Judith Basin County Fair
2025 Judith Basin Co. Fair July 28 - August 1st
The 2025 JB Co. Fair Livestock Sale is FRIDAY AUGUST 1, 2025. The sale begins at 6pm with a buyer's dinner starting at 5pm.
The 2025 JB Co. Fair schedule will look very different from previous years. Including the Livestock Sale being held on Friday evening. Please pay close attention to the fair schedule as the day and time for many events has changed from previous years.
Fair Book Ad Dates and Deadlines
All JB Co. 4-H Members are expected to participate in selling of ad space in the fair book. Funds from the fair book ads cover many of the fair costs, allowing us to waive entry fees for all exhibitors.
- Fair Book Ads are being distributed in January
- March 14, 2025 Fair Book Ads due to the Extension Office.
2025 JB Co. Fair Schedule of Events
MONDAY JULY 28, 2025
- 8:00 am Working Ranch Horse Show at fairgrounds
- Fair Set Up immediately following WRH Show. All 4-H Exhibitors are required to participate in Set Up.
- 9 - 11am 4-H Interview Judging at Stanford School, first come first served. Must be present by 11am.
- 9-11am Cloverbud and 4-H indoor exhibits accepted at the Exhibit Building
- 3-6pm Livestock Weigh Ins. Animals may arrive prior to their species designated weigh
time but must be in pens until the assigned time at the scale.
- 3-3:45pm Sheep/Goat
- 3:45-5:15pm Swine
- 5:15-6pm Beef
- 7pm Exhibitor and Barn Meetings. All small and large animal exhibitors are required to attend.
- 8am Horseshow at fairgrounds
- 9am Grade School Exhibits placed and judged.
- 1-2:45pm FFA/FCCLA/Open Class/Fair Arts exhibits accepted at Exhibit Building
- 3pm Open Class judging
- 4pm Dog Show in Show Arena
- 7pm Exhibitor meeting with Livestock Judge in Show Arena
- 7:30am Swine Show - Showmanship, Market, Breeding
- 8:30am Exhibit Building Opens
- 11:30am Small Animal Show (chicken, rabbit, cat) Show Arena
- 2:45pm Beef Show: Market, Showmanship, Breeding
- 8am Sheep & Goat Show - Sheep: Market, Showmanship, Breeding. Goat: Market, Showmanship, Breeding.
- 8am Ultrasounds begin - Order will be beef, swine, sheep/goats. You are responsible for getting your animal to the ultrasound station.
- 11:30am Small Animal Round Robin in Show Arena
- 12:30pm Large Animal Round Robin in Show Arena
- 1:30pm Adult Showmanship Event in Show Arena
- 4:30pm Open Pet Parade, Round Robin & Herdsmanship Awards
- 5:00pm Buyer's Appreciation Dinner
- 6:00pm 4-H Livestock Sale
- 4-H Dance immediately following Livestock Sale
- 9:00am Exhibit Building / Livestock Take Down and Clean up. All 4-H Members, leaders and parents are required to participate in take down/clean up. We will no longer be utilizing the shift sign up system.
Fair Entry Dates and Deadlines
Fair entry dates have changed from previous years. Please be aware of these important dates so you do not miss the entry deadline.
- May 1, 2025 - Fair entry opens on Fair Entry.
- You must be enrolled in the project that you are entering in the fair.
- All livestock exhibitors must also do a project interview entry in Fair Entry.
- Only animals that are tagged and reported to the Ext. Office prior to the tagging date deadline can be shown at fair. You must submit the tag number, weight, breeder information and a photo of your animal with the ear tag visible to the Ext. Office. Tag deadlines are: Beef - January 15, 2025, Swine - April 15, 2025, Sheep/Goat - May 18, 2025.
- 4-H youth are required to sign up for one food booth shift when completing your fair entry. Junior and Intermediate members should sign up for one (1) shift of 1 hour and Senior members need to sign up for one (1) shift of 2 hours.
- June 23, 2025 - Fair entry closes at 5pm.
- All exhibitors will receive an exhibitor packet the week prior to fair. It is your responsiblity to review the information immediately upon receipt and notify the Ext Office of any errors. NO CLASS/DEPARTMENT CHANGES WILL BE MADE AFTER JULY 24, 2025.
- Late Entries will be accepted June 24 - June 30, 2025. Late entry fee will be $25 and must be done through the Extension Office.
- Admission to the fair will be free.
- The Fair Board, 4-H Council and fair management will use care and precaution to prevent damage or loss of any article or animal, but will not assume any liabilty for loss or damaage of exhibits.
- All ages are as of October 1, 2024. Juniors 8-10 yrs, Intermediate 11-13 yrs, Seniors 14+ yrs.
- Youth entry forms are due June 23, 2025 through fairentry.com. Late entries will be accepted June 24 - June 30, 2025 and are subject to a $25 late fee per person. Late entries must be submitted directly to the Extension Office.
- Youth members can enter exhibits only from enrolled projects. The entries must be the work of the 4-H member, made during the current 4-H year. 4-H'ers may exhibit in ONE (highest) lever of project only. All 4-H & FFA exhibitors must participate in interview judging.
- Exhibitors must bring an up-to-date 4-H project record to interview judging. FFA members must bring an up-to-date SAE and feed records.
- All exhibits, except livestock, are to be brought to interview judging. Exhibits are to be displayed in the exhibit building following interview with exhibit card attached.
- All project interviews, including livestock, will be July 29, unless done prior to the fair with the Extension Agent.
- Parents and leaders are not allowed at interview judging table.
- To receive premium money, 4-H exhibitors must participate in both set-up AND take down.
- All Department A Exhibits will be placed as follows; 1st group - blue, 2nd group - red, 3rd group - white. If no exhibit in a lot merits a blue ribbon, none will be given. Exhibits not meeting requirements will be disqualified. Only blue ribbons will be considered for Champion, Reserve or Best of Show. Champion, Reserve and Best of Show will be awarded at the judge's discretion.
- Work done in school, FFA, FCCLA or other organizations can be used to fullfill the 4-H project requirements. FFA entries must be consistent with the member's SAE project.
- A complaint or violation of fair rules should be first presented to the Barn Superintendent for resolution. Complaints must be in writing and signed by the person making the complaint. If not resolved, the complaint will then be presented to a committee composed of the Superintendent, Extension Agent and one member of the 4-H Council. Violators will be given one warning. A second violation will result in disqualification from classes, including market, showmanship and market livestock sale.
