Recent Events

"Shakespeare in the Treasure State: From Archives to Outdoor Performances," Online Community Event, Gretchen Minton and Kevin Brustuen
March 24, 2021
Partial recording posted here. Sponsored by the Ivan Doig Center at Montana State University.

Winning the Vote: Western Women and the 19th Amendment, Mary Murphy
February 8, 2021
Sponsored by the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Montana State University.

College of Letters and Science Distinguished Speakers Series, Todd Miller
November 12, 2019
Sponsored by the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, the Fostering Effective Oral Communication Skills for STEM Graduate Students, the Liberal Studies Program, the Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences, the Department of Ecology, and the Ivan Doig Center

Can’t Stand Still: Taylor Gordon’s Journey from Montana to the Harlem Renaissance by Professor Michael Johnson

The Story of Jane: How an Obscure Black Woman Changes American History by Professor Quincy D. Newell

Toxic Swaggers and the Case of Ecological Masculinities by Professor Paul Pule
September 23, 2019
Sponsored by the MSU Department of History and Philosophy and the Ivan Doig Center

Doig/Stegner Writer’s Workshop

2019 Wallace Stegner Symposium

40th Anniversary Celebration of This House of Sky

Memories and Legacies of World War I: Commemorating the Armistice

Our Shared Place: The Present and Future of Recreation in Greater Yellowstone

(re)Envisioning the Outdoors: Exploring the Intersection of Identity and Public Lands
April 22, 2018
Sponsored by the MSU's Queer Straight Alliance and the Ivan Doig Center

Jessie Wilber: A Pioneer of Modernism in Montana at the Helen E. Copeland Gallery
March 22, 2018
Sponsored by MSU's College of Arts and Architecture and the Ivan Doig Center

The Living Legacies of Elouise Cobell Yellow Bird Woman
October 12, 2017
Sponsored by MSU's Native American Studies Department, and Native Land Project and the Ivan Doig Center

Doig Symposium - Doig Country: Imagining Montana and the West
September 13-16, 2017
Sponsored by the Ivan Doig Center

Wilson in Wilson - Fred Wilson and Architecture at Montana State College
April 21, 2017
Sponsored by the Ivan Doig Center

The Festival of the West: A Celebration of Research
April 20, 2017
Sponsored by the Ivan Doig Center

The West, The Movies, and Society
Sponsored by MSU's School of Film and Photography and the Ivan Doig Center

High Noon - The Hollywood BlackList and Making of an American Classic
March 30, 2017
Sponsored by the Ivan Doig Center

Digital Humanities Workshop
November 3, 2016
Sponsored by the MSU Library and the Ivan Doig Center
Tea and Revolution Dialogue Series - Building Community through Historic Preservation
September 11-17, 2016
Sponsored by the Ivan Doig Center
The past Western Film Series sponsored by the Ivan Doig Center.