Web Resources
- America Saves: (Consumer Federation of America)
Organization dedicated to providing free financial tools, services for saving and resources in an effort to advance the financial literacy of Americans. - Choose to Save: Education Program (Employee Benefit Research Institute)
Includes calculators on: Credit Cards, Auto, Home Mortgage, and Home Equity. - is the U.S. government's website dedicated to teaching all Americans the basics about financial education.
- PowerPay: Debt Reduction Computer Program Getting out of debt is typically the best investment you can make. It may produce
double-digit returns by reducing the amount of interest paid and the time it takes
to get out of debt. The PowerPay© computer analysis can help you chart a course for
debt free reduction.
How does the PowerPay© computer analysis program work?
- Montana ABLE Accounts: Achieving a Better Life Experience (PDF Version) (HTML Version-ADA Accessible)
The Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act was enacted by the Montana Legislature in response to the United States Congress passing an act by the same name. An ABLE account is a savings account allowing persons with disabilities to save money without losing their SSI or Medicaid benefits.
- First-time Homebuyer Savings Account(PDF Version) (HTML Version-ADA Accessible)
Montana residents can save money in a special savings account for the purchase of a first home and save on Montana income taxes. Includes annual report worksheet. - Health Care Savings Accounts (PDF Version) (HTML Version-ADA Accessible)
The dramatic rise in health care expenses in recent years has prompted some individuals to combine a high deductible health insurance policy with a federal Health Savings Account (HSA) to control these costs. This MontGuide provides basic information about HSAs.- Spreadsheet that will help you track your health care savings account expenses.
- Spreadsheet that will help you track your health care savings account expenses.
- Montana Medical Care Savings Accounts (MSAs) for the 2021 Tax Year. (PDF Version) (HTML Version-ADA Accessible)
A Medical Care Savings Account (MSA) can provide a deduction from Montana state income tax. This MontGuide explains who is eligible, what expenses are allowed, and how to set up an MSA. - Track'n Your Savings Goals (PDF Version) (HTML Version-ADA Accessible)
It takes a lot of effort to decide on a savings plan and stick with it. This MontGuide shows you how to use an innovative technique to track progress towards achieving your family and personal savings goals. - Track'n Your Savings Goals Savings Register. ) Free of Charge [Order Online]
This 36-page 3x6" savings register fits inside a checkbook cover to keep savings goals handy. It includes instructions and examples of how to set and concentrate on achieving one or more savings goals.