Quiz Preview option allows users to test the accuracy of content and grading before a quiz is released. When in the preview function, the user can check quiz format, answer quiz questions, view allowed hints, and submit the quiz.

When submitting the preview quiz, users can choose to have the quiz graded or not. If electing to grade the submission, after submission and dependent on submission settings/timing, users can see graded views and submission parameters.

How to access Quiz Preview

Every quiz that is created has a preview function.

To preview a quiz after a quiz has been created in the system.

  1. Go into a course in the Brightspace system.
  2. Select the "Quizzes" link off the course nav bar.

Brightspace screenshot - 20_22_04 - select the "Quizzes" link on the course nav bar to access quizzes area


Select to Preview from the Manage Quizzes page.

  1. On the Manage Quizzes page.
  2. Select the action caret to the right of the quiz name.
  3. Select "Preview" from the contextual menu.

Brightspace screenshot - 20_22_04 - in "Manage Quizzes" area select to "Preview"


Note: When creating a quiz users can also select to preview a quiz from the quiz editing page.

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Take a Quiz Preview

Users are able to start, take, and submit a quiz via the "Preview Quiz" process. A quiz preview can be graded or ungraded dependent on user preference.

After electing to "Preview" a quiz, users start the quiz.

  1. The preview page identifies the quiz that is to be previewed.
    • "Bypass Restrictions" is selected by default.
  2. User can stop the preview at any point by selecting the "Exit Preview" button on the right hand side.
  3. The user who is previewing the quiz is identified.
  4. Selecting the "Start Quiz" button sets the process in motion.

Brightspace screenshot - 20_22_04 - on the "Preview Quiz" page select to start the quiz


When a quiz is actively being taken...

  1. The quiz being previewed is identified.
    • Quiz parameters are displayed and includes available time for the quiz, how much time is left in the preview session, and what number of preview attempt is currently being taken.
  2. Quiz details related to how many questions there are, how many questions have been taken currently, and how many answers have been saved.
    • Questions display towards the middle of the page.
    • Selections of question/answers are accessible and displayed.
    • Quiz display and behavior is dependent on how the quiz has been set up to function.
  3. After the quiz has been taken (to whatever extent), the user selects the "Submit Quiz" button.
    • This is the first of two "Submit Quiz" button selections that are made to complete the quiz submission process.
    • Selecting the "Submit Quiz" button results in the display of the "Quiz Submission Confirmation" area (contains second "Submit Quiz" button).

Brightspace screenshot - 20_22_04 - after taking the quiz select the "Submit Quiz" button


To leave the preview as un-graded.

Default: Leaving the preview attempt as un-graded.

  1. The quiz being previewed is identified.
    • After the first "Submit Quiz" button has been selected (as above), the "Quiz Submission Confirmation" area displays.
    • "Quiz Submission Confirmation" verbiage advises the user that the quiz is about to be submitted and that once the submission takes place the user cannot return to the quiz.
    • A second "Submit Quiz" button is visible for selection.
  2. To leave the preview attempt un-graded, the "Allow this preview attempt to be graded in the Grade Quiz area." checkbox is left blank.
    • This is the "Default" behavior when submitting a quiz preview.
    • After submission of the preview, the "Default View" (found on the "Submissions View" tab of a quiz being edited) will typically display.
  3. The "Submit Quiz" button is selected.
    • Final quiz submission from the "Quiz Submission Confirmation" display area.
    • Selecting "Back to Questions" button returns the user to the first stage of the submission process (as illustrated in the graphic above).
    • Upon selection of the "Submit Quiz" button, the attempt will be submitted and will not be graded.

Brightspace screenshot - 20_22_04 - select to "Submit Quiz" or select "Back to Questions" to continue taking the quiz; also, allow preview attempt to be graded or not


To have the preview graded, user selects to allow the attempt to be graded.

Optional user choice adjustment: Setting the preview attempt to be graded.

  1. The quiz being previewed is identified.
  2. To have the preview attempt graded, the "Allow this preview attempt to be graded in the Grade Quiz area." checkbox is selected.
    • "Allow this preview attempt to be graded..." is NOT selected by Default - if user wants to allow the attempt to be graded the checkbox must be selected before submitting the quiz.
    • Selecting the information Question mark provides information related to the function of the checkbox.
  3. The "Submit Quiz" button is selected.
    • Final quiz submission from the "Quiz Submission Confirmation" display area.

Brightspace screenshot - 20_22_04 - select to "Submit Quiz" or select "Back to Questions" to continue taking the quiz; also, allow preview attempt to be graded or not

Note: Any preview attempt made will display submission view results regardless of whether the preview attempt is un-graded or graded. When a preview attempt is made, the active submission view (whether default or additional) will display. If the preview is un-graded one attempt only will display when multiple previews take place. If a preview is graded it will add an attempt for each graded attempt that is made.

Selecting to grade the preview can lend more specific insight into quiz behavior related to quiz grading. When grading is enabled, quiz preview attempts that display additionally created submission views or adjusted "Default" views can help the user better understand quiz submission view behavior that the learners will encounter.

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After a Preview is submitted

When a user Previews a quiz and makes a submission ("Submit Quiz"), the submission view associated with the quiz displays the results. Typically, the unchanged "Default" view associated with the quiz displays.

The submission view displayed is dependent on variables related to submission settings (i.e. whether a changed or unchanged "Default View" or a created "Additional Views" is being used). Timing related to the use or non-use of "Additional Views" submission setup(s) also effects the display related to a preview occurrence.

