The MSU Hilleman Scholar Mentor-in-Residence Program

2021 MSU Hilleman Scholars with a success advisor.
As we’ve watched important learning experiences unfold through theLessons in Leadershipprogram, we believe sustained conversations and interactions from mentors advance the futures of our scholars. The MSU Hilleman Scholar Mentor-in-Residence Programextends the good work from the Lessons in Leadershipexperience bybuilding connections between volunteer alumni and community members to form longer term relationships with the scholars.Mentors-in-Residenceserve as an important resource during the residency period.Mentors-in-Residenceshare their knowledge and help the program foster the potential of our students to help situate ideas that advance a life of purpose.
The Mentor-in-Residenceexperience is based upon one or a combination of any of these three learning and interaction periods:
Occurs over a one-to-two day period where scholars typically meet with the mentor during a small group “general session” followed by 30-minute individual “office hours” appointments and/or lunch or dinner meetings.
Mentor-in-Residence opportunities exist during the full Summer Success Academy orfor a specific theme week.
- Mentors-in-Residence are need to:
- Situate the NAVIGATE MSU plan – specifically advancing student learning, student development, and/or student engagement
- provide insights focused on industry or professional case studies/problem solving opportunities.
- Mentoring the scholar peer mentors – providing counsel and guidance as the Summer Success Academy mentors test their leadership, conflict management, and executive functioning skills
- Training and ongoing guidance is offered to Mentors-in Residence who participate in the Summer Success Academy experience.
- Mentors-in-Residence are need to:
Regular meetings form a sustained relationship which occurs over the course of year (or more). In this format, the relationship between mentor and scholar emerges as the primary reason for connections. Training is offered to mentors for this experience.
If you are interested in being apart of the MSU Hilleman Scholars Mentor-in-Residence Program or nominating someone who think has valuable insight to share with our scholars, please fill out one of the below forms.