Stillwater County
2023 MSU Extension Highlights
2023 MSU Extension Highlights
Stillwater County MSU Extension has undergone some changes this year. Lee Schmelzer, our former agriculture and 4-H agent of 25 years, took a different position within MSU Extension. We hired a new 4-H program assistant and office administrator who experienced her first 4-H fair in our new county facility, and hired a new agriculture and 4-H agent who started the week after 4-H fair. Amid those changes, Stillwater County experienced a 500-year flood in 2022, and an abundance of rain in 2023, leading to floods in various parts of the county. We experienced a mostly green, cooler summer, which is not typical, but we could count on 100-degree days for the 4-H fair.
Agriculture & Natural Resources
New Agent identifies local needs
In my first months as a new agent, I have been meeting stakeholders through conducting site visits, providing diagnostic results, nitrate testing, plant and weed identification, attending livestock events, and utilizing MSU resources such as the Schutter Diagnostic Lab and MSU Specialists. In one month, 10 site visits helped me evaluate local operations and understand and educate land managers about their properties and associated needs. Several meetings are set for the coming months with non-governmental groups to help better identify local needs. In between attendance at trainings, I have taken steps to become certified and more resourceful on essential topics, including pesticide management and the Master Gardener program. -Ryan Noack
Caption: Meeting 4-H youth at Champion’s Fair Show
Credit: Ryan Noack
Family & Consumer Science
Local leadership takes center stage
For the last three years, Reimagining Rural has been a central component of our local MSU Extension programming. Rewriting the local narrative that rural is not dying, people are coming to our town, and rural towns have a lot to offer has been an important message. Stillwater County has participated in the Reimagining Rural initiative since its start. We have had regular participation, come up with great ideas to improve our community, and created vision; but finding local leaders to implement projects, participate on boards and provide help in our community is a growing issue.
Through the Reimagining Rural initiative, Stillwater County MSU Extension and Stillwater County Economic Development have partnered to create a local leadership program in our community. Big Sky Big Leadership is an MSU Extension program that has provided leadership training and retreats for the partnership. As we gain more skills as a team, we have begun the planning process for a local leadership program and we look forward to highlighting the success and continuation of the program in 2024.
Caption: Gracious Spaces Retreat
Credit: Haley Barker
4-H & Youth Development
New ACE Civic Center and Chuck Egan Fairgrounds
Caption: On the patio at the new ACE Civic Center for 4-H dancing.
Credit: Haley Barker
P.O. Box 807
Columbus, MT
(406) 322-8035
Montana State University Extension is an ADA/EO/AA Veteran’s Preference Employer and provider of educational outreach.