidence into nursing practice.
8.1 Describe information and communication technology tools used in the care of patients, communities, and populations. 

AACN Threads

  • Equity and Inclusion
  • Diversity
  • Cultural Sensitivity
  • Social Determinants of Health
  • Communication
  • Ethics
  • Clinical Judgement
  • Mental Health


Required Content and Concepts:

1. Physiological principles: the application of these principles that are unique to infants, children and adolescents (eg. fluid balance, nutrition)
2. Pediatric health assessments using developmentally appropriate techniques.
3. Application of developmental theory to the nursing care of children and their families, including developmentally appropriate communication, attachment, relational poverty, language and growth delays
4. Nursing care of children and their families in both the (hospital) acute care setting and the community setting with acute and/or chronic illnesses.
5. Cultural competence in nursing care of families who have a child who is acutely or chronically ill or is in need of palliative care.
6. Children’s perception of health, illness, and death
7. The concept of chronic sorrow for families
8. Health promotion and disease prevention for children (eg. immunizations, health screening, safety, developmental assessment, prevention of violence, nutrition and effects of media on children)
9. Acute illnesses and chronic illnesses to include:

a. Neurological/genetic

i. Hydrocephaly
ii. Cerebral Palsy
iii. Neural Tube Defects
iv. Reye’s syndrome
v. Febrile Seizures
vi. Nonaccidental brain trauma
vii. Vision screening/strabismus etc.
viii. Hearing screening
ix. Trisomy 21

b. Respiratory

i. Respiratory Distress/Respiratory Failure
ii. Laryngotracheobronchitis/Croup
iii. Tonsillitis
iv. Epiglottitis
v. Otitis Media
vi. Pneumonia
vii. Bronchiolitis/ RSV
viii. Foreign Body Aspiration
ix. Asthma
x. Cystic Fibrosis

c. Cardiac 

i. Common Congenital Heart Diseases (PDA, ASD, VSD, Tet of Fallot,
Coarctation of Aorta, Hypoplastic Left heart.
ii. Acute Rheumatic Fever
iii. Kawasaki Disease

d. Gastrointestinal

i. Cleft Lip and Palate
ii. Dehydration
iii. Vomiting/Diarrheal diseases
iv. Appendicitis
vi. Constipation
vii. Hirschsprung's Disease
viii. Pyloric Stenosis
ix. Short Bowel Syndrome
x. Intussusception

e. Genitourinary/Renal

i. Urinary Tract Infections
ii. Enuresis
iii. Acute Poststreptococcal Glomerulonephritis
iv. Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome

f. Hematology/Oncology

i. Developmental Anemias
ii. Sickle Cell Anemia
iii. Hemophilia
iv. Leukemias
v. Lymphomas
vi. Brain Tumors
vii. Neuroblastomas
viii. Wilms Tumors
ix. Bone Tumors

g. Musculoskeletal 

i. Fractures and casts for pediatric patients/immobility and developmental
ii. Congenital Hip Dysplasia
iii. Scoliosis
iv. Muscular Dystrophy
v. Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

h. Communicable Diseases

i. Acne
ii. Impetigo
iii. Roseola
iv. Fifth Disease
v. Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease
vi. Measles
vii. Mumps
viii. Rubella
ix. Varicella
x. Contact dermatitis
xi. Lice
xii. Scabies

i. Endocrine

i. Growth Hormone deficiency and excess.
ii. Precocious puberty and delayed puberty
iii. Congenital hypothyroidism
iv. Type 1 Diabetes
v. Childhood obesity and type 2 diabetes.

j. Cognition and Mental Health 

i. Learning disabilities
ii. Autism Spectrum Disorder
iii. ADHD
iv. Eating Disorders
v. Depression
vi. Anxiety
vii. Suicide
viii. Self-harm
ix. Abuse and Violence

k. Developmental delays 

Suggested Student Learning Activites: 

  • Perform age appropriate assessments utilizing developmental theory
  • Develop nursing care plans or concept maps through case studies
  • Incorporate research findings and evidence-based practice into nursing care
    Assigned readings
  • Selected written assignments and/or projects and/or presentations
  • Evaluation questioning (iclicker, question implantation, games)


Approved by UAAC: 1/23/2023

Approved by MRJCON Faculty: February 2023