Each student admitted to the Master of Arts in Teaching program will pursue a teaching endorsement in either Elementary Education (which leads to a recommendation for a teaching license in K-8 Elementary Education) or Secondary Education (which will lead to a recommendation for a teaching license in the single-subject of either English, mathematics, general science, modern languages, or social studies for grades 5-12).

Applicants to the MAT will choose an intended endorsement area following the criteria outlined below. 

  • Minimum GPA of 3.0 or higher for both Bachelor's degree, and for all graduate level coursework

Please contact Hailey Hancock to receive your preferred Endorsement Verification form. 

Endorsement Area Content Verification: English Education Guidelines 

Part 1: Please complete all personal information required in the top box, including title (subject area) of your prior degrees earned and the date on which the degree was awarded. If needed please note via email if additional degrees were earned.


Part 2: Please use your Praxis Content Area exam score (English Language Arts: Content Knowledge – Test 5038)report to complete section 2. Provide general information in the upper portion, including the date of the examination (page 1) and overall score (page 2). For the lower portion, refer to page 3 of the Score Report and enter your “Raw Points Earned” in each content category.


Part 3: Coursework table. Applicants will complete a self-assessment of prior coursework completed at a regionally accredited college or university to list all courses completed that are relevant to a teaching in English/Language Arts. For each course, list the course rubric and number (ex: ENGL 171), course title, and grade earned in the course. In the columns to the right, mark all content domains that were addressed in the course. Please use an “X” to indicate the area in the box. You may mark more than one domain for a single course. This section addresses the Montana Rule for Teacher Education PEPP content standards. No course may be used with a grade of "C-" or below.

  • Minimum GPA of 3.0 or higher for both Bachelor's degree, and for all graduate level coursework


In order to qualify for this endorsement area, it is preferred, but not required, that candidates have completed the following:


  • 7 courses in the area of Literature, inclusive of….
    • 1 course in the study of Shakespearean Literature
    • 1 course in British Literature
    • 2 courses in American Literature
    • 1 course in Literary Criticism
    • 2 additional literature courses
  • 5 courses in the area of Writing
  • 2 courses in the area of Linguistics [formal/structural and/or sociolinguistic]
  • 1 course in the area of Qualitative Research


Part 4: Open response. For the open-ended domain, describe experience you have acquired (if any) either through coursework or in other contexts. This information provides a more complete picture of your preparation and may be used to tailor some MAT courses to fill knowledge gaps.

  • “Teaching and Learning English Language Arts”: indicate experience with engaging students in reading and writing processes and practices, with addressing equity issues, and with other skills related to curriculum and instruction.

English Education Personal Statement

Applicants to the MAT program English Education track will use the attached TEMPLATE to complete the required personal statement as part of the application process. There are three required prompts to be addressed. Please address each prompt in 500 words or less. 

  • Describe your previous work history, academic preparation, and work with children or adolescents

  • Describe the unique characteristics, academic abilities, and personal traits that qualify you to become an English teacher

  • Describe why you want to enter the teaching profession, and what you expect to encounter as an English teacher

Endorsement Area Content Verification: Mathematics Education Guidelines


Part 1. Please complete all personal information required in the top box, including title (subject area) of your prior degrees earned and the date on which the degree was awarded. If needed please note via email if additional degrees were earned.


Part 2. Complete this section using the Score Report from your Praxis Mathematics Content Knowledge examination (Test 5165). Provide general information in the upper portion, including the date of the examination (page 1) and overall score (page 2). For the lower portion, refer to page 3 of the Score Report and enter your “Raw Points Earned” in each content category.


Part 3: Coursework table.Provide a self-assessment of prior coursework completed at a regionally accredited college or university. Be sure to list all courses that may be relevant to a teaching endorsement in mathematics (undergraduate, graduate, certificate, or other source). For each course, list the course rubric and number (ex: M 171), course title, and grade earned in the course. In the columns to the right, mark all content domains that were addressed in the course. You may mark more than one domain for a single course. This section addresses the Montana Rule for Teacher Education PEPP content standards in part (j). 

No course may be used with a grade of "C-" or below.

  • Minimum GPA of 3.0 or higher for both Bachelor's degree, and for all graduate level coursework


To qualify for a secondary mathematics endorsement,it is preferred that candidates’ complete courses equivalent to those required for a secondary mathematics teaching minor at MSU:

  • 2 courses in trigonometry-based Calculus (a one-year sequence)
  • 1 course in Proof or Foundations of Mathematics
  • 1 course in Linear Algebra
  • 1 course in Geometry
  • 1 course in Statistics
  • 2 upper-division courses with Proof/Foundations or Calculus as a prerequisite.


Collectively, mathematics coursework must also address topics in number theory, advanced algebra, discrete mathematics, history of mathematics, and mathematical modeling. In cases where these topics have not been addressed, additional coursework may be required.


