Organization charts are available for the President's and Vice Presidents' offices.

Central Administration

  • President: Waded Cruzado
  • Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost: Bob Mokwa
  • Vice President for Research and Economic Development: Alison Harmon
  • Vice President for Administration & Finance: Terry Leist
  • Vice President for Student Success: Steve Swinford
  • Vice President for Information Technology/CIO: Ryan Knutson
  • Vice President for Agriculture: Sreekala Bajwa
  • Vice President of University Communications: Tracy Ellig
  • Chief Data Officer: Jason Browning
  • Executive Director, Extension: Cody Stone
  • Executive Director, Museum of the Rockies: Christopher Dobbs
  • Senior Diversity & Inclusion Officer: Ariel Donohue
  • Vice Provost: Durward Sobek
  • Vice Provost, Curriculum, Accreditation & Assessment: Tracy Dougher, Interim
  • Vice Provost, Allen Yarnell Center for Student Success: Carina Beck
  • Assistant Provost: Deborah Blanchard
  • President and Chief Executive Officer, MSU Foundation: Fran Albrecht
  • Associate Vice President for Budgets & Financial Services: Megan Lasso
  • Associate Vice President for Auxiliary Services: Duane Morris
  • Associate Vice President for University Services: John How
  • Associate Vice President of Student Wellness: Amber Long
  • Chief Human Resources Officer: Jeannette Grey Gilbert
  • Associate Chief Information Officer: Adam Edelman
  • Associate Vice President for Research: Craig Ogilvie
  • Associate Vice President for Research Administration: Sandy Sward
  • Associate Vice President for Research Development: Liz Shanahan


  • Agriculture: Sreekala Bajwa
  • Arts & Architecture: Dean Adams
  • Business: Brian Gillespie
  • Education, Health & Human Development: Tricia Seifert
  • Engineering: Brett Gunnink
  • Gallatin College: Stephanie Gray
  • Graduate School: Craig Ogilvie
  • Honors: Durward Sobek, Interim
  • International Programs: Dan Miller, Interim
  • Letters & Science: Yves Idzerda
  • Library: Doralyn Rossmann
  • Nursing: Sarah Shannon
  • Students: Matthew Caires

Assistant and Associate Deans

  • Agriculture, Associate Dean: Jennifer Thomson
  • Agriculture, Assistant Dean of Research: Darrin Boss
  • Agriculture, Assistant Dean: Liz Greenfield
  • Arts & Architecture. Associate Dean: Jim Zimpel
  • Arts & Architecture. Assistant Dean: Jen Dunn
  • Business, Associate Dean: Maritza Espina

  • Business, Assistant Dean of Student Services & Retention: Brenda Truman

  • Education, Health & Human Development, Associate Dean for Scholarship Development and Academic Impact: Mary Miles
  • Education, Health & Human Development, Senior Assistant Dean, Director of Student Success: Kayte Kaminski
  • Education, Health & Human Development, Assistant Dean: Joe Hicks
  • Engineering, Associate Dean for Student Success: Christine Foreman
  • Engineering, Associate Dean of Research, Economic Development and Graduate Education: Jeff Heys
  • Engineering, Assistant Dean for Student Success and Retention: Jennifer Clark
  • Gallatin College, Associate Dean: Sarah Maki
  • Honors College, Assistant Dean: Steven Davis
  • Letters & Science, Associate Dean for Student Success and Curriculum: David Cherry
  • Letters & Science, Associate Dean for Faculty and College Affairs: Dean: Michelle Miley
  • Nursing, Associate Dean, Academic Programs: Susan Raph
  • Nursing, Associate Dean for Research: Molly Secor
  • Nursing, Assistant Dean for Academic Programs: Paul Swift
  • Library, Assistant Dean: Christina Trunnell
  • Students, Associate Dean: Bill McKenney
  • Students, Senior Assistant Dean; Panhellenic Advisor: Parent Family Association, Director:  Erin Macdonald Peck
  • Students, Assistant Dean; Interfraternity Advisor: Amber King

Department Heads

College of Agriculture

  • Agricultural Economics & Economics: Eric Belasco
  • Agricultural & Technology Education: Dustin Perry
  • Animal & Range Sciences: Carl Yeoman
  • Land Resources & Environmental Sciences: Bob Peterson
  • Microbiology & Cell Biology: Jovanka Voyich
  • Plant Sciences & Plant Pathology: Mike Giroux
  • Agricultural Experiment Station Research Centers: Jessica Torrion

