Master Gardener
Flathead Master Gardener Classes
The Master Gardener Program was created originally in 1972 by the Washington State
Extension Service. Extension Agents delt mainly with farmers and ranchers before the
Master Gardener Program started. With the nature of the urban and modern American
life, Extension Agents had to become resources for landscape and gardening questions
which includes insect and disease control. Urban home gardeners had a need for horticulture
information and that is how the Master Gardener Program grew. The Master Gardener
Program is an important part of MSU Extension’s services to provide communities with
current, sound information one can use to protect the value of horticulture around
one’s property.
How is the Program Delivered?
The Master Gardener Courses Level 1 and Level 2 are offered online throughout the year. You can work at your own pace in a self-study format. Instruction is provided by MSU Extension Master Gardener Coordinators using the Academic Technology & Outreach (ATO) Brightspace platform.
Program Requirements
To be certified in the Level 1 Master Gardener course you will work through 17 modules, after each module is a quiz that must be completed using open book. You must complete the quiz with 80% or higher. You will have two attempt to complete the quiz at the required grade percentage. You must also complete 20 hours of community service for level one. To be certified in Level 2 Master Gardener course you will work through the modules and complete the quizzes at the end of each module with 80% or higher. You will have only one attempt to complete the quiz at the required grade percentage. You must also complete 30 hours of community service at level 2 to be able to go on to level 3.
How to Register for the Master Gardener Program
To begin registration of the Level 1 Master Gardener Program you complete the Master Gardener Registration Form Level 1, pay the $100 registration fee (includes Master Gardener book) in the MSU Extension Flathead County Office via cash or check made out to Flathead County Extension, at the same time pick up your Master Gardener book (the book is for all the levels), instructions to complete your registration will be emailed to you once the office registration is completed and the fee is paid. You will then complete your information online and pay your online platform fee and begin your course.
To begin registration for the Level 2 Master Gardener Program you must complete the Level 1 Master Gardener course with the 80% or better on the quizzes, and 20 hours community service completed. Contact the MSU Extension Flathead County Office to notify the AG Agent of your desire to complete the Level 2 course, pay the $85 Level 2 fee at the MSU Extension Flathead County Office via cash or check made out to Flathead County Extension, instructions to complete your registration will be emailed to you once the office fee is paid. You will then complete your information online and pay your online platform fee and begin your course.
Level 1 - Introduction to the MSU Extension Master Gardener Program
- Soils & Fertility
- Plant Growth & Development 1
- Growing Food from Your Garden
- Flowers
- Trees, Shrubs, Vines, and Pruning
- Lawns and Irrigation
- Yard & Garden Maintenance/Composting
- Intro to IPM-Integrated Pest Management
Level 2- The Role of Master Gardener in Extension
- Binomial Nomenclature
- Fertility, Plant Nutrients
- Plant Growth and Development 2
- Entomology, Plant Diseases and Abiotic Disorders
- Vegetable and Fruit IPM
- Trees, Shrubs, and Lawn IPM
- Advanced Pruning and Woody Ornamental Care
- Propagation
- Water Conservation
Level 3 Master Gardener
Level 3 is a three-day hands-on intensive course offered on the campus of MSU in Bozeman. Participants must be certified Level 2 Master Gardeners. To learn more about the Level 3 Master Gardener course, contact Sara Eilers, MSU Extension State Master Gardener Coordinator at or by calling (406) 994-2120.
For more information or to register your community service hours go to the Montana State University Extension Master Gardener webpage at
Our webpages must be accessible so we have our documents in printable/downloadable PDF version first, then we have the document in a webpage version. You may need to scroll through the page to find the document you are looking for.