- A 4-H member may ask for a rule exception by completing and submitting a "Petition for Rule Exception" to the 4-H Council. Rule exceptions should be requested as soon as it is discovered to be necessary. Exceptions will not be considered later than 10 (ten) days prior to the fair. Forms are availalbe at the Extension Office.
- Educational displays should not be limited to solely posters, but must include ways to exhibit what was learned and the results. Posters and educational displays should be based on level of project. The size of posters must be full size (22"x28") or half size 14" x 22"). Posters should be readable from a distance of 20'. You may choose any color. Posters must be labeled on the back with name, address, club and lot number.
- Cloverbuds may display up to 6 items. Please bring to the exhibit building following interview judging. Items displayed should be non-perishable. Participation ribbons will be awarded.
- Youth up to age 8 are invited to participate in the Open Pet Show. The Pet Show will be held at 4:30 on Friday August 1st in a parade format around the show arena. No large animals are allowed.
- Each member may enter more than one market animal per lot but only one will sell in the Livestock Sale.
- Beef, Sheep, Goat, Swine and Poultry may be entered in only one (1) division in addition to showmanship.
- Livestock Superintendents will assign stalls. There is no early entry to reserve stalls. Clubs will be placed together.
- Livestock arrive on Tuesday July 29. Market livestock arrival and weigh in times are; sheep/goat 3:00-3:45pm, swine 3:45-5:15pm, beef 5:15-6pm. Weight at this time will be the official sale weight. A 1% allowance of required weight for animals who don't make minimum species weight will be applied. Animals may be penned in the barn until the species designated weigh-in time. Animals must arrive prior to the end of their weigh-in time.
- All market animals attending the fair must be weighed and identified by their respective
weigh deadline in order to be exhibited at fair.
- Beef - Only steers are eligible for beef market classes. All male animals must be completely neutered prior to weigh and tag deadlines. No stags will be allowed.
- Sheep / Goats - Market classes are open to wether and ewe lambs. All male animals must be completely neutered prior to weigh and tag deadlines. Market classes are open to billy and nanny goats. All market animal rules apply.
- Swine - Market classes are open to barrows and gilts. All male animals must be completely neutered pior to weigh and tag deadlines.
- 4-H and FFA members are responsible for the care, fitting and showing of their animals. Parents or leaders may provide only reasonable assistance. 4-H or FFA members found to be in violation of this rule will not be allowed to show in any divisions of the fair.
Food and Drug Administration regulations governing management and safety practices of approved withdrawal times from health aids and growth stimulants must be followed. A Livestock Drug Withdrawal form must be signed for all market animals. No tranquilizers in any form may be administered to any animal at fair. Proceeds of sale of animal suspected of violating this rule will be withheld pending blood test results.
All 4-H and FFA members MUST clean stalls prior to leaving the fairgrounds in order to receive premium money. This is in addition to the regular set up and clean up.
All members showing and selling market animals must be enrolled in the market animal project. Market animals must be shown in their market class in order to be sold.
Minimum Market Weights
- Minimum weight for Market Lamb is 115 pounds. Sale buyers WILL NOT be charged for pounds over 165.
- Minimum weight for Market Swine is 200 pounds. Sale buyers WILL NOT be charged for pounds over 325.
- Minimum weight for Market Steer is 1100 pounds. Sale buyers WILL NOT be charged for pounds over 1600.
- Minimum weight for Market Goat is 70 pounds. Sale buyers WILL NOT be charged for pounds over 120.
- Market Lambs must be shorn within 7 days of fair.
- Any uncontrollable animals will be removed from the fairgrounds. If necessary, a decision by the show committee will be made. The show committee for each livestock division is the Superintendent, a 4-H Council member and the Extension Agent.
- The Judith Basin County Fair is not a terminal show.
Bred & Owned Breeding Beef Division 402: Bred & Owned classes are not breed specific. A bred & owned animal is one where the 4-H member owned the dam of the calf at the time of the calf’s conception and is enrolled in the beef breeding project. If the calf is registered, the 4-H member must be listed as the Breeder, first and continuous owner on the registration certificate. No joint ownership is allowed. If the animal is not registered, the 4-H member must be the owner of the brand the animal bears. If the animal(s) are unbranded and unregistered, they may show in the commercial or ranch raised division.
Breeding Beef Ranch Raised Division 405: Ranch raised classes are not breed specific. A ranch raised animal is one where the 4-H member or the 4-H member’s family owned the dam of the calf at the time of the calf’s conception and is enrolled in the beef breeding project. Joint ownership is allowed. The animal does not qualify for the Bred & Owned and is not registered. If the animal is branded, the brand must be registered to the 4-H member’s family.
Breeding Swine Division 102: Bred & owned classes are not breed specific . A bred & owned animal is one where the 4-H member owned the dam of the piglet at the time of the piglet’s conception and is enrolled in the swine breeding project. If the piglet is registered, the 4-H member must be listed as the Breeder, first and continuous owner on the registration certificate. No joint ownership is allowed. If the animal(s) are unregistered, they may show in the commercial breeding division.
Breeding Sheep Division 202—Bred & Owned: Bred & owned classes are not breed specific. A bred & owned animal is one where the 4-H member owned the dam of the lamb at the time of the lamb’s conception and is enrolled in the sheep breeding project. If the lamb is registered, the 4-H member must be listed as the Breeder, first and continuous owner on the registration certificate. No joint ownership is allowed. If the animal(s) are unregistered, they may show in the wool or meat breed divisions.
Breeding Goat Division 302—Bred & Owned: Bred & owned classes are not breed specific. A bred & owned animal is one where the 4-H member owned the dam of the kid at the time of the kid’s conception and is enrolled in the goat breeding project. If the kid is registered, the 4-H member must be listed as the Breeder, first and continuous owner on the registration certificate. No joint ownership is allowed. If the animal(s) are unregistered, they may show in the dairy or meat breed divisions.
- Exhibitors must show their own project animal in showmanship, no substitutions or exceptions. The order of classes will be Seniors, Intermediates and Juniors last. Attire for all livestock showmanship classes should be long-sleeved, collared, button-up shirt, nice long pants (no rips or fading), and closed toe shoes. Boots are required with cattle and horses. A hat is mandatory for horse classes. FFA members must wear official dress.
- The judging criteria will be according to the State 4-H Horse Show Rule Book. All elective classes are open to 4-H horses only (horses used in Wester, English and/or Ranch Horse Levels). The County Horse Show will include a bit check.
The Round Robin Showmanship Contest consist of Senior, Intermediate and Junior Champion Showman from each of the livestock showmanship classes, showing the animal they won the class with. Same animal is required or Champion will defer to the Reserve Champion. If the judge does not award a Grand or Reserve in any of the contests, it will be up to the judge’s discretion who, if anyone, will participate in the Round Robin contest.