Part 4: Open response.For each of the two open-ended domains, describe experience you have acquired (if any) either through coursework or in other contexts. This information provides a more complete picture of your preparation and may be used to tailor some MAT courses to fill knowledge gaps. This section addresses the PEPP standards in parts (a)-(i).

  • “Modeling and Technology”: indicate experience with mathematical modeling and with using calculators, dynamic software, Web tools, etc. for mathematics exploration and problem solving.
  • “Teaching and Learning Mathematics”: indicate experience with engaging students in mathematical processes and practices, with addressing equity issues, and with other skills related to instruction.

After submitting the form, you may be contacted to provide further information verifying that your experience meets standards and qualifications for Montana licensure. Be prepared to provide details about course content and/or activities related to teaching mathematics. Note that the syllabus for a given course will be used to determine if appropriate content is addressed, rather than the course title.

Mathematics Education Personal Statement

Applicants to the MAT program Mathematics track will use the attached TEMPLATE to complete the required personal statement as part of the application process. There are three required prompts to be addressed. Please address each prompt in 500 words or less.

  • Describe your previous work history, academic preparation, and work with children or adolescents

  • Describe the unique characteristics, academic abilities, and personal traits that qualify you to become a math teacher

  • Describe why you want to enter the teaching profession, and what you expect to encounter as a math teacher



Guidelines to Completing Endorsement Area Verification: General Science Broadfield 

Part 1: Please complete all personal information required in the top box, including title (subject area) of your prior degrees earned and the date on which the degree was awarded. If needed please note via email if additional degrees were earned.


Part 2: Complete this section using the Score Report from your Praxis Content Area exam (General Science: Content Knowledge, Test 5436, passing score of 141) to complete section 2. Provide general information in the upper portion, including the date of the examination (page 1) and overall score (page 2). For the lower portion, refer to page 3 of the Score Report and enter your “Raw Points Earned” in each content category.


Part 3: Coursework table. Provide a self-assessment of prior coursework completed at a regionally accredited college or university. Be sure to list all courses that may be relevant to a teaching endorsement in science (undergraduate, graduate, certificate, or other source). For each course, list the course rubric and number (ex: Bio 171), course title, and grade earned in the course. In the columns to the right, mark all content domains that were addressed in the course. Please use an “X” to indicate the area in the box. You may mark more than one domain for a single course. This section addresses the Montana Rule for Teacher Education PEPP content standards.

No course may be used with a grade of "C-" or below.

  • Minimum GPA of 3.0 or higher for both Bachelor's degree, and for all graduate level coursework

 In order to qualify for this endorsement area, it is preferred that candidates have completed the following:

  • 2 courses in the area of Biology/Life Sciences
  • 2 courses in the area of Earth/Space Sciences
  • 2 courses in the area of Chemistry
  • 2 courses in the area of Physics
  • At least 1 lab science course
  • Calculus/Statistics, 1 course required – 2 preferred
  • 1 course in Environmental Sciences
  • 1 course in the History of Science
  • 1 course in the area of Science, Technology, and Society


Part 4: Open response

Please provide us with any additional information about your background, preparation, work history or other relevant experience that you feel we should take into account when completing a review of your content area history.

 After submitting the form, you may be contacted to provide further information verifying that your experience meets standards and qualifications for Montana licensure. Please feel free to provide us with a written statement regarding your college-level course preparation and your subsequent work experience in the categories listed.

General Science Broadfield Personal Statement

Applicants to the MAT program General Science Broadfield track will use the attached TEMPLATE to complete the required personal statement as part of the application process. There are three required prompts to be addressed. Please address each prompt in 500 words or less. 

  • Describe your previous work history, academic preparation, and work with children or adolescents

  • Describe the unique characteristics, academic abilities, and personal traits that qualify you to become a science teacher

  • Describe why you want to enter the teaching profession, and what you expect to encounter as a science teacher

Guidelines to Completing Endorsement Area Verification: Social Studies Broadfield


Part 1: Please complete all personal information required in the top box, including prior degrees earned and the date in which the degree was awarded. If needed please note via email if additional degrees were earned.


Part 2: Complete this section using the Score Report from your Praxis Content Area exam (Social Studies: Content Knowledge, Test 5081) to complete section 2. Provide general information in the upper portion, including the date of the examination (page 1) and overall score (page 2). For the lower portion, refer to page 3 of the Score Report and enter your “Raw Points Earned” in each content category.


Part 3: Provide a self-assessment of prior coursework completed at a regionally accredited college or university. Be sure to list all courses that may be relevant to a teaching endorsement in Social Studies Broadfield (undergraduate, graduate, certificate, or other source). For each course, list the course rubric and number (ex: HIST 171), course title, and grade earned in the course. In the columns to the right, mark all content domains that were addressed in the course. Please use an “X” to indicate the area in the box. You may mark more than one domain for a single course. This section addresses the Montana Rule for Teacher Education PEPP content standards

No course may be used with a grade of "C-" or below.