Documents on this page:
- Master Gardener Community Service Hours Log Sheet
- Creating an Account on the Master Gardener Website
- Master Gardener Community Service Contract
- Master Gardener Level Description
- HIstory of the Master Gardener Program
- Master Gardener Registration Form Level 1 (when available)
Printable version of Master Gardener Community Service Hours Log Sheet (PDF)
Montana Master Gardener Log Sheet
Name Email
Date Brief Description of Project or Activity
Length of Time
Location of Activity & Contact Information of Project or Activity Coordinator
Educational Outreach and Support Activities
Volunteer Gardening
Labor or Coordination
Other Number of Contacts Mileage*
* Keep track of mileage for your own tax records. Check with IRS for deduction rates. Keep a copy of this sheet for your own records.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and the Montana State University Extension Service prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status.
Printable version of Creating an Account on the Master Gardener Website (PDF)
Please use these directions to record your volunteer hours and other information needed by the state Master Gardener coordinator.
- Go to the Master Gardener web site at :
You will see the page pictured below. In the top right corner you will see the gray Login box. Click on the words “Sign Up” and follow the directions on the next page.
If you have completed the ”Sign Up” directions (on the next page) but you forget the
password you created, you can return to the page above and in the bottom of the gray
box you will see the blue words: Forgot Password? Click on those words and you will
get help retrieving your password.
2. Sign Up - Fill out the following information: * In the first box create your own personal User ID in the first box. Most people use their first initial and last name. * In the second box create your own password. Copy it in a secure location because we are not able to access your password if you forget it. * Fill out the remaining information. For county, use the pull down menu and use Flathead, even if you reside in a different county because this is where the class is taught. * Record your t-shirt size. The level I shirts run a little small. * The Bot Check is to insure that an automated hacker is not used. * Click on the “Register” box. The information will be sent to the state coordinator as well as the county extension agent, Pat McGlynn. Pat will then approve you as a paid student. It will take a day or so for this transfer to occur.
3. After you have been approved, log in to see the following information: When you click on “View Handouts” or “View Presentations“ you will find: 1. Study Guides for each week which you may want to print ahead and bring to class. 2. Power Point Presentations that were used in class 3. Power Point Class Notes which have note taking lines next to each slide 4. MontGuides and other handouts which are also in your binder
Click on the blue words on the right side that say “View Document” or “Link” in order to open each document.
Click “Add Volunteer Hours” on the left side of this window to record a description of your volunteer activity, hours, and travel miles.
Montana State Universtiy Flathead County Master Gardener Community Service Contract
Printable version of Master Gardener Community Service Contract (PDF)
Name ________________________________________________________________________
Location of Community Service Project:
Activity to be performed:
Supervisor and contact phone number:
Hours and/or dates of service anticipated:
Master Gardener Signature:_______________________________________________________
Approved by:___________________________________________________________________
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and the Montana State University Extension Service prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status.
Master Gardener Level Description
Printable version of Master Gardener Level Description (PDF)
Level 1 Master Gardener
This 16 hours course will be taught by the local Extension agents, plant professionals, volunteers, or via Adobe Connect and the Internet. During the beginning of the Level 1 Master Gardener course you will receive the Montana Master Gardener Handbook and other informative handouts pertaining to the class. In the Level 1 Master Gardener course you will learn:
- Introduction to Montana State University Extension and the Master Gardener Program
- Soils and Fertility (N-P-K-Fe)
- Plant Growth and Development Part 1
- Growing food from your yard and garden
- Flowers
- Trees, Shrubs, Vines and pruning
- Lawns and Irrigation
- Composting
- Introduction to Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
Following the completion of the Level 1 Master Gardener course, you will be required to pass an open-book exam and fulfill your volunteer commitment of 20 hours. The cost, time and location will be determined by the county Extension agent of Master Gardener coordinator.