The Youth Livestock Auction Sale will be held in the arena at 6:00PM FRIDAY AUGUST 1, 2025. White ribbon animals will not sell, including Replacement Heifers. Sale Order: swine, beef, sheep/goat, poultry.
Up to 3% of gross receipts from the sale will be deducted from every 4-H member to help pay the cost of grading carcasses, applicable check-off fees, trucking, and related expenses.
Each 4-H member selling a steer or replacement heifer must have a bill of sale indicating ownership signed by the member by 1:00 pm the day of the sale.
- Drug Withdrawal Forms must be received at time of species weigh-in for the animal to be sold at the livestock sale.
Exceptions due to special circumstances regarding the showing and selling of 4-H and FFA project animals must be approved in advance by the 4-H Livestock Committee.
All Replacement Sale Heifers must be pregnant and exhibitors must be able to provide proof of pregnancy at the time of the auction in order to sell.
The Fair Board will evaluate all animals before being sold. Each exhibitor may sell ONE market animal only, except for an exhibitor who has both Grand and Reserve Champion animals. All Grand and Reserve Champion market animals must sell at the Livestock Sale.
All goats & sheep brought onto the fairgrounds must be scrapie tagged.
All animals shown and placed as live market animals are eligible for the carcass competition, including white ribbon animals. Ultrasounds will be conducted on Friday August 1 beginning at 8am. Order will be Beef, Swine, Sheep/Goat. Exhibitors are responsible for getting their own animals to the ultrasound station. Animals sold at the sale will have priority for trucking. Animals that are shown, but not sold will be hauled as space allows and will be charged freight. Arrangements must be made prior to sale day with the Sale Committee. Ultrasound carcass data will be made in accordance with Montana State University Extension standards for Steer of Merit, Swine Symbol of Excellence, and Montana Certified Lamb carcass programs. This data will be made available to all exhibitors and other interested persons at the Judith Basin County Extension Office.
- Class 1 - SR Swine Showmanship
- Class 2 - Intermediate Swine Showmanship
- Class 3 - Junior Swine Showmanship
- Class 1 - Market swine - 200+lbs
- Class 1 - Breeding gilt - under 1 yr
- Class 2 - Breeding sow, over 1 yr
- Class 3 - Bred & owned swine
- Class 4 - Boar, under 1 yr
- Class 1 - Bucket piglet under 1 yr
- Class 1 - Any other swine exhibit
- Class 1 - Swine Independent Study
- Class 1 - SR Sheep Showmanship
- Class 2 - Intermediate Sheep Showmanship
- Class 3 - Junior Sheep Showmanship
- Class 1 - Market Sheep 115+lbs
- Class 1 - Ewe lambs under 1 yr
- Class 2 - Ewe over 1 yr under 2 yrs
- Class 3 - Aged ewe over 2 yrs
- Class 4 - Ram lamb under 1 yr
- Class 5 - Ram over 1 yr
- Class 1 - Ewe lamb under 1 yr
- Class 2 - Ewe over 1 yr under 2 yrs
- Class 3 - Aged ewe over 2 yrs
- Class 4 - Ram lamb, under 1 yr
- Class 5 - Ram over 1 yr
- Class 1 - Ewe lambs, under 1 yr
- Class 2 - Ewe over 1 yr under 2 yrs
- Class 3 - Aged ewe over 2 yrs
- Class 4 - Ram lamb under 1 yr
- Class 5 - Ram over 1 yr
- Class 1 - Bucket lamb under 1 yr
- Class 1 - Ewe lambs, under 1 yr
- Class 2 - Ewe over 1 yr under 2 yrs
- Class 3 - Aged ewe over 2 yrs
- Class 4 - Ram lamb under 1 yr
- Class 5 - Ram over 1 yr
- Class 1 - Sheep Independent Study
- Class 1 - SR Goat Showmanship
- Class 2 - Intermediate Goat Showmanship
- Class 3 - Junior Goat Showmanship
- Class 1 - Market Goat 70+lbs
- Class 1 - Doeling under 1 yr
- Class 2 - Does over 1 yr under 2 yrs
- Class 3 - Aged doe over 2 yrs
- Class 4 - Buckling under 1 yr, intact male goat
- Class 5 - Buck over 1 yr
- Class 1 - Doeling under 6 months
- Class 2 - Doeling over 6 mo. under 1 yr
- Class 3 - Does, dry under 2 yrs
- Class 4 - Does, milking under 2 yrs
- Class 5 - Doe over 2 yrs under 3 yrs
- Class 6 - Does over 3 yrs
- Class 7 - Buckling under 1 yr, intact male goat
- Class 8 - Buck over 1 yr
- Class 1 - Doeling under 1 yr
- Class 2 - Does over 1 yr under 2 yrs
- Class 3 - Aged doe over 2 yrs
- Class 4 - Buckling under 1 yr, intact male goat
- Class 5 - Buck over 1 yr
- Class 1 - Doeling under 1 yr
- Class 2 - Does over 1 yr under 2 yrs
- Class 3 - Aged doe over 2 yrs
- Class 4 - Buckling under 1 yr, intact male goat
- Class 5 - Buck over 1 yr
- Class 1 - Doeling under 1 yr
- Class 2 - Does over 1 yr under 2 yrs
- Class 3 - Aged doe over 2 yrs
- Class 4 - Buckling under 1 yr, intact male goat
- Class 5 - Buck over 1 yr
- Class 1 - SR Beef Showmanship
- Class 2 - Intermediate Beef Showmanship
- Class 3 - Junior Beef Showmanship
- Class 1 - Market Beef 1100+lbs
- Class 1 - Female under 1 yr
- Class 2 - Female over 1 yr under 2 yrs
- Class 3 - Bull under 1 yr
- Class 4 - Cow/Calf pair (cow over 2 yrs under 3) + heifer, bull or steer calf at side.
- Class 5 - Cow/Calf pair (cow over 3 yrs) + heifer, bull or steer calf at side.
- Class 1 - Female under 1 yr
- Class 2 - Female over 1 yr under 2 yrs
- Class 3 - Bull under 1 yr
- Class 4 - Cow/Calf pair (cow over 2 yrs under 3) + heifer, bull or steer calf at side.
- Class 5 - Cow/Calf pair (cow over 3 yrs) + heifer, bull or steer calf at side.
- Class 1 - Female under 1 yr
- Class 2 - Female over 1 yr under 2 yrs
- Class 3 - Bull under 1 yr
- Class 4 - Cow/Calf pair (cow over 2 yrs under 3) + heifer, bull or steer calf at side.
