The Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics hosts an academic research seminar series throughout the academic year that features presentations of scholarly research on myriad economics-related topics by researchers from other universities and institutions.

Volunteers and recommendations for future seminars may be submitted to Diane Charlton at or Mariana Carrera at

Fall 2024 Schedule
September 6, 2024
3:15 pm - 4:30 pm     
301 Linfield Hall
Geneva Graduate Institute
August 30, 2024                            
3:15 pm - 4:30 pm                          
301 Linfield Hall                  
Dr. Benjamin Chartrock, Assistant Professor, Bentley University                                                      


Past Seminars

Spring 2024

  • Dr. Rich Patterson,Brigham Young University, "Intergenerational Transmission of Occupation: Lessons from the United States Army"

  • Dr. David Neumark, University of California-Irvine
  • Dr. Maria Zhu, Syracuse University, "New Findings on Racial Bias in Teacher's Evaluations of Student Achievement"
  • Dr. Ariel Ortiz-Bobea, Cornell University

Spring 2023

  • Dr. Patrick Baylis, University of British Columbia, presents "Mandated vs. Voluntary Adaptation to Natural Disasters: The Case of U.S. Wildfires"
  • Dr. Dean Lueck, Indiana University, presents "The Institutional Legacy of the Mexican Rancho System in California"
  • Dr. Michael Frakes, Duke University, presents "Racial Concordance & the Quality of Medical Care: Evidence from the Military"
  • Dr. Michael Farmer, Texas Tech, presents "Racial Bias in Property Taxation in Atlanta"
  • Dr. Andrew Barr, Texas A&M, presents "Which Workers Left the Labor Force Post-COVID Recession and Why"
  • Dr. Faraz Dadgostari, MSU Industrial Engineering, presents "Agent-based models to simulate COVID spread and study individuals' choice of protective behaviors."
  • Dr. Bruce Wydick, University of San Francisco, presents "Mortality from Nestlé's Marketing of Infant Formula in Low and Middle-Income Countries"
  • Dr. Olga Stoddard, Brigham Young University, presents "The Economics of the Gender Pay Gap"
  • Dr. Olga Stoddard, Brigham Young University, presents "Who you Gonna Call?: Gender Inequality in Demand for Parental Involvement"
  • Dr. Alberto Ortego, Indiana University, presents "The Impact of Affirmative Action Litigation on Police Killings of Civilians"

Fall 2022

  • Dr. Marshall Burke, Stanford, presents "The Risk and Burden of Wildfire in the U.S."
  • Dr. Justin Sydnor, UW-Madison, presents "The Impact of Consequence Information on Insurance Choice"
  • Dr. Jonathan Colmer, UVA, presents "Air Pollution and Economic Opportunity in the United States"
  • Dr. Rebecca Dizon-Ross, Chicago Booth, presents "The Effectiveness of Personalized Policy"
  • Zachary Sturman, Vanderbilt, presents "The Effects of Cannabis Access Laws on Sleep"