e-mail: igodwin@montana.edu

phone: 406.994.2677


M.S. (in progress) (Industrial & Management Systems Engineering) - Montana State University

C.A.S. (CNC Machining Technology) - Montana State University

C.A.S. (Welding Technology) - Montana State University

Ed.D. (Higher Education Administration) – Montana State University

M.S. (Earth Sciences) – Montana State University

B.A. (Geography) – University of Washington

After graduating from the University of Washington, Ian served as an Officer in the United States Marines Corps. Upon resigning his commission, Ian moved to Bozeman to pursue a master’s degree in the Earth Sciences. From 1992 until 2008, Ian worked seasonally/full-time/occasionally (at various points in time) as an instructor and course director for the Colorado Outward Bound School. After completing all of the requirements for the master’s degree except his thesis, Ian moved to the greater Washington, D.C. area to teach middle school science for two years. Regaining his geographic sense he returned to Bozeman and served as the Assistant Headmaster of a small independent school for a year prior to beginning work at Montana State University in 1999 (and completing his thesis, The Physiographic Components of Trail Erosion, in 2000). After assisting in the development of the grant proposal for the Northern Plains Transition to Teaching program and the awarding of the grant in 2002, he assumed the duties as Administrative Program Manager. In 2006 Ian accepted a position in the College of Nursing as the Director of Administration and Finance, providing him with greater opportunity to apply his training in higher education administration. In December of 2008 Ian completed his dissertation, Distance Delivered Education at Montana State University - Supplementing or Supplanting Campus Registrations: An Exploration of Changing Patterns Over Time, and was awarded a doctoral degree in education. In 2013, Ian transitioned once again and became the Assistant Director (subsequently promoted to Associate Director in 2019) of University Data & Analytics at MSU.

As an Assistant Teaching Professor, Ian has taught courses in change management in the Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering graduate program, research methods, the history and philosophy of higher education, the organization and administration of higher education, finance and administration in higher education, and distance education at the graduate level in the Department of Education at MSU, and undergraduate research methods for seven years in the Department of Political Science.

In his spare time, Ian enjoys taking pleasure in the company of his family and friends, squirt boating, whitewater kayaking, skiing, biking, occasionally ice climbing, etc., or contemplating his various house, bike and motorcycle projects.

Recent Publications

  • McCallum, M., Godwin, I., Ma, J., Barlow, H., Kottawa Gamage, D., & McCrory, B. (2023). Impact of Mentoring Relationships on Perceived Quality Of Life among Engineering Graduate Students. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 67(1). Available at https://doi.org/10.1177/21695067231192556
  • Harmon, P., McKnight, S., Hildreth, L., Godwin, I., Greenwood, M. (2019). An Alternative to the Carnegie Classifications: Identifying Similar Institutions with Structural Equation Models and Clustering. Statistics and Public Policy: v. 6 i. 1
  • Godwin, I. C. (2008). Distance Delivered Education at Montana State University - Supplementing or Supplanting Campus Registrations: An Exploration of Changing Patterns Over Time (Doctoral dissertation, Montana State University, 2008). (UMI No. 3337096) Available at: http://etd.lib.montana.edu/etd/view/item.php?id=827

  • Lockhart, M. & Godwin, I. C. (2007). Transforming how Courses are Delivered: Providing a Foundation for Faculty in how to Design Effective Distance Education Classes. Journal of Faculty Development. 21(2).

  • Godwin, I. C. (2007). GRE Variability between Departments: Decentralizing to have Inputs Match Output? [White paper]. Available on request.

  • Johnson, J. D. & Godwin, I. C. (2006). Ice Climbing. In R. Buckley (ed.), Adventure Tourism. Oxford: CABI Publishing.

  • Godwin, I. C. (2000). Physiographic Components of Trail Erosion. Unpublished master's thesis, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT. Available at: http://etd.lib.montana.edu/etd/view/item.php?id=195