- Class 5 - Cow/Calf pair (cow over 3 yrs) + heifer, bull or steer calf at side.
- Class 1 - Female under 1 yr
- Class 2 - Female over 1 yr under 2 yrs
- Class 3 - Bull under 1 yr
- Class 4 - Cow/Calf pair (cow over 2 yrs under 3) + heifer, bull or steer calf at side.
- Class 5 - Cow/Calf pair (cow over 3 yrs) + heifer, bull or steer calf at side.
- Class 1 - Bred Replacement Heifer
- Class 1 - Bucket Calf under 1 yr
- 408 - OTHER / EXOTIC (Highlander, non-beef breeds, etc)
- Class 1 - Female under 1 yr
- Class 2 - Female over 1 yr under 2 yrs
- Class 3 - Bull under 1 yr
- Class 4 - Cow/Calf pair (cow over 2 yrs under 3) + heifer, bull or steer calf at side.
- Class 5 - Cow/Calf pair (cow over 3 yrs) + heifer, bull or steer calf at side.
- Class 1 - Beef Independent Study
- Class 1 - SR Horse Showmanship
- Class 2 - Intermediate Horse Showmanship
- Class 3 - Junior Horse Showmanship
- Class 1 - English Lv 1
- Class 2 - English Lv 2
- Class 3 - English Lv 3
- Class 4 - English Lv 4
- Class 5 - English Lv 5
- Class 6 - English Lv 6
- Class 7 - English Lv 7
- Class 8 - English Equitation SR
- Class 9 - English Equitation INT
- Class 10 - English Equitation JR
- Class 11 - Western Lv 1
- Class 12 - Western Lv 2
- Class 13 - Western Lv 3
- Class 14 - Western Lv 4
- Class 15 - Western Lv 5
- Class 16 - Western Lv 6
- Class 17 - Western Lv 7
- Class 18 - Western Equitation SR
- Class 19 - Western Equitation INT
- Class 20 - Western Equitation JR
- Class 21 - Yearling Colt at Halter
- Class 22 - Colt to Maturity 2 yr old/ Green Horse Lv 1 western
- Class 23 - Colt to Maturity 3 yr old/ Green Horse Lv 2 Western
- Class 24 - Colt to Maturity 4 yr old/ Green Horse Lv 3 Western
- Class 25 - Colt to Maturity 5 yr old/ Green Horse Lv 4 Western
- Class 26 - SR Bareback Equitation
- Class 27 - INT Bareback Equitation
- Class 28 - JR Bareback Equitation
- Class 29 - Driving
- Class 30 - Hunter Hack
- Class 31 - Trail Class, colt up to 5 yrs old
- Class 32 - Trail Class yearling
- Class 33 - SR Trail
- Class 34 - INT Trail
- Class 35 - JR Trail
- Class 36 - Working Ranch Horse Lv 1
- Class 37 - Working Ranch Horse Lv 2
- Class 38 - Working Ranch Horse Lv 3
- Class 39 - Working Ranch Horse Lv 4
- Class 40 - Pole Bending (13 & under)
- Class 41 - Pole Bending (14+)
- Class 42 - Barrel Racing (13 & under)
- Class 43 - Barrel Racing (14+)
- Class 1 - Horse Judging education display
- Class 2 - Careers with Horses education display
- Class 3 - Any other horse entry
- Class 1 - Horse Independent Study
- Class 1 - Poster on parts of a horse
- Class 2 - Poster or display on horse breeds
- Class 3 - Poster on horse safety
- Class 4 - Other educational poster
- Class 5 - Any other horse entry
- Class 6 - Independent study
- Class 7 - Showmanship (all ages)
- Class 8 - Walk/Trot/Equitation (all ages)
- Class 1 - Llama Showmanship SR
- Class 2 - Llama Showmanship INT
- Class 3 - Llama Showmanship JR
- Class 4 - Alpaca Showmanship SR
- Class 5 - Alpaca Showmanship INT
- Class 6 - Alpaca Showmanship JR
- 601 - LLAMA
- Class 1 - Male Llama
- Class 2 - Female Llama
- 602 - ALPACA
- Class 1 - Suri
- Class 2 - Huacaya
- Class 1 - SR Poultry Showmanship
- Class 2 - INT Poultry Showmanship
- Class 3 - JR Poultry Showmanship
- Class 1 - Market Poultry
- Class 1 - American
- Class 2 - Asiatic
- Class 3 - English
- Class 4 - Mediterranean
- Class 5 - Continental
- All other standard breeds
- Class 1 - Single comb clean legged
- Class 2 - Rose comb clean legged
- Class 3 - All other comb clean legged breeds
- Class 4 - Feather legged
- Class 5 - Game/Modern Game Bantams
- Class 1 - Laying hens
- Class 2 - Layng Pullets
- Class 1 - Pairs
- Class 2 - Trios
- Class 1 - Turkey
- Class 2 - Geese
- Class 3 - Guinea
- Class 4 - Duck
- Class 5 - Other variety
- Class 1 - Poultry Independent Study
- Class 1 - SR Rabbit Showmanship
- Class 2 - INT Rabbit Showmanship
- Class 3 - JR Rabbit Showmanship
- Class 1 - Market Rabbit
- Class 1 - Novice (animals first year in agility)
- Class 2 - Experienced (animal has done agility prior)
- Class 1 - Junior Buck under 6 months
- Class 2 - Junior Doe under 6 months
- Class 3 - Intermediate buck 6-8 months
- Class 4 - Intermediate doe 6-8 months
- Class 5 - Senior buck over 8 months
- Class 6 - Senior doe over 8 months
- Class 7 - Doe with litter
- Class 1 - Any other rabbit exhibit
- Class 1 - Rabbit Independent Study
- Class 1 - SR Dog Showmanship
- Class 2 - INT Dog Showmanship
- Class 3 - JR Dog Showmanship
- Class 1 - Dog Obedience Yr 1
- Class 2 - Dog Obedience Yr 2
- Class 3 - Dog Obedience Yr 3
- Class 1 - Dog Agility Yr 1 & 2
- Class 2 - Dog Agility 3+yrs
- Class 1 - Dog Educational Display
- 74 - DOG OTHER
- Class 1 - Any other dog exhibit
- Class 1 - Dog Independent Study
- Class 1 - SR Cat Showmanship
- Class 2 - INT Cat Showmanship
- Class 3 - JR Cat Showmanship
- 81 - CAT SHOW
- Class 1 - Cat Health and grooming over 2 months under 2 yrs
- Class 2 - Cat health and grooming over 2 yrs
- Class 1 - Cat Educational display
- 83 - CAT OTHER
- Class 1 - Any other cat exhibit
- Class 1 - Cat Independent Study
- Class 1 - Pocket Pet Exhibit
- Class 1 - Pocket Pet educational display
- 92 - OTHER
- Class 1 - Any other pocket pet exhibit
- Class 1 - Pocket Pet independent study
- Class 1 - Lv 1 educational display
- Class 2 - Lv 1 educational poster
- Class 3 - Lv 1 any other item
- Class 4 - Lv 2 educational display
- Class 5 - LV 2 educational poster
- Class 6 - Lv 2 any other item
- Class 7 - Lv 3 educational display
- Class 8 - Lv 3 educational poster
- Class 9 - Lv 3 any other item
- Class 10 - Independent study
- Lv 1 Rocket / Airplane Kit with plans
- Lv1 Poster / display showing parts of airplane
- Lv 1 Poster of cloud types
- Lv 1 Handmade kite including plans
- Lv 1 Educational display relating to International Phonetic Alphabet
- Lv 1 Rocket / Airplane not from kit including plan