This documentation shows an example of a "Submissions View > Default View" that has not been changed. A submission view always displays regardless of whether the preview is graded or not.

An unchanged Brightspace "Submissions View > Default View" is released immediately after a quiz is submitted. A standard "Default View" does not show any questions and shows the overall attempt score.

Basic "Default View" display:

  1. The "Quiz Submissions" page displays specific to the quiz that has been previewed.
  2. User name is displayed along with "Attempt" number and the specifics related to when the preview attempt was written.
    • "Submission View" displays the message included in the "Default View" found in the "Submission Views" area when creating or editing a quiz. (Your quiz has been submitted successfully.)
  3. The "Attempt Score:" from the preview displays.
  4. Selecting "Done" exits the user from the current submission view of the attempt.

Brightspace screenshot - 20_22_04 - "Quiz Submissions" page displays with 'default' submissions view

If the "Default View" has been changed on the "Submissions View" tab when editing a quiz, then the changed "Default View" is the view that will be observed after the preview attempt is submitted.

Selecting "Done" after viewing results of a submission.

  1. The "Quiz Submissions" page displays results from the previewed quiz.
    • Selecting the action caret to the right of "Quiz Submissions - Name of quiz " reveals a contextual drop menu allowing user to select to access "Summary" or Reports" view related to the previewed quiz.
  2. Selecting "Exit Preview" will stop the preview at any point.
  3. One or more preview attempts will display in the table.
    • If a preview is graded, an attempt will show for every attempt made.
    • If a preview is un-graded, one attempt will show when any attempt is made.
      • Subsequent previews change the time stamp of the attempt.
    • In this example, no numerator is displayed in the grade section due to selections made in the Assessments phase of quiz creation.

Brightspace screenshot - 20_22_04 - attempts made display in the "Individual Attempts" table - can select to "Exit Preview" at any point

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Submission View Behavior

The submission view that is displayed after a preview is submitted depends on variables related to submission settings associated with the quiz. This includes "Submission Views > Default View" status and timing related to the use of "Additional" submission views which can "override" the "Submission Views > Default View" status.

Multiple conditions that can be applied to submission views will lead to various types of behavior when a user is previewing a quiz.

For instance:

  • If the "Edit Quiz > Submissions Views > Default View" is changed/adjusted to be different than the "normal" "Default View" set, then that is the view that will display immediately after submission of a preview.
  • Different views determined by any "Additional Views" set up in the submissions area can behave differently as well. This relies on timing aspects more than any other factor:
    • The "Default View" can be overridden by an "Additional View" view dependent on timing:
      • If the additional submission view is created in the future of a "today's date" (i.e. present date and time the user is working in the system), then the "Default View" will remain as the submission view that displays.
      • If the additional submission view is set to appear prior to a "today's date" (i.e. present date and time the user is working in the system), then the additional submission view will display after the preview attempt has been completed.


Example of an "Edit Quiz > Submission Views > Additional Views" display which includes showing all questions, question selections, correct and incorrect answer indicators, question score and attempt score display:

Brightspace screenshot - 20_22_04 - typical display related to the use of an "Additional View" that shows question answers


Select this link to access information related to how to create an "Additional Submission View" using the "Submission Views" tab associated with a quiz that is being edited.


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Reset Preview Attempts

If preview attempts are set to be graded and multiple previews take place, each preview attempt completed will create an attempt that is recorded and lodged in the "Quiz Submissions" page.

To delete the "Attempts" of the previews made, the user can "Reset" the attempts.

To "Reset" preview attempts user goes to the quiz "Grade" area.

  1. At the "Manage Quizzes" area.
  2. Select the action caret associated with the quiz to be worked on.
  3. Select "Grade" from the contextual drop menu.

Brightspace screenshot - 20_22_04 - access "Grade" area from contextual menu


Use "Search Options" to search for preview attempts.

  1. In the "Grade Quiz - XXX" area for the quiz to be worked on.
  2. Select "Users who have previewed attempts." from the "Restrict to" drop menu.

Brightspace screenshot - 20_22_04 - expand "Users > Restrict to" and select "Users who have previewed attempts"


After selecting to search for preview attempts, execute the search.

  1. In the "Grade Quiz - XXX" area for the quiz to be worked on.
  2. Select the "Magnifying  Glass" icon to make the search run.
  3. Make sure the "Users who have previewed attempts" is the search restriction.

Brightspace screenshot - 20_22_04 - select the magnifying glass icon to run the search


Attempts from previews display.

  1. In the "Grade Quiz - XXX" area for the quiz to be worked on.
  2. The view will show preview attempts by user.
  3. The preview attempts display associated with the user who made the preview attempts.

Brightspace screenshot - 20_22_04 - the Table displays the users who have previewed attempts as well as the attempts that have been made


Reset the attempts that the user wishes to remove.

  1. In the "Grade Quiz - XXX" area for the quiz to be worked on.
  2. The view will show preview attempts by user.
  3. Select the checkboxes next to the attempts to reset and select the "Reset" button.


Brightspace screenshot - 20_22_04 - sect the checkboxes associated with the attempts and select to "Reset"

The attempts will disappear.


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Links will open in a new tab or window dependent on browser/OS configuration.

What dialog boxes look like and how dialog boxes and browsers interact is dependent upon the operating system and browser being used. The screenshots in this tutorial may differ from the screen that the user is viewing when performing actions described.

CD 202206