Level 2 Master Gardener
The classes will be taught by the local Extension agents, plant professionals, volunteers, or via Adobe Connect and the Internet. The Level 2 Master Gardener course is am intermediate/advanced gardening course for those who have prior knowledge or experience in gardening. The Level 2 Master Gardener course will teach you:
- The role of Master Gardener in Extension
- Binomial nomenclature
- Fertility, plant nutrients (more emphasis on micronutrients and microorganisms)
- Plant growth and development Part 2
- Entomology, plant diseases and abiotic disorders
- Vegetable and Fruit Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
- Tree, shrubs and Lawn Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
- Advanced pruning and woody ornamental care
- Propagation
- Water Conservation
Following the completion of the Level 2 Master Gardener course you will be required to pass a closed book exam and fulfill your volunteer commitment of 30 hours. The cost, time and location will be determined by the county Extension agent or Master Gardener coordinator.
Level 3 Master Gardener
The Level 3 Master Gardener course will be offered beginning the summer of 2011. This three day intensive training offered through the Montana State University Extension Service will be held on the campus of Montana State University-Bozeman. The class will begin with a 2-week online preparation course followed by the three-day training on campus. There will be approximately 30 hours of class time and a 30-40 hour volunteer commitment. The Level 3
Master Gardener course will emphasize a hands-on curriculum. More information will be available in the near future.
Login Sign up
Master Gardener - Frequently Asked Questions
What is a “volunteer commitment”?
During or upon completion of your training, you will meet with the program coordinator to discuss your talents and the needs of Cooperative Extension. You will choose a volunteer placement that will best utilize your knowledge and skills while helping Extension to meet community needs. Volunteer commitments may include:
- Answering horticulture questions at local Extension offices
- Staffing Clinics
- Staffing booths at fairs and farmers markets
- Writing articles
- Helping design, install and maintain community flower and vegetable gardens
- Teaching Master Gardener classes
- Helping set up Master Gardener classes
- Applied research through the county Extension office
- Other volunteer placements that help meet the needs of the community
When will the Master Gardener classes be offered?
The Level 1 Master Gardener course will be available to the Extension agents January, 2010. The Level 2 Extension Master Gardener course will be available March, 2010. If the Extension service in your county offers the Master Gardener program, they will determine the time, place and location of the class. For further information regarding the Montana Master Gardener program in your county, contact your local MSU County Extension Office.
When can I use the title "Master Gardener"?
You will receive the title “Master Gardener” upon completion of each course Level of the program. You may not use the name “Master Gardener” to promote any private entity such as a business or consulting service. You can use on your resume…
What if I am already a certified Master Gardener?
If you are already a certified Montana Master Gardener you will be considered a Level 2 Master Gardener. However, for you to be recognized as a Montana Master Gardener you must contact your county Extension Service so that we can create a state-wide database for those that have completed the course. Please bring your certificate or proof of course attendance to your county Extension office or contact the state wide coordinator at:
Extension Horticulture Assistant Master Gardener Coordinator
Toby Day Dara palmer
P.O. Box 173140 PO Box 173140
312 Leon Johnson Hall 312 Leon Johnson Hall
Bozeman, Montana 59717 Bozeman, MT 59717
Tel: (406) 994-6523 Tel: (406) 994-6523
What is the cost of the Master Gardener Program?
The cost of the Extension Master Gardener courses are determined by the county Extension Service that elects to offer the course. Inquire with your local county Extension office for more information.
Where can I find the textbook for the class?
The Montana Master Gardener’s Handbook will be handed out the first day of the master Gardener class or is offered through Montana State University Extension Publications. To purchase the Montana Master Gardener’s Handbook contact Extension Publications.
Distribution Center Communications & I.T. Po Box 172040
Bozeman, MT 59717
Tel: (406)994-3273
Fax: (406) 994-2050
Location: 115 Culbertson Buy online
Where do I learn more about the Master gardener program in my area?
For further information regarding the Montana Master Gardener program in your county or city, contact your local MSU County Extension Office.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and the Montana State University Extension Service prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status.
