Our webpages must be accessible so we have our documents in printable/downloadable PDF version first, then we have the document in a webpage version. You may need to scroll through the page to find the document you are looking for.


For other upcoming events also check out our MSU Extension Flathead County Calendar on the Calendar page. The MSU Extension Flathead County Calendar includes 4-H and AG events.


  1. Citizenship Seminar & Legislative Breakfast
  2. 4-H Foods Fair
  3. Montana Rec Lab
  4. County Congress
  5. State Congress
  6. Lil Chief & Hand to Heart Award

Citizenship Seminar and Legislative Breakfast

The MSU Extension 4-H Center hosts two events every odd-numbered year in January while the Montana Legislature is in session.  The 4-H Citizenship Seminar is open to 4-H members (13 yrs or older as of the previous October 1st). 

The most recent 4-H Citizenship Seminar occurred in Helena, MT from January 19th to 21st, 2025.This unique experience offers an inside look at democratic government and the chance to engage with program highlights that make it unforgettable. With a mix of excitement and curiosity, you'll find yourself growing alongside peers and adults alike. Don’t miss the opportunity to meet elected officials and leave a memorable impression as a proud representative of 4-H! 

Montana Citizenship Seminar is designed to inspire 4-H youth as they learn about the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. Youth delegates gain hands-on experience with the legislative process by participating in a mock legislature, create and debate bills, work with other youth from across the state, meet with elected officials, tour the capitol, and participate in a service-learning project.

The Legislative Breakfast was held January 21, 2025. Thank you to all who participated in this event! 

Please click on the following link for additional information on the 4-H Citizenship Seminar from the MSU Extension 4-H Center:https://www.montana.edu/extension/4h/programs_and_events/events/Cit-Seminar.html

Please click on the following link for additional information on the 4-H Legislative Breakfast from the MSU Extension 4-H Center:  https://www.montana.edu/extension/4h/programs_and_events/events/legislative-breakfast.html

4-H Foods Fair

The 4-H Foods Fair is typically held in mid-January each year  (check calendar on the calendar page for date) in the  Expo Center on the Flathead County Fairgrounds.  There are classes for Cloverbuds, Juniors, Seniors, and Adults.

Rec Lab

This MSU Extension 4-H Center event event will take place in White Sulphur Springs, Montana this year March 28-30, 2025.  Online Rec Lab registration opened on ZSuite on February 10, 2025. Please click on the ZSuite "Events" tab and ensure you click the "Show State Events" tab.

Please visit the 4-H Center's Rec Lab website for additional information


Youth participants must be at least 13 years old as of previous Oct. 1.


County Congress

The Flathead County 4-H County Congress typically takes place in the Spring each year at the School District 5 AG Center. The 2025 4-H  County Congress will take place on Saturday April 19, 2025.   Registration is deadline is TO BE ANNOUNCED.

4-H County Congress includes the following competitions:  public speaking, demonstrations/illustrated talks, career communications, photography, videography, quilting, fashion review, and livestock judging.

State Congress

The MSU Extension 4-H Center  typically hosts State Congress every year in July at the MSU Bozeman Campus.  This year's dates are Tuesday July 8 - Friday July 11, 2025.

Check calendar on the calendar page for date.

For more information, please visit the MSU Extension 4-H Center's State Congress Website. https://www.montana.edu/extension/4h/programs_and_events/events/mt_4h_congress/index.html

Youth participants must be at least 13 years old as of previous Oct. 1.


Lil Chief & Hand to Heart Award

Printable version of Lil Chief & Hand to Heart Award Application (PDF)

Check the calendar on the calendar page for date.


Completed Applications in Essay Format are due to the MSU Extension Office by 5:00 PM on Friday, May 9, 2025.

The Little Chief and Hand to Heart Leadership Awards are presented to one Flathead County 4-H senior member and one Flathead County 4-H junior member each year. These recipients have demonstrated outstanding leadership skills, personal development, and service to others throughout the past year (June 1, 2024 to present). The Little Chief and Hand to Heart awards represent the goals and values expressed in the 4-H Pledge. Little Chief and Hand to Heart award recipients have excelled in citizenship, leadership and community service through 4-H and other activities.


Little Chief Award: Leadership Award for senior 4-H members. Applicants for the Little Chief Award must be 14-19 years of age as of October 1, 2024.


Hand to Heart Award: Leadership Award for junior 4-H members. Applicants for the Hand to Heart Award must be 8-13 years of age as of October 1, 2024.


Application Requirements: Applications must be completed in essay format and turned into the MSU Extension Office before the deadline, which will be announced. Applications can be typed double spaced or handwritten in pen. Applications are limited to 1-2 pages handwritten or typed double spaced (not including supporting documentation). One additional page may be used for supporting documentation such as pictures, newspaper clippings, etc. Youth should complete their own application with minimal assistance from adults or other youth.  The youth’s application should focus on their participation in citizenship, leadership, and community service activities during the past year from June 1, 2024 to the present.  Applicants should provide 1-2 examples from their experience in each of the three categories of citizenship, leadership, and community service. Each example should be accompanied with 1-2 specific details of something learned from the experience. Examples can include activities outside of 4-H. Applicant and Club Leader signatures are required.


Interview Requirements: After submitting a completed Award Application, applicants will be required to interview for this award. Interviews will be held on a date to be determined at the MSU Extension Office located at 1108 S. Main St. Ste 4 in Kalispell. Applicants will be notified of a specific interview time. Dress as if you are interviewing for a job.  During the interview, applicants must give a 3–5-minute presentation about their involvement and accomplishments in the specific areas of Citizenship, Leadership, and Community Service from June 1, 2024 to present. Then, interviewees will ask the applicant several follow-up questions. Applicants may use digital or printed materials such as a 4-H poster board or digital materials such as a Power Point or Canva file during their 3-5 minutepresentation.  Digital presentations must be emailed to richard.balestri@montana.edu and ashli.darrach@montana.edu or delivered to the MSU Extension Office no later than date to be announced.  

Important Dates:       DATE TO BE ANNOUNCED Award Application Due

                                    DATE TO BE ANNOUNCED- Little Chief/Hand to Heart Interviews


4-H CLUB:   




YEARS IN 4-H:                                          4-H AGE:                                            Birthdate: 


In essay format, please describe (in your own words) what you have done in the areas of Citizenship, Leadership and Community Service through 4-H and other activities throughout the past year from June 1, 2023 to the present. Applications are limited to 1-2 pages. Please provide 1-2 examples of your experiences in each of the three categories of citizenship, leadership, and community service. Each example should have 1-2 specific details of something you learned from that experience. Conservation activities do count as citizenship. Please see the Application Requirements on the cover page for specific guidelines.


Member's Signature                                                                   Date


Leader’s Signature                                                                       Date


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