Degrees HeldBeck

B.S. Environmental Science – Geospatial Analysis; Montana State University, 2021

Degree Sought:

M.S. Earth Sciences

Advisor :

Dr. Eric Sproles

Research Project:

Modeling Water Storage Capacities in Mountain Environments Using UAV Technologies

Preferred Email Address:

Research and Professional Experience:

  • NASA Intern – Montana Space Grant, NASA ABoVE Program
  • Undergraduate Research Assistant – Geospatial Analysis of Snow, Water, and Ice Resources Lab (GeoSWIRL)

Publications and Presentations:

Co-Authored Presentations

  • Holocene Paleoclimate and Ground Penetrating Radar Studies of Two Ice Patches on the Beartooth Plateau
  • High-Resolution vegetation and thermal mapping can accurately capture spatial variability in carbon fluxes in a boreal wetland ecosystem
  • An assessment of highly variable prairie snow from multiple sensing platforms

Conference Presentations

AGU Fall 2021 Poster Presenter

Honors and Awards:

  • 2021 MSU Award of Excellence
  • 2021 MSU Land Resources and Environmental Science Outstanding Graduating Senior Award
  • 2021 Honors Baccalaureate – Cum Laude