Printable version of History of the Master Gardener Program (PDF)
By David Gibby*, William Scheer*, Sharon Col'men, George Pinyuh*
Updated in 2008 by Tonle Fitzgerald, WSU Extension Statewide Master Gardener Program Leader
Washington State University Extension initially assigned horticulture faculty to county offices as part of the Agriculture, Home Economics and 4-H outreach education programs. The emphasis of the horticultural programs was crop production. It was not until rapid urban growth and the burgeoning interest in gardening that Extension began to develop programs emphasizing urban horticulture.
In 1971 David Gibby and Bill Scheer, Area Extension Agents, had started separate assignments in the major metropolitan areas represented by King and Pierce Counties. They focused respectively on urban and commercial horticulture. Public demand for information about plant problems was so intense that it made educational programming for either of them virtually impossible.
Initially administrators suggested that getting information out via the mass media would solve that problem. The result was that television and radio gardening shows put on by Gibby served only to make the public aware that the Extension office was the place to get help. Consequently Gibby and Scheer met to explore other avenues to most effectively address the needs of the backyard gardener.
Among approaches considered was the concept of recruiting and training volunteers to serve the urban audience. This appeared to be the most feasible option as it would free Gibby and Scheer from constantly reacting to public demand and allow them to be proactive in fulfilling educational needs. Recruitment would require a careful selection process.
An appropriate and distinguished title would also be necessary. As both Gibby and Scheer had worked in Germany acquiring language proficiency and understanding of the culture, they knew that Germans bestow titles for hard-earned proficiency levels in various crafts. The top proficiency level in horticulture is denoted by "Gartenmeister," which they anglicized as "Master Gardener." This title would be appropriate for volunteers who had received extensive training.
The volunteer concept was discussed many times before it was taken to various subject matter specialists at the Western Washington Research and Extension Center (WWREC) in Puyallup. The specialists initially rejected the idea of training volunteers.
To test the viability of the concept, Gibby, in 1972, organized a trial clinic at the Tacoma Mall featuring specialists to see if the public demonstrated interest in receiving gardening information. In preparation he wrote articles for the Tacoma papers and aired spots on television. The results were far better than specialists had expected. They were now convinced and committed to help train volunteers. Gibby was now able to take the project to the next level. In the meantime Scheer continued his work in commercial horticulture, but helped teach MG classes for the next 20 years.
Gibby had arranged for Steve Lorton, with Sunset Magazine, to cover the trial clinic. Lorton wrote an article for the Northwest edition under the caption "Wanted: Expert Gardeners to Become Master Gardeners." There were about 600 initial inquiries. Gibby interviewed all applicants and accepted 300.
Recollections vary as to how many people were actually trained A fair figure would be about 200. Ed Hume, media gardening expert, was an honorary trainee. He provided valuable help in advertising the program and continues to do so.
The next step was to develop a training curriculum. Subject matter was to include culture of ornamental plants, lawns, vegetables and fruits; control of plant diseases, insects and weeds, and safe use of pesticides. Sessions were to be held eight hours per day, one day a week, for five weeks. At the end of the training, volunteers were required to pass subject matter exams, as well as am exam for pesticide licensing by the Washington State Department of Agriculture. Master Gardeners were then committed to volunteering a specified number of hours working with the gardening public.
Faculty specialists from the WWREC Center and county faculty participated in teaching. The first training sessions in King County took place at the Renton Library and in Pierce County at the Tacoma Grange Hall during the spring of 1973. Later that same year training was provided in the eastern Washington city of Spokane by Horticulture Extension Agent David Bosley, making the new program a statewide endeavor.
Funds in the amount of $500 were needed to stock the first clinics staffed by Master Gardeners, but Gibby's application was turned down by University Extension administration. A second submittal written by Gibby, and signed by Arlen Davison, Extension Plant Pathologist at the WWREC, was eventually approved.
