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  1. Who Gets Grandma's Yellow Pie Plate? Transferring Non-Titled Property  (MSU Extension MontGuide) 
    (PDF Version) (HTML Version-ADA Accessible) [Order Online]
    Explains how to deal with some of the issues that may arise with the transfer of non-titled property such as photographs, jewelry, books, and other family heirlooms among family members. 

  2. Who Gets Grandma’s Yellow Pie Plate? (38-minute video, University of Minnesota)

  3. Wills (MSU Extension MontGuide)
    (PDF Version) (HTML Version-ADA Accessible) [Order Online]
    Outlines why a written will is necessary. Includes information about costs, restrictions and changes after its completion. 

  4. Letter of Last Instructions.  (MSU Extension MontGuide)
    (PDF Version) (HTML Version-ADA Accessible) [Order Online]
    Explains what should be included in a letter of last instructions to assist survivors after the death of the writer. 

  5. Montana Legal Developer Forms:

  6. Wills and Estate Planning Guide--Fillable Form  (MSU Alumni Foundation)

  7. Bequest Language (Using MSU Alumni Foundation as an Example)