- Lv 1 Poster showing different types of airplanes
- Lv 1 Hot air balloon poster or model
- Lv 2 Rocket / airplane from kit with plans
- Lv 1 Paper flight simulator
- Lv 2 Feather wing glider
- Lv 2 Fighter kite with plans
- Lv 2 Rocket or airplane not from kit with plans
- Lv 2 Control panel model
- Lv 2 Educational poster or display
- Lv 3 Rocket/airplane from kit with plans
- Lv 3 Flat style box kite with plans
- Lv 3 Rocket/airplane not from kit with plans
- Lv 3 Remote control airplane from kit with plans
- Lv 3 Aviation History Notebook
- Lv 3 Photostory of Aerospace Workshop you conducted
- Lv 3 Altitude Tracker
- Lv 3 Educational poster
- Lv 3 Any other item
- Independent Study
- Lv 1 Unlike item related to project skills
- Lv 2 Unlike item related to project skills
- Lv 3 Unlike item related to project skills
- Lv 4 Unlike item related to project skills
- Independent Study
- NXT Technology - Lv 1 robot display
- Lv 1 Poster of LEGO NXT kit pieces
- Lv 1 Poster illustrating a NXT program
- Lv 1 Photostory of building a robot
- Lv 1 Other educational display
- Lv 1 Any other item
- Junk Drawer Robotics Lv 2 Display related to Module 1
- Junk Drawer Robotics Lv 2 Display related to Module 2
- Junk Drawer Robotics Lv 2 Display related to Module 3
- Junk Drawer Robotics Lv 2 Display related to Module 4
- Junk Drawer Robotics Lv 2 any other item
- Independent study
- Lv 1 Engine parts exhibit
- Lv 1 Tools / toolbox exhibit
- Lv 1 Safety exhibit
- Lv 1 Other educational display
- Lv 2 Small engine types exhibit
- Lv 2 Interior engine parts exhibit
- Lv 2 Transmission exhibit
- Lv 2 Other educational display
- Lv 3 How to use diagnostic tools exhibit
- Lv 3 How to tear down and reassemble a small engine exhibit
- Lv 3 Educational display about emissions systems
- Lv 3 Other educational display
- Independent Study
- Lv 1 Sandpaper block
- Lv 1 Letter or napkin holder
- Lv 1 Picture frame
- Lv 1 Poster showing woodworking tools or safety
- Lv 1 Any other item made from plans
- Lv 2 Toolbox
- Lv 2 Bird house
- Lv 2 Foot stool
- Lv 2 Display showing how to cut angles
- Lv 2 Any other item made from plans
- Lv 3 Boomerang
- Lv 3 Belt Buckle
- Lv 3 Puzzle
- Lv 3 Any other item made from plans
- Lv 3 Other educational woodworking display
- Lv 4 Wood vehicle
- Lv 4 Tabletop hockey game
- Lv 4 Step stool or chair
- Lv 4 Any other item made from plans
- Lv 4 Other educational woodworking display
- Independent Study
- Lv 1 Parts of a bike educational display
- Lv 1 ABC bike check educational display
- Lv 1 Traffic signs educational display
- Lv 1 Safety display
- Lv 1 Item you made for your bicycle
- Lv 1 Any other item related to your bicycle
- Independent study
- Lv 1 First year collection of 25 insects
- Lv 1 Second year collection of 30 insects (5 new)
- Lv 1 Third year collection of 35 insects (5 new)
- Lv 1 Exhibit or poster showing equipment used for collection and mounting
- Lv 1 Unlike item related to project skills
- Lv 2 First year collection of 50 insects
- Lv 2 Second year collection of 60 insects (10 new)
- Lv 2 Third year collection of 70 insects (10 new)
- Lv 2 Exhibit or poster showing equipment used for collection and mounting
- Lv 2 Unlike item related to project skills
- Lv 3 First year collection of 85 insects
- Lv 3 Second year collection of 120 insects
- Lv 3 Third year collection of 155 insects
- Lv 3 Exhibit or poster showing equipment used for collecting and mounting
- Lv 3 Unlike item related to project skills
- Independent study
- Lv 1 Unlike item related to project skills
- Lv 2 Unlike item related to project skills
- Lv 3 Unlike item related to project skills
- Independent study
- Lv 1 Unlike item related to project skills
- Lv 2 Unlike item related to project skills
- Lv 3 Unlike item related to project skills
- Independent study
- Archery - bow equipment educational display
- Archery - propery archery techniques educational display
- Archery - poster or drawing demonstrating safety
- Archery - project notebook
- Archery - Any other item
- Pistol - shooting positions educational display
- Pistol - poster or drawing demonstrating safety
- Pistol - educational display showcasing accessories
- Pistol - project notebook
- Pistol - any other item
- Rifle - shooting positions educational display
- Rifle - poster or drawing demonstrating safety
- Rifle - educational display showcasing accessories
- Rifle - project notebook
- Rifle - any other item
- Shotgun - shooting positions educational display
- Shotgun - poster or drawing demonstrating safety
- Shotgun - educational display showcasing accessories
- Shotgun - project notebook
- Shotgun - any other item
- Western Heritage - ammunitions of the old west
- Western Heritage - clothing of the old west
- Western Heritage - Characters of the old west
- Western Heritage - History of the six gun
- Western Heritage - History of the rifle
- Western Heritage - History of the shotgun
- Western Heritage - independent study
- Lv 1, 2, 3 educational poster
- Lv 1, 2, 3 educational display
- Lv 1, 2, 3 any other item
- Lv 1, 2,3 Independent study
- Lv 1, 2, 3 educational poster
- Lv 1, 2, 3 educational display
- Lv 1, 2, 3 any other item
- Lv 1, 2,3 Independent study
- Power of the Wind Engineering notebook
- Power of the Wind educational poster
- Power of the Wind educational display
- Power of the Wind any other item
- Independent Study
- Lv 1 Blooming bags
- Lv 1 Learning box
- Lv 1 Story masks
- Lv 1 Educational poster
- Lv 1 Educational display
- Lv 1 Any other item
- Lv 2 My Plan for Me poster
- Lv 2 toy chart poster
- Lv 2 Circle of Friends poster
- Lv 2 Fringed Flyer
- Lv 2 Any other item
- Lv 3 ABC Career game
- Lv 3 Educational poster
- Lv 3 Community profile display
- Lv 3 Any other item
- Babysitting Magic bag
- Safety poster / first aid kit
- Poster - child development stages
- Poster - child nutrition
- Poster - entertainment
