Credit Management
PowerPay is a phenomenal FREE and confidentional tool from the Utah State University Extension Department. Make a free account, plug in real numbers from your personal bills and get easy-to-read spending plans, payment calculators, loan projections and more.
- Credit & Debt
Get expert advice, trusted financial services, and AI-based money tips with Money Sensei. Money Sensei™ uses AI to recommend personalized budgeting tips and help you pay off debts faster. Understand credit limits, late payment impacts, explore debt-to-income ratios and learn how lenders evaluate you.Get advice from a professional at no extra cost to you.
We work with our nonprofit partners to provide nationally certified debt management coaches –for free!
- Credit, Loans, & Debt (AARP)
Offers many resources on Credit, Loans, and Debt including calculators. It contains sections on in the Spotlight news, Editors picks, and From the Experts. - FTC Consumer Money & Credit (Federal Trade Commission)
Provides resources to help you become a more savvy consumer.
CreditSmart Curriculum (FreddieMac)
CreditSmart is a suite of free, comprehensive financial and homeownership education resources for the general public (consumers) and practitioners who wish to coach consumers. The suite consists of several courses, curricula and other resources.CreditSmart resources are completely free.