Media Release Form

Montana State University Extension


Name of Participant:                                                                                                    

County:           _________________________

Name of Event or Activity: 2024 Montana 4-H State Horse Show

Date & Location of Event or Activity: September 20-22, 406 Arena in Vaughn,MT


The MSU Extension Service, 4-H may like to use photos or video of your child that was taken during the above event or activity to use in a press release and other publicity related to this event. The photo or film may be used for the following purpose: Website, Press Release, News Story, Marketing Materials, or other.

Do you authorize the use of photos or video of your child at this event or activity?

Yes              No


I consent and agree, individually and, as a parent or guardian of the minor named above, to the foregoing terms and provisions. By signing below, I hereby waive any right that I (and a minor) may have to inspect or approve the copy and/or finished product or products that may be used in connection therewith or the use to which it may be applied. I warrant that I am of full legal age and have every right to contract for the minor in the above regard. I have also read and understand the conditions of use listed below


Parent or Guardian Signature:                                                                              Date:         _____   



  1. We will not use personal details or full names (first name and last name) of any child in a photograph on our .
  2. We will not include personal e-mail or postal addresses, telephone or fax numbers on our website or in other printed
  3. We may use the name of the child in accompanying text or a photo
  4. We may use group or photographs with very general
  5. We will only use image of children in suitable dress, to reduce the risk of inappropriate use of image.