- Any other item
- Independent study
- Cooking Together poster
- Family story journal
- Family Fun Time display
- Family photo stories
- Educational poster
- Educational display
- Any other item
- Independent study
- Lv 1, 2,3,4 Unlike item related to project skills
- Lv 1 Stitch a card
- Lv 1 Sewing tool kit
- Lv 1 Simple gathered skirt
- Lv 1 Hair scrunchie
- Lv 1 Item made from polar fleece
- Lv 1 Tote bag
- Lv 1 Any other constructed item
- Lv 2 Patchwork pillow
- Lv 2 Simple pants
- Lv 2 Any other constructed item
- Lv 3 up to 6 unlike articles incorporating skills from project level
- Lv 4 up to 6 unlike articles incorporating skills from project level
- Lv 5 up to 6 unlike articles incorporating skills from project level
- Recycling - make a new garment from an old one
- Recycling - patchwork garment
- Recycling - any other item
- Sewing for Others - child's garment
- Sewing for Others - sewing for disabled (i.e carryall bag)
- Sewing for Others - sewing for elderly (i.e. easy on & off garment)
- Sewing for Others - any other item
- Wool product - suit
- Wool product - Dress/Formal
- Wool product - original item
- Wool product - vest, jacket, coat
- Wool product - Sporty item
- Sewing independent study
- Knitting Beginner - Unlike item related to project skills
- Knitting Intermediate - Unlike item related to project skills
- Knitting Advanced - Unlike item related to project skills
- Crochet Beginner - Unlike item related to project skills
- Crochet Intermediate - Unlike item related to project skills
- Crochet Advanced - Unlike item related to project skills
- Embroidery Beginner - Unlike item related to project skills
- Embroidery Intermediate - Unlike item related to project skills
- Embroidery Advanced - Unlike item related to project skills
- Quilting/Patchwork/Applique Beginner - unlike item related to project skills
- Quilting/Patchwork/Applique Intermediate- unlike item related to project skills
- Quilting/Patchwork/Applique Advanced - unlike item related to project skills
- Lv 1,2,3,4 Unlike item related to project skills
- Lv 1, 2,3 Garden plan
- Lv 1,2,3 Container Garden
- Lv 1,2,3 Seed germination display
- Lv 1,2,3 Plant experiment
- Lv 1,2,3 Air layering
- Lv 1,2,3 Hydroponic project
- Lv 1,2,3 Plant a terrarium
- Lv 1,2,3 Compost Magic
- Lv 1,2,3 Soil sampling and testing
- Lv 1,2,3 Annual flower
- Lv 1,2,3 Perennial flower
- Lv 1,2,3 Any herb
- Lv 1,2,3 Pest display
- Lv 1,2,3 Flower arrangement display
- Lv 1,2,3 Vegetable grown in a container
- Lv 1,2,3 Any vegetable
- Lv 1,2,3 Any other item related to project skills
Vegetables must be clean and displayed neatly on a 6" paper plate in a plastic bag if possible. Exhibits will be judged for uniformity, variety, characteristics, freedom from disease, insects and injury, as well as knowledge of the member being interviewed. Following judging, one vegetable specimen will be left for display and the rest may be taken home. Exhibitors must use only flowers, fruits and vegetables grown in their own garden.
- Intro to Range Management poster showing the stages of succession
- Intro to Range Management poster illustrating the water cycle
- Intro to Range Management educational display related to what you learned about project activities
- Intro to Range Management educational display related to what you learned about different plants & animals that live on rangelands
- Intro to Range Management educational display showing different uses of rangelands or the web of life on rangelands
- Intro to Range Management profile of a rancher or other range user
- Intro to Range Management other unlike exhibit
- Lv 1 Educational display showing the 3 main kinds of land in Montana and kind of life/activity each supports
- Lv 1 Educational display showing the 4 major kinds of plants and how they differ from each other
- Lv 1 Combination project Manual of Plant Anatomy My Reference book
- Lv 1 Other exhibit related to the 4-H Range Project lv 1
- Lv 2,3,4,5 Unlike item related to project skills
- Independent study
- Lv 1 Wooden plant press, standard 12"x18" size
- Lv 1 Collection of 7 annual weeds, 3 perennial and 2 biennial weeds pressed and identified
- Lv 1 Any other exhibit related to the project
- Lv 2,3,4 Up to 6 unlike items that incorporate project skills related to the Weed Science level
- Independent study
- Lv 1 Comic strip you created
- Lv 1 Copy of survey you created
- Lv 1 Code you created
- Lv 1 Jingle you created
- Lv 1 Any other unlike item related to level
- Lv 1,2,3 Any other exhibit related to Communications project
- Independent study
- Poster showing what you learned about Cowboy Poetry
- Display of at least 3 original poems written during the current 4-H year
- Educational display related to what you learned about rhyme schemes or meter
- Educational display about classic Cowboy Poets
- Educational display about western culture or history
- Display of Cowboy Poetry examples found in your local library
- Photo story of your participation in a Cowboy Poetry gathering
- Photo story showing you teaching others to write and recite original poetry
- Educational Display related to what you learned
- Lv 1 Up to 6 unlike items related to Leathercraft Lv 1
- Lv 2-10 Up to 6 unlike items that incorporate Leathercraft skills related to the level
- Independent study
- Lv 1 Poster showing parts of camera
- Lv 1 Keep it Steady, Keep it Level display with 6 photos
- Lv 1 Light Makes a Difference display (up to 6 photos labeled with date, time, weather
- Lv 1 Fun with Shadows (5 photos)
- Lv 1 Directing the Light display (3 photos) front, back and side lighting
- Lv 1 Flash for More Light (3 photos)
- Lv 1 What Do You See? (5 photos)
- Lv 1 Photograph with Your Feet (3 photos at different distances)
- Lv 1 What's the Point (3 photos showing focal points)
- Lv 1 Birds or Bugs Eye View (4 photos)
- Lv 1 Hat Tricks & Magic (4 photos)