By the end of 1973 Gibby resigned from WSU to take leadership in ornamental nursery production with Weyerhaeuser Company. Sharon Collman, who had been working as program assistant with Gibby, became King County Extension Agent and continued managing the program for several years. She is credited with building a solid foundation for the program, as well as promoting and expanding it. She held the program together under the hardship of long hours during a time of budgetary constraints. She also helped other Extension offices establish Master Gardener programs in Washington and in other states. During this period the Pierce County program was ably guided by Nancy Hibbing, a program assistant.
About a year after Coltman took over, Blair Adams (deceased) was hired to replace Gibby in the Area position. Later, when Adams became the Extension Horticulture Specialist at the WWREC in Puyallup, George Pinyuh was hired in 1976 as his replacement and held this position until his retirement in 1994. Cofinnan then concentrated on training Master Gardeners in diagnosis of plant problems and integrated pest management. The Master Gardeners, in turn, assisted in processing the increased volume of plant problem specimens arriving from the expanded number of clinics.
In the meantime, Bernard Wesenberg (deceased), Extension Ornamental Horticulture Specialist at the WWREC, promoted the MG program nationwide and took on a significant coordinating role. Davison, by then State Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources Program Leader and later WWREC Superintendent, promoted the program within administration and was responsible for funding Program Assistants in various counties.
During the long tenure of George Pinyuh as Area Extension Agent (Faculty Excellence Award recipient), the program continued to expand in number of volunteers, number of plant clinics and new volunteer roles. He also established the individual County and State Master Gardener Foundations. The WSU Extension Master Gardener Resource Center at the University of Washington Center for Urban
Horticulture is another Pinyuh accomplishment. He continues to teach MG volunteers and works at demonstration gardens.
Mary Robson, after five years of being a program assistant with Pinyuh, held the Area Extension faculty from 1994 until 2004. She worked closely with Pinyuh to improve program efficacy and establish a good working relationship with the University of Washington.
As time progressed, the program received the credibility and recognition it well deserved.
It is not possible to name all who have made significant contributions to this program over the years. The list includes many faculty members and dedicated program assistants, who started MG programs statewide and deserve much credit.
In order to better manage the urban horticulture educational efforts statewide, a Master Gardener Volunteer Coordinator position was funded. Van Bobbitt held this post from 1989 to 1998, attaining excellent results promoting the program around the state and building further support from WSU administration. The position was later held by Rod Tinnemore from 2001 until 2006. In January of 2008, Associate Vice President and Dean of WSU Extension, Linda Kirk Fox created for the first time a state Master Gardener Program Leader position within WSU Extension and appointed Tonie Fitzgerald to provide leadership on a statewide basis.
There are now over 4000 Master Gardener volunteers across the state. They staff plant clinics in 105 communities at 171 locations. Each Master Gardener received approximately 60 hours of training and volunteers a minimum of 50 hours as a community educator in his or her community. They extend the service of the University to more than 500,000 people each year. Some have served actively in the program for more than 20 years.
The horticulture "Master" volunteer concept is so effective that it has spread throughout the United States and several provinces of Canada. It has been adopted by various other disciplines of WSU Extension such as food preservation, animal husbandry and resource conservation, e.g. Master Food Preserver and Safely Advisors, Livestock Advisors, Master Composters, and Beach Watchers
*Ex-Faculty and Faculty Emeritus, WSU Extension, King and Pierce Counties
Master Gardener Level I Registration
Printable version of Master Gardener Registration Form Level 1 (PDF)
Master Gardener Level I Enrollment
City, State, Zip
Requirements to obtain MSU Master Gardener Certification:
- Attendance to Classes (90% attendance expected)
- Completed final exam-80% or higher for passing grade
- 20 hours of community service
Payment Information:
- $100 Check made out to MSU Extension
Payment Breakdown $50 for textbook (one-time purchase for all 3 levels)
$50 to cover supplies for course workshops and refreshments
Please mail or deliver your payment to 1108 S. Main St. Ste. 4, Kalispell, MT 59901. We look forward to meeting you!
We Look forward to meeting you and learning together!
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and the Montana State University Extension Service prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status.