MS Mechanical Engineering (Plan A)
Program Learning Outcomes Students will be able to:
Performance Indicators
(What would you see if the student has learned?)
(What is the measure and where, how, and when is data collected?)
Use of the Information (Who collects and compiles, who reviews)
Demonstrate technical expertise in emphasis area
Students successfully complete courses specified in program of study.
Annual % of Plan A grad students with GPA equal or above 3.0 in all courses in Program of Study.

Admin Assist (Kathy Campbell) to collect data and maintain assessment results. ME Graduate Committee to annually assess data, prepare statistics, and evaluate results.

Effectively communicate research to a scientific audience

Students successfully communicate their research in writing through their thesis document.

Students successfully communicate their research work orally at the public final defense.

Annual % of Plan A grad students submitting final signed thesis. (Annual % will be calculated based on the total number of Plan A graduate students who have attempted the thesis defense.)

Admin Assist (Kathy Campbell) to collect data and maintain assessment results. ME Graduate Committee to annually assess data, prepare statistics, and evaluate results.

Perform quality original research

Students successfully defend the originality and quality of their research in a public forum.

Annual % of Plan A grad students passing the final defense exam.* (Annual % will be calculated based on the total number of Plan A graduate students who have attempted the thesis defense.)

Admin Assist (Kathy Campbell) to collect data and maintain assessment results. ME Graduate Committee to annually assess data, prepare statistics, and evaluate results.

*Additional information: Annual % of Plan A graduate students whose conference and/or journal papers (based on their thesis research) are accepted will also be collected and reported. This data will not be used as a “measure,” however; will provide additional information about program’s success.


MS Mechanical Engineering (Plan B)

Program Learning Outcomes Students will be able to:

Performance Indicators
(What would you see if the student has learned?)

(What is the measure and where, how, and when is data collected?)

Use of the Information (Who collects and compiles, who reviews)

Demonstrate technical expertise in emphasis area

Students successfully complete courses specified in program of study.

Students successfully pass comprehensive exam.

Annual % of Plan B grad students with overall GPA of 3.0 or above in the completed that are included in Program of Study.

Annual% of Plan B students passing comprehensive exam

Admin Assist (Kathy Campbell) to collect data and maintain assessment results. ME Graduate Committee to annually assess data, prepare statistics, and evaluate results.

Effectively communicate research to a scientific audience

Students successfully communicate their research in writing through their project report.

Annual % of Plan B grad students with GPA equal or above B for project report.

Admin Assist (Kathy Campbell) to collect data and maintain assessment results. ME Graduate Committee to annually assess data, prepare statistics, and evaluate results.