USDA Rural Health and Safety Education Summary of Grant Activities

The funding for this grant project ended on February 28th. At the conclusion of this grant we met the project goals and activities in the following ways.

Goal 1: Gain an understanding of community perceptions and knowledge-level related to opioid use by working with county Extension Faculty to coordinate six forums in six rural Montana communities. Outcome: Community Forum Summary.

Goal 2: Use information obtained from the six forums and an on-line survey targeting 300 older Montanans to develop Montana-specific materials and provide Technical Assistance Training resources to assist communities in raising awareness of opioid misuse and proper disposal of opioid-based medications.


    • MSU Extension Montana Can’t Talk About It? Suicide Wallet Cards 8,583 cards distributed to-date
    • Distress Map titled Responding to People Under Pressure Under the Big Sky 3,043
      maps distributed to-date
    • Current perceptions, behaviors and prevention strategies of prescription opioid misuse: A Statewide Summary Report 927 reports distributed to-date
    • Opioid Misuse Fact Card 977 fact cards distributed to-date
    • A series of eight educational based social media templates 1,884 Facebook
    • Public Service Announcements 28 YouTube views and 24 website views
    • Table Tents 608 tents distributed to-date
    • Prescription Opioid Use and Misuse in Montana MontGuide 700 guides distributed to-date

Goal 3: Collaborate with three rural communities to initiate their own prescription opioid awareness education to include proper disposal methods.


    • 2-Year Project Kickoff & Planning Workshop for Partnering County Agents was held.
    • In addition to our printed resources, agents in these three communities shared opioid awareness education through social media platforms, radio segments, newspaper articles, and through a youth issues coalition group.
    • Development of a Prescription Opioid Awareness and Education Toolkit is underway
      and will be completed with the remaining 2018 SAMSHA ROTA grant ending in July
      2021. This kit is intended to be utilized at the local level by Extension Agents.
    • Our project team has distributed 2,235 medication disposal pouches into communities across Montana. To request these pouches visit our Project Website
    • Two Statewide Technical Assistance Trainings were held. The first training was held
      on the topic of Prenatal and Perinatal Care with Instances of Opioid Use Disorder
      (OUD) or Opioid Misuse. 80 Montanans attended this conference and 93% reported
      being satisfied or very satisfied with the overall quality of the technical assistance
      training provided. The second training was held on the topic of Prescription Opioids
      and Aging Adults: What In-Home Caregivers Need to Know. 85 Montanans attended this conference and  96% reported being satisfied or very satisfied with the overall
      quality of this event.
    • Two Tribal Technical Assistance Trainings were held. The first training was held on the topic of What are Opioids? Opioid Use in Indian Country. 39 Montanans from seven Reservations in Montana attended. 100% reported being satisfied or very satisfied with the overall quality of and overall experience with the training provided. The second Tribal training was held on the topic of Administrative & Financial Strategies: Establishing Sustainable Reimbursement Services, Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT): Stigma & Diversion, Action Planning for Sustainability, Grant Writing & Funding Sources, and Indigenous Mindfulness & Self Care techniques. Tribal shutdowns due to COVID 19 hindered the attendance rate for this event. 15 Montanans attended from four different Reservations. 91% reported being satisfied or very satisfied with the overall quality of and overall experience with the trainingprovided.


Montana Primary Care Association (April-September dates)

  • Contingency Management (CM) and Community Reinforcement Approach (CRA)
  • Providers Clinical Support Systems (PCSS) Medication-Assisted Treatment
    (MAT) AND American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) Fundamentals Of Addiction Medicine (FOAM) Trainings
  • Screening For Depression and Suicide Prevention Webinar Series
  • Medication-Assisted Treatment Chat Dates Monthly Provider peer calls
    to discuss patient cases, implementation issues, and any topic brought
    to the group as it relates to MAT.
  •  MAT Program Coordinators Peer Calls Monthly program coordinator
    peer calls to discuss MAT related issues.

Naloxone Master Trainer program information

Completion of the Naloxone Master Trainer program authorizes individuals to conduct Naloxone Training for those eligible for liability protections when administering Naloxone to a suspected opiate overdose in Montana under
the 2017 Help Save Lives from Overdose Act (HB333).

A 90-minute skills training session is required once the online training is completed. After registration of a Hands-on Skills Session you will be emailed a link to the 90 minute online training course module. You must complete this online training module prior to the hands-on session: Register below

• Hands-on Session: Helena Montana on April 14th at 10:00 am
• Hands-on Session: Great Falls on April 14th at 3:00 pm

If you cannot attend these hands-on sessions click below to request a handson skills session to be facilitated in your area.  Request a Hands-on Skills Session Here

National Take-Back Day Event

DEA National Drug Take Back Day April 24th,2021: Find a site near you, visit the DEA site Locator

Montana Stats on the October 24th, 2020 Take-Back Event: 19 Law Enforcement participated, there were 20 collection sites, and 2,251 lbs. collected.

Meet the Team

Alison Brennan, Ph.D. Principal Investigator, Assistant Professor, Health & Human Development MSU Extension FCS Mental Health Specialist

Michelle U. Grocke, Ph.D. Principal Investigator, Assistant Professor, Health & Human Development MSU Extension FCS Health & Wellness Specialist

Barbara Allen, M.S. Co-Principal Investigator, Program Director, MSU Extension Associate Specialist

Jennifer Munter, Project Manager, MSU Extension

Kim Paul, Ph.D., Tribal Liaison, Piikani Lodge Health Institute

MSU Extension Collaborators (ROTA 20 Grant):

Katelyn Anderson, Ravalli County

Jennifer Anderson, Rosebud-Treasure Counties

Jesse Fulbright, Liberty County

Hillary Maxwell, Fort Belknap Reservation

Julie Riley & Mary Rumph, Powder River County

Alice Burchak, Toole County

MSU Extension Collaborators (ROTA 18 Grant):

Jennifer Anderson, Rosebud-Treasure Counties

Wendy Becker, Fort Peck Reservation

Denise Seilstad (retired June 2020), Fergus/Petroleum Counties

Alice Burchak, Toole County

Hillary Maxwell, Fort Belknap Reservation

Yvonneda Thompson, N. Cheyenne Reservation

HOTLINE - NEED HELP?  If you or someone you love is dealing with
opioid misuse, please contact the SAMHSA Hotline at (800) 662-HELP (4357)


For More information contact our Project Director Barbara Allen at or (406)-994-3531