NRSG 323 Professional Development I: Professional and Ethical Nursing
Master Resource Outline
Course Title: NRSG 323 Professional Development I: Professional and Ethical Nursing
Credits: 1 (lecture)
Semesters Offered: Fall, Spring
Prerequisites: Acceptance into the program or by consent of instructor
Course Description:
This course provides content to initiate and foster professional, culturally competent, inclusive nursing care. Ethical development of the professional nurse including morality and obligations to cultural sensitivity and inclusion will be discussed using ethical dilemmas of everyday practice (micro ethics). The importance of evidence-based practice and professional nurse identify as a core professional attribute will be discussed. Self-reflection and group learning strategies are used to promote learning.
Catalog Course Description:
Students will explore the ethical development of professional nursing to initiate and foster professional, culturally competent, inclusive nursing care. Ethical development including morality and obligations to cultural sensitivity and inclusion, evidence-based practice and professional nurse identity will be discussed.
Course Objectives:
- Interpret the interrelations among components of morality including values clarification, unconscious bias, moral sensitivity, reasoning, decision making and behavior.
- Discuss ethical obligations of professional nurses in their roles as citizens, members of a profession, providers of care, and designers and managers of care.
- Determine what fundamental ethical principles and ethical decisions making models apply to common nursing care situations (micro ethics) and examine how personal and social values, biases and beliefs may create moral conflict in clinical practice.
- Examine evidence-based practice competencies to enhance the role of nursing in patient care.
- Discuss the importance of professional identity formation to promote resiliency.
Course Learning Outcomes: Upon completing this course the student will be able to:
- Discuss how personal and systematic values and bias effect healthcare delivery.
- Identify every day ethical dilemmas involving diverse populations.
- Describe methods to incorporate evidence-based practice competencies in patient care.
- Create a collection of reflections including a professional practice statement identifying their core values, principles, self-care and professional identify formation that will guide their conduct and future practice as they reflect on their progression of the AACN (American Association of Colleges of Nursing) competencies for their BSN progression.
AACN Threads
- Equity and Inclusion
- Diversity
- Cultural Sensitivity
- Communication
- Ethics
- Mental Health
Recommended Content and Concepts
Professional Practice:
- Resiliency and self-care in nursing
- EBP introductory concepts
- Benner Novice to Expert progression
- Legal Issues in Nursing: HIPPA, social media, documentation, State Board of Nursing Regulations, mandatory reporting, incident reporting
- Inter-professional Teamwork/Collaboration Strategies
- Competencies
- BSN Essentials
- Promoting public confidence in our profession and enhancing our image (When preparing new nurses for practice don’t overlook the basics)
- Discussion and preparation for common difficult situations or conversations nurses face
- E-portfolio
- Professional Behavior Form
Nursing Ethics:
- Cultural Competence Models (AACN tool kit)
- Values of Nursing Profession (advocacy, social justice, beneficent care)
- Ethical Principles
- Examine personal values, unconscious bias and moral conflict
- Applying cultural awareness and cultural sensitivity to ethical decision making
- Discuss social awareness of diverse populations (LGBTQ, AI/AN, people of color)
- ANA Code of Ethics
- Informed consent
- Advanced Directives, Client Rights, Legal Rights and Responsibilities
- Micro ethics (everyday situations) and learning good practices r/t supporting patient decision making, providing comfort to those who are suffering, advocating for patients and families (Ethics Education for Nursing: Instruction for Future Generations of Nurses)
Suggested Student Learning Activities:
- papers and reports
- tests and quizzes
- Internet searches
- workshops
- discussion
- videos
- reading
- study guides
- case studies
- student presentations
- guest speakers
- small groups
- role playing
Approved by UAAC: 11/24/2020; 4/29/2024
Approved by Faculty: 9/28/2020; 12/12/2024
AACN Competencies [AACN Essentials, 2021]
This course introduces:
1.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the discipline of nursing’s distinctive perspective and where shared perspectives exist with other disciplines.
2.6 Demonstrate accountability for care delivery.
2.8 Promote self-management.
4.1 Advance the scholarship of nursing.
4.2 Integrate best evidence into nursing practice.
4.3 Promote the ethical conduct of scholarly activities.
5.1 Apply quality improvement principles in care delivery.
7.1 Apply knowledge of systems to work effectively across the continuum of care.
7.2 Incorporate consideration of cost effectiveness of care.
6.4 Work with other professions to maintain a climate of mutual learning, respect, and shared values.
8.5 Use information and communication technologies in accordance with ethical, legal, professional, and regulatory standards and workplace policies in the delivery of care.
9.1 Demonstrate an ethical comportment in one’s practice reflective of nursing’s mission to society.
9.2 Employ nursing’s participatory approach to person-centered care.
9.3 Demonstrate accountability to the patient, society, and the profession.
9.4 Comply with relevant laws, policies, and regulations.
10.3 Develop capacity for leadership.
10.1 Demonstrate a commitment to personal health and wellbeing.
10.2 Demonstrate a spirit of inquiry that fosters flexibility and professional maturity.
9.5 Demonstrate the professional identity of nursing.
9.6 Integrate diversity, equity, and inclusion as core to one’s professional identity.