  • Minimum GPA of 3.0 or higher for both Bachelor's degree, and for all graduate level coursework


In order to qualify for this endorsement area, it is preferred that candidates have completed the following:

  • History
    • American History 1-2
    • Western Civilization 1-2
    • Upper Division Courses
      • US History
      • Non-Western History
      • European History
      • Race, Class, Gender (category)
  • Political Science/Civics
    • American Government
    • Intro to Political Science
    • Intro to International Relations
    • A course covering political theory
    • Upper Division courses
      • Domestic Political Science
      • International Political Science
  • Native American Studies
    • Two courses (one focused on Montana)
  • Geography (1 course)
  • One course in Behavioral Sciences
  • One course with an inquiry focus in the Behavioral or Social Sciences

 Part 4: Open response

Please provide us with any additional information about your background, preparation, work history or other relevant experience that you feel we should take into account when completing a review of your content area history.

After submitting the form, you may be contacted to provide further information verifying that your experience meets standards and qualifications for Montana licensure. Please feel free to provide us with a written statement regarding your college-level course preparation and your subsequent work experience in the categories listed.

Social Studies Broadfield Personal Statement

Applicants to the MAT program Social Studies Broadfield track will use the attached TEMPLATE to complete the required personal statement as part of the application process. There are three required prompts to be addressed. Please address each prompt in 500 words or less. 

  • Describe your previous work history, academic preparation, and work with children or adolescents

  • Describe the unique characteristics, academic abilities, and personal traits that qualify you to become a social studies teacher

  • Describe why you want to enter the teaching profession, and what you expect to encounter as a social studies teacher

Guidelines to Completing Endorsement Area Verification: Modern Languages

Part 1: Please complete all personal information required in the top box, including title (subject area) of your prior degrees earned and the date on which the degree was awarded. If needed please note via email if additional degrees were earned. If you don’t already have an MSU ID number, that is ok, just leave that part blank.

Part 2: Please use your Praxis Content Area exam score (French – Test 5174, German - Test 5183, or Spanish - Test 5195) report to complete section 2. Provide general information in the upper portion, including the date of the examination (page 1) and overall score (page 2). For the lower portion, refer to page 3 of the Score Report and enter your “Raw Points Earned” in each content category.

In addition to the Praxis Content Exam - Modern Language Candidates will also need to pass the ACTFL exam in the chosen language and recieve a score of Intermediate-High 


Part 3:Coursework table. Applicants will complete a self-assessment of prior coursework completed at a regionally accredited college or university to list all courses completed that are relevant to a teaching in the language which is being pursued for licensure (French, German or Spanish). For each course, list the course rubric and number (ex: SPAN 171), course title, and grade earned in the course. In the columns to the right, mark all content domains that were addressed in the course. Please use an “X” to indicate the area in the box. You may mark more than one domain for a single course. This section addresses the Montana Rule for Teacher Education PEPP content standards. PLEASE NOTE: do not use grades where the grade earned is “C-” or below.

In order to qualify for this endorsement area, it is preferred, but not always required, that candidates have completed the following: A degree and experience in speaking the language being pursued. 

Part 4:Open response. For the open-ended domain, describe experience you have acquired (if any) either through coursework or in other contexts. This information provides a more complete picture of your preparation and may be used to tailor some MAT courses to fill knowledge gaps.

This can be done via word doc separately or in an email.

Following submission, we may follow up with you for additional information. Please feel free to provide us with a written statement regarding your college-level course preparation and your subsequent work experience in the categories listed.


Guidelines to Completing Endorsement Area Verification: Elementary Education

Part 1: Please complete all personal information required in the top box, including title (subject area) of your prior degrees earned and the date on which the degree was awarded. If needed, please note via email if additional degrees were earned.


Part 2: Please use your Praxis Content Area exam score (Elementary Education: Content Knowledge – Test 5001) report to complete section 2. Provide general information in the upper portion, including the date of the examination (page 1) and overall score (page 2). For the lower portion, refer to page 3 of the Score Report and enter your “Raw Points Earned” in each content category.


Part 3: Coursework table. Applicants will complete a self-assessment of prior coursework completed at a regionally accredited college or university to list all courses completed that are relevant to a teaching in elementary education content. For each course, list the course rubric and number (ex: ENGL 171), course title, and grade earned in the course. In the columns to the right, mark all content domains that were addressed in the course. Please use an “X” to indicate the area in the box. You may mark more than one domain for a single course. This section addresses the Montana Rule for Teacher Education PEPP content standards.

Elementary Education Personal Statement

Applicants to the MAT program Elementary Education track will use the attached TEMPLATE to complete the required personal statement as part of the application process. There are three required prompts to be addressed. Please address each prompt in 500 words or less. 

  • Describe your previous work history, academic preparation, and work with children or adolescents

  • Describe the unique characteristics, academic abilities, and personal traits that qualify you to become an Elementary K8 teacher

  • Describe why you want to enter the teaching profession, and what you expect to encounter as an Elementary K8 teacher