College of Arts & Architecture

  • Architecture: Michael Everts, Interim
  • Art: Josh DeWeese, Interim
  • Film and Photography: Alexis Pike, Interim
  • Music: Jason Bolte

College of Education, Health & Human Development

  • Counseling: Rebecca Koltz
  • Education: Lauren Davis
  • Food Systems, Nutrition & Kinesiology: Dawn Tarabochia
  • Human Development & Community Health: Michelle Grocke

College of Engineering

  • Chemical & Biological Engineering: Abbie Richards
  • Civil Engineering: Craig Woolard
  • Computer Science: John Paxton
  • Electrical & Computer Engineering: Todd Kaiser
  • Mechanical & Industrial Engineering: Dilpreet Bajwa
  • Military Aerospace Studies: Lt. Col. Zachary Hegedish
  • Military Science, Army: LTC Christopher L'Heureux

College of Letters and Science

  • Agricultural Economics & Economics: Eric Belasco
  • Chemistry & Biochemistry: Joan Broderick
  • Earth Sciences: David Varricchio
  • Ecology: Diane Debinski
  • English: Kate Ryan
  • History & Philosophy: Susan Cohen
  • Mathematical Sciences: Beth Burroughs
  • Modern Languages and Literatures: Galen Brokaw
  • Native American Studies: Walter Fleming
  • Physics: John Neumeier
  • Political Science: Eric Austin
  • Psychology: Benjamin Clegg
  • Sociology & Anthropology: Cody Warner

College of Nursing

  • Billings Campus: Debbie Fischer
  • Bozeman Campus: Kim Kusak
  • Great Falls Campus: Susan Luparell
  • Kalispell Campus: Kaki Mendius
  • Missoula Campus: Tracey Koch


  • Academic Technology and Outreach: Kimberly Obbink
  • Accounting and Financial Reporting: Hannah Friedrich
  • Accounts Payable:  Bob Eichenberger
  • Admissions: Mike Ouert
  • Agricultural Experiment Station: Sreekala Bajwa
  • Area Health Education Center and Office of Rural Health: Kristin Juliar
  • Athletics: Leon Costello
  • Audit Services: Brad White
  • Blackstone Launchpad: Trevor Huffmaster
  • Campus Civil Rights: Kyleen Breslin
  • Center for Biofilm Engineering: Matthew Fields
  • Center for Faculty Excellence: Michael Babcock
  • Center for Mental Health Research and Recovery: Matt Kuntz
  • Central Operations (University Services): Chris Catlett
  • Conference & Event Services: Toni Lee
  • Counseling & Psychological Services: Betsy Asserson
  • Culinary Services: Richard Huffman
  • Disability Services: Mike McNeil
  • Emergency Management: Hayley Gerow
  • Employee and Labor Relations:
  • Facilities Services: E.J. Hook
  • Financial Aid Services: James Broscheit
  • Fiscal Shared Services:  Ben Dahlke
  • Four-H: Terry Antilley
  • Graduate Admissions: Melis Edwards
  • Institute on Ecosystems: Andrew Hansen
  • Legal Counsel: Kellie Peterson
  • Liberal Studies: Bridget Kevane
  • Local Government Center: Dan Clark
  • Mail Services: Jennie Miller
  • McNair Scholars: Josh Meyer
  • Montana Manufacturing Extension Center: Paddy Fleming
  • MSU Web & Digital Communications: Philip Gales
  • MSU-TechLink: Brett Cusker
  • OpTec: Joseph Shaw
  • Planning, Design and Construction: Grant Petersen
  • Procurement: Brian O'Connor
  • Recreational Sports and Fitness: Spencer Sorensen
  • Registrar: Tony Campeau
  • Research Development: Nicole Motzer
  • Safety & Risk Management: Ryan Brickman, Interim
  • Sponsored Programs: Dale Huls
  • Sports Facilities: Chris Hayden
  • Strand Union: Butch Damberger
  • Student Accounts: Joe Young
  • Thermal Biology Institute: Brent Peyton
  • TRiO Student Support Services: Julian Collins
  • University Budgets: MacKenzie Seeley
  • University Housing Services: Jeff Bondy
  • University Marketing: Julie Kipfer
  • University Police: Michael Stanley
  • University Studies: Emily Edwards
  • Veterans Services: Todd Bucher
  • Water Resources Center: Duncan Patten, Interim
  • Western Transportation Institute: David Kack
  • Wheeler Center: Scott Guenther
  • Women's Center: Betsy Danforth
  • WWAMI/Medical Education Program: Brant Shumaker