- Lv 1 Photo Story (3-5 photos)
- Lv 1 Black & White (3-5 photos)
- Lv 1 Best 4x6 matted
- Lv 1 Best 8x10 matted
- Lv 2 You Take Control (up to 6 photos showing different aperture settings)
- Lv 2 What's in Focus (6 photos comparing depth of field)
- Lv 2 Low Light Challenges (up to 4 photos)
- Lv 2 Lighting the Mood (4 photos with hard & soft light)
- Lv 2 The Shadows Story (up to 4 silhouettes)
- Lv 2 Lighting in a Flash (up to 4 photos)
- Lv 2 The Rule of Thirds - 3 photos close up, medium & long shot, describing each focal point with Rule of Thirds
- Lv 2 Golden Photos - 3 photos golden triangle, golden rectangle & other
- Lv 2 Building a Photo - 3-5 photos of same subject from different points of view
- Lv 2 The Space Tells a Story - 1 photo showing good use of positive & negative space
- Lv 2 Capture a Candid Photo (3-4 photos)
- Lv 2 Freeze the Moment - 2 photos from 2 shutter speeds
- Lv 2 Planning the Action - 1 planning & 1 blurring motion photo
- Lv 2 Bits & Pieces (up to 6 photos)
- Lv 2 Best 5x7 matted
- Lv 2 Best 8x10 matted
- Lv 3 Selecting the Lens - up to 4 photos wide angle & telephoto
- Lv 3 Special Effects - 3 photos with different filters
- Lv 3 Exposed to Light - 3 photos in bright light
- Lv 3 Flashy Photos - 2 photos with added light
- Lv 3 Out In the Light - up to 4 photos without flash
- Lv 3 Reflections (2 photos)
- Lv 3 Through the Lens - 4 photos with drawing to show lines, angles or frames
- Lv 3 Harmony or Discord - 4 photos that break rules of composition
- Lv 3 Still Life Photography - 2 series (themes) of 3 photos
- Lv 3 Say Cheese - 2 formal & 2 informal portraits
- Lv 3 Mastering Composition - 4 photos, one from each collection
- Lv 3 Expressing Through Color - 3 photos that illustrate monochrome, constrating and complementary color techniques
- Lv 3 Details, Details! 3-5 photos highlighting details
- Lv 3 Pictures with a Purpose - up to 6 photos in a brochure format
- Lv 3 How did They Get That Picture? Up to 6 photos take with specialized equipment
- Lv 3 Best 5x7 matted
- Lv 3 Best 8x10 matted
- Lv 4 Short 1-2 minute film
- Lv 4 Long 5 minute film
- Lv 4 Public Service Announcement
- Lv 4 Storyboard and/or script for film production
- Lv 4 Podcasts or video created
- Lv 4 Research on topic of film creation
- Lv 4 Filmed interview on specific topic
- Lv 4 Any other unlike item related to project
- Independent study
- Display showing research of scrapbook materials and ideas
- Display of tools and supplies for scrapbooking
- Exhibit showing how cropping enhances photos for scrapbooking
- Exhibit displaying properly mounted photos
- Exhibit related to choosing photos to preserve
- Scrapbook page(s) showing creatively mounted photos
- Scrapbook page(s) showing use of embellishments
- Scrapbook page(s) showing journaling
- Scrapbook page(s) showing background techniques or treatments
- Research display of 3 different companies for digital scrapbooking
- Digital scrapbook with central theme
- Digital scrapbook
- Scrapbook with a central theme
- Craft made based on scrapbook techniques
- Framed scrapbook page
- Any other item
- Independent Study
- Lv 1 Display of tongue twister you made up
- Lv 1 Scene you wrote with directions indicating tone of voice
- Lv 1 Script you wrote with flashback scenes
- Lv 1 Photos of the clown character you created
- Lv 1 Picture story created for a script
- Lv 1 Series of stage pictures for a story
- Lv 1 Critic's review of a musical you created
- Lv 1 Any other unlike item related to Lv 1
- Lv 2 Sock puppet you made
- Lv 2 Rod puppet you made
- Lv 2 Everyday found object puppet
- Lv 2 Puppet character you built
- Lv 2 Puppet stage you built
- Lv 2 Any other unlike item related to Lv 2
- Lv 3 Costume you designed
- Lv 3 Photos of a set you designed and built
- Lv 3 Color wheel you designed
- Lv 3 Play prompt book you created
- Lv 3 Any other unlike item related to Lv 3
- Independent Study
- Lv 1 Article made in cutting & pasting
- Lv 1 Article made in drawing
- Lv 1 Article mde in painting
- Lv 1 Article made in sculpting
- Lv 1 Article made in printing
- Lv 1 Article made in fiber
- Lv 1 Article made in 3-D construction
- Lv 1 Any other unlike item related to project
- Lv 2 Sketchbook or work in project
- Lv 2 Colored pencil drawing
- Lv 2 Pen & ink drawing
- Lv 2 Natural dye creation
- Lv 2 Sculpture or mask
- Lv 2 Carving
- Lv 2 Mobile
- Lv 2 Any other article
- Lv 3 Portfolio of work in project
- Lv 3 Acrylic painting
- Lv 3 Watercolor painting
- Lv 3 Print
- Lv 3 Portfolio of examples of good and poor design
- Lv 3 Painting
- Lv 3 any other article
- POSTERS - One standard sized poster board
- Health
- Safety
- Conservation
- Citizenship
- 4-H Story
- 4-H Scrapbook
- Posters used for Demonstration Day
- Any other poster
- Cooking 101 - up to 6 unlike items from this level
- Cooking 201 - up to 6 unlike items from this level
- Cooking 301 - up to 6 unlike items from this level
- Baking 101 - up to 6 unlike items from this level
- Baking 201 - up to 6 unlike items from this level
- Baking 301 - up to 6 unlike items from this level
- Baking 401 - up to 6 unlike items from this level
- Up to 3 food items from this project
- Recipe makeover - include original and modified recipe
- Educational exhibit or display from this project
- Other unlike item
- Up to 6 unlike items that incorporate project skills
- Up to 6 unlike items that incorporate project skills
- Independent Study
- Lv 1 - Single layer decorated cake
- Lv 1 - Decorated Cake using stencil or outline technique
- Lv 1 - Cut-up cake, using 3 additional skills or techniques
- Lv 1 - Cake using sold sugar mold & three additional skills or techniques
- Lv 1 - Cake baked in shaped pan & three additional skills or techinques
- Lv 1 - Educational display of techinques learned
- Lv 2 - Two layer decorated cake
- Lv 2 - Any other decorated cake using 5 skills or techniques.
