NRSG 639 Midwifery Clinical Care Skills and Procedures
Master Resource Outline
Course Title: NRSG 639 Midwifery Clinical Care Skills and Procedures
Credits: 2 (1 didactic, 1 clinical learning lab)
Semesters Offered: Fall
Prerequisites: NRSG 641, NRSG 644
Degree: DNP
AACN Core Competencies for Advanced-level Nursing Education: 1, 2, 9
MRJCON DNP Program Learning Outcome: 1, 2, 9
MRJCON NM Option Learning Outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7
Course Description:
This graduate nursing course focuses on skills and procedures that are commonly used by nurse midwives in the primary care setting and inpatient setting. These skills will enhance didactic content that is presented in the Primary and Gynecologic Care course, and the courses that focus on caring for people during the antepartum, intrapartum, and postpartum periods, and the neonate during the first 28 days of life. Interprofessional collaboration is stressed in this course. The course will culminate in a 3-day hands-on skills lab held on the Bozeman campus (TBD by midwifery faculty).
Catalog Description:
This graduate nursing course focuses on introducing skills and procedures that are used by nurse midwives within the primary care and inpatient settings. These skills will enhance content presented in other midwifery option courses.
Course Learning Outcomes: Upon completing this course the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate skills and procedures used when caring for people in the primary care
setting including laboratory screening techniques, contraceptive methods, and when
diagnosing common self-limiting conditions.
2. Demonstrate ability to independently and skillfully: manage a spontaneous vaginal
birth, do an episiotomy, repair first and second-degree lacerations and episiotomy,
suture, apply hand maneuvers during normal birth and the third stage, facilitate the
transition to extrauterine life, assess the newborn and resuscitate the newborn, and
apply maneuvers to correct shoulder dystocia.
3. Demonstrate the skills needed to manage physical involution following pregnancy.
4. Demonstrate the skills needed to administer local anesthesia.
Exemplars of Course Learning Outcomes:
1. Demonstrate proficiency in basic suturing technique. [CLO2, CLO4]
2. Demonstrate proficiency in the process of infant resuscitation in the simulation
laboratory. [CLO2]
3. Demonstrate proficiency in the simulation laboratory in administering local anesthesia
4. Demonstrate hand maneuvers for infant delivery in various maternal positions in
the simulation laboratory [CLO2]
5. Demonstrate emergency techniques for resolution of shoulder dystocia and postpartum
hemorrhage in the simulation laboratory [CLO2; CLO3]
6. Collaborate with students of other health disciplines when performing skills and
procedures in the simulation laboratory to improve health outcomes [CLO1]
American College of Nurse Midwives Core Competencies for Basic Midwifery Practice
Includes the fundamental knowledge, skills, and abilities expected of new midwives
certified by the American
Midwifery Certification Board (AMCB).
V. Components of Midwifery Care – While each person’s life is a continuum, midwifery
care can be divided into primary, preconception, gynecologic/reproductive/sexual health,
antepartum intrapartum and post-pregnancy care:
B-4. Performs health and laboratory screenings
C-2. Utilizes common screening tools and diagnostic tests, including those for hereditary
C-4. Provides comprehensive care for all available contraceptive methods
C-5. Screens for and treats sexually transmitted infections including partner evaluation,
treatment, and referral as indicated
D-5. Utilizes nationally defined screening tools and diagnostics as indicated
E-7. Performs the following skills independently:
a. Administration of local anesthesia
b. Management of spontaneous vaginal birth
c. Management of third stage of labor
d. Episiotomy, as indicated
e. Repair of episiotomy, first and second-degree lacerations
F-1. Manages physical involution following pregnancy ending in spontaneous or induced
abortion, preterm birth, or term birth
G-3. Utilizes methods to facilitate physiologic transition to extrauterine life including,
but not limited to, the following:
a. Establishment of respiration
b. Cardiac and hematologic stabilization, including cord clamping and cutting
c. Thermoregulation
g. Emergency management, including resuscitation, stabilization
American College of Nurse Midwives Competencies for Practice Doctorate in Midwifery
- Translate expert clinical knowledge and research relevant to midwifery best practice models
American College of Nurse Midwives Core Values
- ExcellenceEvidence-based care
- Inclusiveness
- Woman-centered care
- Primary care
Recommended Content
- Laboratory diagnostic and screening procedures
- Contraceptive care skills
- Administration of local anesthesia
- Skills when managing vaginal birth, third stage of labor, and involution
- Episiotomy and repair of first and second-degree lacerations
- Procedures to support neonatal transition to extrauterine life
Approved by GAAC: 9/9/2022
Approved by Faculty: 9/12/22