- Lv 2 - Cut-up cake & four additional skills or techniques
- Lv 2 - Any other decorated item using 5 skills or techniques
- Lv 2 - Cake or exhibit using figure piping & four additional skills or techinques
- Lv 2 Educational display of techniques learned
- Lv 3 - Stacked or tiered cake
- Lv 3 - Cut-up cake using 4 skills or techniques
- Lv 3 - Any other decorated cake using 4 skills or techniques
- Lv 3 - Educational display with techniques learned
- Lv 3 - Record book
- Lv 4 - Project plan, accomplishments and evaluation
- Lv 4 - Decorated cake using 5 or more techniques
- Display stating project or exhibit of work done
- Notebook with outline, plans and results (in addition to project book)
- Any other unlike item related to project
- Up to 6 unlike items that incorporate skills learned
- Up to 6 unlike items that incorporate skills learned
- Up to 6 unlike items that incorporate skills learned
- Up to 6 unlike items that incorporate skills learned
- Up to 6 unlike items
- Up to 6 items (non-perishable)
- Up to 6 items - may include anything relevant to project skills
* Self Determined: Members are responsible for setting up their display up to 4'x4' and properly tagging. Notebook with project plans signed and dated by Ext. Agent (before starting) must accompany the project. Leader may sign if the Ext. Agent position is vacant.
- Montana Simmental Association - Award for the Grand Champion Market Steer, Grand Champion Carcass, and Grand Champion Female for 4-H or FFA if the animal is identified as being Simmental.
- Montana Hereford Association - Award a Hereford jacket to the following:
- Grand Champion Steer of the live show if property documented as Hereford.
- Top Steer of Merit if properly documented as being at least 50% Hereford ancestry.
- Supreme Champion Female or equivalent (i.e. overall breeds & ages showing) if documented as being a purebred Hereford.
- Champion Hereford Steer or Female if documented as being Hereford.
- Montana Gelbvieh Association - will pay $10 to any 4-H or FFA exhibitor who receives a blue ribbon on their Gelbvieh or Gelbvieh-cross animal. All phases of competition are eligible, i.e. carcass, live steer, weight gain and breeding animals. Showmanship is not eligible. In addition to the $10 for a blue ribbon, the MGA will pay $100 to the top Gelbvieh influenced steer in it’s class.
- Montana and Wyoming Salers Association Award - Will award a cash prize to any County Champion Steer. Steer must be at least 50% Salers (provable) from either/or both sire and dam.
- Montana Red Angus Association - Will award to any Champion or Reserve Red Angus steer a Montana Silversmith Buckle. Red Angus steers are to be progeny or a registered Red Angus bull or out of a registered Red Angus cow. Need not be purebred but must be at least 50%. Contact Deichmann Livestock, P.O. Box 310, Hobson, MT 59452.
- Montana Black Angus Jacket Award - Awarded for the winning Champion Black Angus Breeding Project. Animals must be straight Black Angus, registered or commercial, Red Angus does not qualify. Winner may be in any youth division. Winner must win an overall class against 3 other breeds. (If there are not 3 other breeds in an overall class, there will be no winner of the jacket). Qualifying breeding projects include cow/calf pairs, yearling bred heifers, heifer calves, and bulls.
- Judith Basin County Fair 4-H Herdsmanship Award - Kyle & Lindsay Schmitt Family- Buckles will be awarded to the Junior, Intermediate and Senior top Herdsman.
- Montana Black Angus Beef Buckle Award - Montana Angus Auxiliary sponsors a Montana Silversmith Angus belt buckle on the county level to the Outstanding Exhibitor with a Black Angus Heifer, cow or cow/calf pair in the breeding project. Red Angus does not apply. Stevenson Angus donates the buckle. The animal must receive a blue ribbon in the breeding project. Quality of the exhibitor’s project must be considered. Number of animals exhibited in the project and completed records will also be taken into consideration.
- Beef of Choice Award - Sponsored by Montana Angus Association. This award is given to the animals and carcasses that meet Certified Angus Beef Product live animal and carcass specifications. Animals are ranked by marbling scores. Winners will receive a $50 savings bond, a CAB Product cap, and a package of CAB Product steaks.
- Montana Gelbvieh Assoc. Youth Cash Awards Program - A $50 cash award to 4-H or FFA exhibitors with the highest placing Gelbvieh or Gelbvieh influenced animal. Will also pay $10 to any 4-H or FFA exhibitor who receives a blue ribbon on their Gelbvieh or Gelbvieh cross animal.
- Judith Basin Quilter’s Guild - Additional premium money to be given for rosettes, blue, red and white ribbons for 4-H Clothing projects.
2025 4-H Award Sponsors
Buckle Sponsors ($150+) |
Kyle & Lindsay Schmitt Family - Herdsmanship Buckles Travis and Nicole Hedstrom (Swine Buckle) Moore Farmers' Oil Hedstrom Ranch - Steve and Betty Hedstrom Mike & Nancy Metcalfe - Sage Creek Ranch Dye Ranch - James & Heather Dye Blue Nugget Bar B&K Livestock - Bryan & Kim Vincent Stockman Bank Green Giant Feedlot - John and Lisa Gee Woodhall Distributing Lewistown Propane and Fertilizer LLC |
Platinum Level ($100 - $149) |
Paul & Janet Wertheimer and Family Bruce and Sue Neumann, Neumann Charolais Layton and Heather Perry United Grain - Moccasin Walt and Vicki Johnson Registered Quarter Horses Stricks Ag, LLC |
Gold Level Sponsor ($80-$99) |
Silver Level Sponsor ($60-$79) |
Bronze Level Sponsor ($25-$59) |
Cathy Becker Guitars of Montana |
Carcass Results
2024 Ultrasound Carcass Overall Placings (pdf)
Montana State University Extension encourages persons with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities. If you anticipate needing any type of special accommodations or have questions about the physical access provided, please contact Sidney Stratton (406)686-3110 ten days in advance of your participation or visit.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and Montana State University Extension prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status. Issued in furtherance of cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cody Stone, Executive Director of Extension, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717